Chapter 12

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"You know what?! I've had enough of this!" She screams. "Our children's lives could be at stake because of you!" I slowly and quietly step out of bed. Mom and dad had been fighting for awhile now. I was starting to worry if things would get better. Ryan. Ryan was always my comfort in these situations. Would he mind if I stayed in his room again tonight?

Opening the bedroom door, I find Ryan perched at the top of the stairs. Tears streaked down his face as he turns towards me. I had never seen him cry before. And it hurt me that whatever was going on, was hurting him. He motioned his hand in a 'Come here' gesture. I slowly got over to where he was and sat down beside him. He pulled me closer and we watched our parents argue.

"All because I drink don't mean anything!" He yelled back. "I'm not gonna do anything to them!"

"But how should I know? What if I'm not around to be your punching bag, and you take it out on them?! Huh? What then?!"

"Then it happens!" He throws his hands in the air, stumbling around a bit. A beer bottle was in his hand.

"No. It's going to happen." A tear rolls down moms face. "I'm done. I'm done with you and your fucking drinking addictions and anger issues. I'm taking the children and leaving tomorrow."

Dad then steps closer to her and slaps her. "How dare you try and take my children away

from me!" He then takes his beer bottle and smashed it on top of her head, causing mom to fall to the ground. I let out a gasp, but Ryan put his hand over my mouth from further noises.

"Do whatever you want to me." Mom looks up at him, blood runnig down her face. "But down hurt them."

"I'll do what I want, when I want." Next thing I knew mom was lying unconcious on the ground. And I didn't know what to do. It took everything I had to restrain myself from screaming out for help. But what I was really scared about, was what was happening next. Within seconds, dad had grabbed both of us by our shirts and were thrown down the stairs.

My head ached from the impact of the metal coffee table crashing against my skull. Everything was going blurry. No matter how much I tried to adjust my eyes, the worse it got.

"Dad. Please." Ryan pleaded. "You don't know what you're doing."

"Oh I know exactly what I'm doing." He clenched his fists into a ball. "And I'm starting with her first." ...

'Beep! Beep! Be-' I shut off my alarm. Why I set it, I have no idea. But I'm sure as hell glad it did go off. I haven't been sleeping very well lately. Ever since Kat brought up my mother I've been having nightmares. Or memories I guess you could call it. But I prefer nightmares. It sounds more fitting.

"Hannah?" Brendon shifts under the covers. "You alright?' He says tiredly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to sleep." I smile, even though he can't see me. It gave myself a sense of comfort. I quickly and quietly get out of bed and call Ryan.

"Hello?" He says groggily.

"Ryan, I've been having nightmares again." I explain to him what had happened. And by the time I was finished, I was in tears.

"You're thinking about it too much." He replies. "Just wait it out, and see if they start to go away. They always will." The dreams maybe. But the memories, no. I decide to do as he said. But for now, I have to get my mind off some things. That second, my phone rings. Looking at the caller ID, I see that its Kat. Perfect timing.

"Hey girl!" She says over-joyed. "You ready to go get your dress?" Crap. I completely forgot about that.

"Give me twenty minutes." I reply and I hung up the phone. I quickly grab a pair of clothes and take a shower.

By the time I'm done, Brendon was sitting up on the bed, staring at the wall. "Hey babe." I walk over, sitting next to him.

"Hey." He says back.

"Kat wants me to go with her for dress shopping. I'll be back in a few hours." I smile and kiss him before exiting the room.


"How about this one?!" She says handing me the dress. I swear I've tried a million dresses so far. She sees them hanging beautifully on the rack and thinks it will be the perfect one. But once I try it on, its always an, 'Not your style.', or 'I don't like it.' First of all, its MY wedding. And second of all, I really could care less if I had a dress or not. Skinny jeans and a band tee would suit me better. But no. I have to sit here and try on dresses for hours.

"I kinda liked the one I had on before." I say, just wanting to get it and leave.

"No. No. No. Last one, and this time I swear it will be gorgeous on you." She hands it to me. And I, of course, go and try it on. But to tell you the truth, I think she was right.

"Beautiful!" She squeals happily. It wasn't all black like we had intended, and let me tell you, Kat made it clear that it would be a black wedding dress. But it was still beautiful. It was a sleeveless silk dress, with black roses embroidered on both the bottom and the top. Not too much to be overpowering. Yet not too little to not be seen.

"Perfect." The store clerk says. All I could do was smile. Damn, Kat is good.

"This is the one." Kat says. "I'm paying."

"I can't let you do that."

"I'll make you a deal. I pay for your wedding dress, and you pay for my bridesmaid dress."

"Fine. Lets just pay and get out of here. For once, I'm starving." I go back into the stall and get out of the dress carefully and put my other clothes back on.

"Alright. All done." Kat says as I walk out of the stall. "Now lets go get something to eat."


"Thanks for all of this." I say, getting out of the car. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem doll." She smiles and drives off. I walk up to the house and up to the door.

Once I get inside, I set down my keys and turn around to find a woman standing on the kitchen. She had her back turned to me, so I wasn't able to see her face. That second, Brendon walks downstairs in just his boxers and his hair a mess. He stops dead in his tracks as soon as he sees me. His eyes grew wide.

"Hannah, I can explain."

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now