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Finally back at it with this story. I got everything together and a, getting back to it. no more stalling! I am so so sorry you guys, I don't know what happened to me. I won't talk for long though. I'm sure you're eager.

It had been a busy day for everyone so far, and it was only morning. Shiro had woken the group extra early in order to fit proper strategic planning. He had been highly regarded in the past few hours and the rest of the group, despite being tired, were eager to learn from the veteran. Everyone was in an area they had called the meeting place, which consisted of just enough chairs for everybody (mostly beanbag cushions) and a table with a whiteboard next to it.

"Alright everybody, listen up," Shiro began. The crowd was half asleep, a mug of coffee in each of their hands. Shiro picked up a map of their state, hanging it on the corner of the whiteboard with magnets. "This is us." he said, circling their current location, a Walmart, in red marker. "These are our surrounding weapon shops." he circled several locations in green. "This location is closest, but it's still relatively far away, which means it's close to regular society, which means it's probably been looted for everything it has." he said, crossing it out. One by one he crossed out locations until there were two left. "These two are our best bets." he said, pointing to the only two locations left on the map. "This store is the one we're going to first because it's closer. So here's the plan. This store is roughly 60 miles away. that's give or take an hours time depending on how fast we go. I don't have a car, and the cars here aren't ideal since we're so swarmed with patients it'd be impossible to load the cars with necessities and get everyone in and start it without disruption from them. On my way here I found a parking lot with some cars. They're newer models, so I'd say they can take the journey there and back since newer cars mostly have 18 gallon tanks. We're taking two cars at least, preferably three. We need to get as much supplies as possible from that store. If the first mission is a success, we'll hit up the second store next week. Are we clear?"

"Yes" everyone said in unison. By now, everyone was standing and trying to get a good look at what Shiro was saying, they were listening to every word he said with intense interest. They all felt good about the plan. Everyone was so glad to finally have an organized group with a plan and a mission to get weapons. They just hoped it would work.

"So raise your hand if you can drive." Shiro said. Lance, Coran and Shiro raised their hands. "So there's three of us that can drive, and three that can't. Easy enough, two per car. We just need to figure out who's going with who." He put his hand up to his chin in thought. "Allura and Coran, Hunk and Lance, and Keith and I." Everyone seemed pleased with the solution. Emphasis on the word seemed.

"Can I go with someone else?" Keith muttered, half to himself, half to Shiro.

"What?" Shiro asked.

"Can I go with someone else?" Keith asked, louder this time.

Shiro was taken aback. "Uh.. um.. s-sure. I guess. Who'd you have in mind?"

"I'll go with Lance." He said, getting quieter again.

"Okay. That's fine. I guess I'll go with Allura and Hunk can go with Coran then, if we're mixing up the teams and all..."

"We'll go tomorrow. But for today I need to teach all of you the basics for survival."

H O M E S I C K - Voltron Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now