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back at it again with a new chapter, lets go.


"Does anyone know how to use a gun?" Shiro questioned, the crowd of survivors twiddling their thumbs.

Keith raised his hand. "Yeah, you taught me some stuff a while ago."

Lance raised his hand sheepishly. "Do video games count?

Shiro dismissed Lance's query. "It doesn't matter so much that you don't know how to use one right now, considering we don't have any available at the moment. But once we come back from that supply run, you're all gonna learn." He paused, taking a deep breath. "We'll have to use what we have available. Walmart is an all-purpose store, so we have variety. We have baseball bats, knives, hatchets, bows, etc. Anything you can use to hit them over the head, really. We also have-"

"I'm good with a bow." Allura blurted out.

"You are?" Shiro asked. Allura nodded. "Okay, good."

"Like I was saying, we also have the materials to craft our own weapons. That primarily includes homemade explosives. Those video games you were talking about, Lance? Can you remember any explosives they might've used?"

Lance perked up, his moment to shine had clearly arrived. "Well there's tear gas bombs, smoke bombs, grenades, frag launchers, nail bombs, molotovs; the list goes on."

"Most of these are things we can make right now. I doubt we'd be able to get our hands on grenades or tear gas, though. So I'll teach you, and you can all stock up for tomorrow."


time skip brought to you by the last of us II trailer


Shiro was leaning over Hunk's shoulder, eyeing his craftsmanship and guiding him through the basic principles of explosives. Hunk already had some background knowledge from his chemistry classes earlier in the year, so he wasn't any stranger to what he was dealing with. "You should use thinner glass bottles. I know we're short, but they need to be able to break in order to ignite." Shiro commented, seeming pleased with his knowledge. "and while you're at it, you should really put a little more motor oil in there.  And the rag doesn't need to be drenched, either. A quick dip will do the trick."

By nightfall, everyone had made an array of explosives and other homemade weapons. They had rotated positions every hour so everyone learned how to make everything, just in case they were ever on their own. Allura had found herself a bow and some arrows along with a quiver. Keith had helped himself to several knives. Lance and Shiro had taken a few knives as well, just in case. Everyone took a metal baseball bat and a duffel bag of explosives.

"Gather 'round everyone." Shiro shouted. The teens scrambled quickly in front of their leader. "This is the plan," he pointed to his white board again, the map still pinned to the edge. "We have to get to those cars outside the Walmart and spare ourselves enough time to load them with our cargo, start them up, and drive them enough to get a head start on the patients. They'll hear the cars, there's nothing we can do to prevent that. The best thing we can do is try to out-drive them. If needed, we throw a projectile at them. Everyone will get on the roof. We take all the explosives and weapons we have up there too. Keith, Hunk, and Allura will all go to the West side of the building. Your jobs are to distract as many of them as you can. Bring up some fragile ceramic or glass stuff and throw it. They'll hear it break and come running. Just do whatever you can to keep them on your side. Lance, Coran, and myself will all go to the East side of the building, where the cars are. When you have a good amount of them on your side, give us a signal and we'll start loading the cars. There'll still be a few of them on our side, but not as many. So drivers, be prepared to bash some heads in. We leave tomorrow at noon."

Everyone nodded, not bothering to mask their obvious fear. They were in no circumstances ready to do this. But they were left with no choice.

Lance and Keith sat on the roof of the building, talking and doing their best to block out the noises of the infected. Ever since their first encounter, their nightly chats had become a habit. it was calming, therapeutic even. It gave them a sense of normality they couldn't possibly get anywhere else in an apocalypse. To sit and talk about something other than plans and survival tactics was refreshing in a way. Even if they were dwelling in the past, it was still better than thinking about the future. 

"So speaking of your friends," Keith interrupted Lance's thought with a query. "How do you know Hunk? I mean, what's his story? He seems pretty quiet. If he's as scared or shaken as we are, he's damn good at hiding it."

"Yeah, I'm honestly a bit worried for him. He's not his usual self. I mean, none of us are because of what happened but..." Lance paused, looking up at the stars and taking a breath. "Hunk and I are childhood best friends. He's been living with my family for the past year because of a college he wanted to go to. His family lives out in Hawaii. His mom and my mom grew up together. He's worried about his family, obviously, like all of us are. But, there's something that's been troubling him lately. Remember when this all started a week ago, and they released the locations of the ten survival bunkers? Well, nine of them were in the forty eight states, and the tenth was in Alaska. They didn't open a bunker for any of Hawaii's islands. So he has no idea how they're doing right now."

Keith put his head in his hands. "Fuck, that sucks."

"Yeah." Lance quietly agreed.

They stared at the stars for what seemed like hours, and Lance silently wondered how many others could see them too.

"You know," Lance began. "You play games like Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, The Last Of Us, and you watch movies like Shaun Of The Dead and World War Z. And you think, 'Wow, it would be so cool to kill zombies.' and you wonder how long you'd survive." He turns to face Keith, confusion brewing in his eyes. "And then it happens. It really happens. There's infected in the streets, and you have to kill to survive. But what we all didn't think about was how we'd protect our families, what effect this would have on the world, or what effect it would have on you. We just thought about the action shots. But what do you do when you go outside and you see people being eaten alive by zombies? How are you supposed to react to that? How do I cope with the fact that I saw an adult growl and lunge at a little girl like a dog?"

Keith stared at Lance, thoughts flooding his head. He said nothing.

Hey guys! It's summer now! Expect updates to be mostly bi-weekly. I got back into the swing of things. Thank you for letting me take a much needed break to sort some stuff out. I'm so excited to get back into this story.

I'll be going back and putting links at the bottom of the chapters for the albums now that I'm back on PC. Thank you all so, so much!!!

Albums listened to while writing this chapter:

The Last Of Us OST - Gustavo Santaolalla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWsWjEvO6mg

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