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So chapter five is published. This story now officially qualifies for the Wattys. 15 votes for this chapter and I'll enter it. Thank you for all the support.

Hunk had arrived, and the place had gotten less serious, less dreadful, even. He had a certain innocence and niceness to him that brightened things up a bit in their dull scenario. The group was glad that he was this way, they weren't sure if they could handle another hothead. They already had Keith and Allura practically at each other's throats after the previous night. Allura was still salty about Lance hitting on her. They were in no shape to survive the apocalypse. They had to learn to work together.

"Guys I say we hold a group meeting. I have a couple of suggestions." Keith announced. They met at the electronics desk.

"We've been in this apocalypse for like, two or three days, right?" We have a generator that's giving us power. We should have it for another 6 days if we conserve it. I say we use battery powered lamps at night, and we direct all power towards the refrigerators and security cameras so that we can see what's outside, and we'll know if anything comes in."

"Wow. Those are actually good ideas, I'm impressed." Coran complimented him, giving him two thumbs up.

"I say we eat all refrigerated foods asap, so that when the generator does go out, not as much food spoils. I also say we gather some legitimate weapons, and build some of  this furniture that's in the boxes. That way we can have actual chairs and a table to eat on instead of eating on the floor with paper plates. It's starting to hurt my back." Lance  says. Everyone looks impressed.

"Everyone seems to be working well individually, but we obviously still need to fix our bonds with each other if we're going to work together." Coran pipes in, glaring at Keith and Allura.

"Guys, I say that we should have people swap out positions. Like if we had someone watching the security camera, but everyone did it for six hours and we took turns." Hunk said.

"Great idea, Hunk." Said Keith. "We should really get some weapons though. In times like this, infected people might not be our only danger." Everyone looked at him, puzzled. "People that aren't infected might break in and try to kill us, or steal our stuff, or both. We need to be aware in the event that something like that happens. Having said that, we also need to prepare in case the infected do get in. If a person fights you, they can do some damage, but if an infected even spills its blood on yours, or bites you, it's game over. We don't have a cure right now. And we don't know how long it takes someone to turn. I, for one, don't want to find out."

"There's something else I need to say." Keith added. "So you know how Lance invited a friend? Well, I invited one too. I mean, I didn't actually invite one, he doesn't even know if I'm still alive, but he's coming to look for me. He will check here eventually. Be aware in case he comes. He's really well-built, has a black crew cut with a little white piece of hair in the front of his head. He's about as tall as Coran, and he has a prosthetic arm. He shouldn't be hard to miss. He's very mature, and once he gets here, I'll step down and he'll become the official leader."

"Who ever said you were leader-" Allura began, but was stopped by Coran.

"Allura, let's not start anything." He said calmly. She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Ooooh is he your boyfriend?" Lance teased, followed by the biggest shit-eating grin Keith had ever seen.

"Dude, no. He's my brother." Keith answered.

"I thought you were an only child?" Lance questioned.

"He's not my actual brother. It's hard to explain. Our moms were best friends, and we kinda grew up together, he's the equivalent of a brother."

H O M E S I C K - Voltron Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now