Chapter 3: Melissa4 + Titan = Fate?

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I got home via aunt car today and I dashed to my room. I took out a page and slammed it on my desk. I make MineCraft styled (Diggin' MineCraft Style! Heeey sexy piggy!!! Whup whup whup whup whup-) drawings of stuff when I feel like making them, no matter what I'm doing, no matter what it is, no matter who is around me. I do it anyway. I took a pencil from my pocket and started sketching the image in my mind before it fled and never came back again ever. After a couple of minutes, I slammed my pencil on the desk and gasped "Done!" I stared at the result.

Me and Titan high fiving, that's not bad. Me and Titan hugging, okay I guess. Me and Titan kissing- whoa what?! I can't like this guy, he's a threat to anyone who calls him Adam (guilty), I just met him (by that I mean get the extra guts to talk to him), and most of all out of everything... He likes creepers more than enders! (GASP! DUNDUNDUNNN!!!!!!) People like that are a disgrace... A total disgrace! That' all he is. A complete disgrace!

Holy shit, I really like him, don't I?

I decided to clear my mind off that and went on MineCraft. I typed "" quickly on the direct connect server bar and logged on mid-roleplay. I roleplay on that server at a guy's plot. The guy's pretty good for roleplay stuff. His username is fournie69. |Mid A/N: This is a real thing. Go check out his place! Maybe join! I love how I just paused the story to say that| I texted "(Hey guys!)" and everyone greeted me in return. Some noobs who didn't know who I was said "Hey Mels" without the parentheses. They just broke a rule: When talking out of rp, use parentheses! I started roleplaying using my primary character, Endscrow. I'm writing a book called The Monster Children on wattpad that has her. Then I had to play a part using a secondary character called Kronoz... who's name is rewritten from Chronus... who is a titan in Greek mythology... Titan...

Damn it! Why do I keep catching myself doing that?! Maybe fate wants me to be with him. Like a message from someone, like Bad Wolf.

I took a deep breath and logged off. Time to go to piano class.

When I got there, Mario didn't notice me walk in, so I sat down at the piano and took out my iPod Touch and started texting him.

Hey, what's up. I asked.

The roof, that's what. Titan replied.

Nice joke steal. Hey, this sounds weird but do you like anybody in class? Adam? You still there?


Titan! I called you Titan!*

That's what I thought.

Answer my question.

Why would you want to know? It's not like it matters.

I'm just curious.

Nobody. Ever heard of Nobody?

Okay, geez, I'll stop asking. Jerk...

Tell me the real reason why you wanted to know... Do you like me?

I tensed at that one. I'm not saying.

Tell me!


Tell me now!

Mario to the rescue, he told me to put the iPod Touch away and to start with the last song we were working on.

I got up in time to get to the bus just as it was leaving. I skipped to class as I high-fived some members from the school band. I don't mean a band like drummers and trumpets. I mean a literal rock band. I didn't even bother to answer them as they "Wuzzuped" and "Heyed" me.

Hey is for horses.

I had my hands in my pockets and hoodie up as I walked into class looking down. I hope Titan didn't see me... Hopefully not behind me and ready to punch the living hell out of me.Then again, life is a living hell already. Does that mean he's punching the life out of me? Fuck me, I'm dipshit.

I tapped my pencil on the desk rhythmically for 5 minutes until Titan walked in. Did he smile at me? I looked at him and caught him looking at me back already. With the killer look in his eyes, I couldn't tell whether it was a normal look or a glare. If it's a glare, I'm going to be more screwed than Indiana Jones in a tunnel intersection where 4 boulders are coming at him from each side. That means very, very screwed indeed. I'm going to be like him, splat on the ground with my bones crushed.

"Okay, today class, we were going to have a test... But I lost them."

I heard the smart kids groan and the dumb kids whoop. I did both. Since I'm in between, I know what's going to happen. He's probably going to give us something worse. Since I'm that expectant, should I be the smartest kid in the class? I looked over to Gilbert, who was doing the same thing as I was. Guess I'm not the only one here with a brain. I didn't even dare to check if Titan was. For all I know, he knows I'm allergic to peanuts with a look at the back of my head. He might even have peanuts to shove down my throat in his lunchbox...

"So class, we're going to review 'Bud, Not Buddy' for the test tommorow. Take out your books!"

I grinned, knowing that something good came out of the day. For me, "review" means "pretend to read while mentally forming battle and counter strategies in case of a zombie apocalypse". I thought I felt the eyes of Titan burn a hole through my body.

It wasn't until the teacher said it was time to go to the "Media Center" that I noticed we were supposed to put out books away. The Media Center is a fancy, adult word for "Library". I don't think I'll ever get the False Human English. I'm remaining with the Actual Human English. We all stood up, got our library books and started to go to the "Media Center". On my way there, I got a genius idea. An idea so genius I have to write it in another paragraph so it's not infected my normal-ness.

Two words: Doctor Quackster.

I'll make an account on social media (The correct word-s- to put "Media" in!) called that. I'll convince him to follow her. Instagram. Then, I'll make memes. He'll find his and DQ's sense of humor relatable and fall in love with her, and then I'll tell him it's me after a few weeks!

There's a 50% chance of this going wrong...

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