The Meeting

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"Breaking News. The Silent Killer has struck again. Everyone in the Marion County area should lock their doors and stay inside.

There has been a report of a killer at large and he was late spotted in that area. I would even go as far to suggest to even turn off the lights in your house and television, so that he thinks you aren't home.

If you see him or think you've seen him contact the police immediately. He is a crazed sociopath and he doesn't care what age or gender you are. Be safe. Now on to the weather."

I turned off the TV. 

  Scary much. Like he won't enter a person's house just because the lights are off. That seems more inviting than if all the lights were on. Then he would just think you weren't home and he would really enter the place.

And how are we supposed to know if we see him or not. No one has seen him, so calling the police makes no sense. Unless the police are just going to go around and look for any male walking around the streets.

And he just had to go and kill someone while I'm home alone. I mean, I don't want him to kill anyone but gosh, he couldn't have done it when there wasn't just me and Poco here? 

"Speaking of Poco where is he?" I ranted to myself.

The Quiet Killer is all the news would talk about for the past couple of months. He got his name because every person he killed, he would cut out their tongue so they wouldn't be able to yell for help while he tortured them.

How a person could do that to someone else is terrifying to me. He leaves no witnesses and even if he did they're probably too scared to come forward in case he comes for them. Every time the cops ask for tips to help close the case, nothing comes of it.

I got off the couch and went to turn on the porch light. I made sure every window was locked and if the back door was locked which it was. I found Poco asleep on his bed so I left him be and went upstairs. I entered my bedroom, flicking on my light switch, and closed the door. I looked around my messy room and shrugged my shoulders.

Oh well I'll clean it in the morning.

I flicked back off the light and went over to my bed, laying down. I reached over to my night stand and turned on my starry night projector. The purple light filled up the room and the ceiling filled itself with stars. I made sure to set a timer on the projector before I settled back on the bed. I closed my eyes and was about to drift off to sleep until I heard a banging noise coming from downstairs.

Ok, Mahj you should know better than to go downstairs where the noise is coming from. You have watched to many horror movies, against your will, and you should know that you never go where the noise is. Unfortunately for me, I'm upstairs so in order to get out of the house I HAVE to go down the stairs.

I got up off of the bed and walked to the door, but almost bit the dust over one of my shoes on the floor.

Should've cleaned it earlier. 

I cracked the door open and peeked out. I didn't see anything happening in the hallway so it was confirmed the noise was coming from downstairs.

It sounds like they are still downstairs but I'm sure I checked every lock before I came up here.

I tiptoed near the stairs and I could still hear the banging. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.

Well then that's the place to avoid.

I tiptoed down the stairs and headed to the door.

Well I almost got to the door, the banging got closer to me, so being the dumbass I am I jumped over the couch. Thank god for carpet. My body fell with a soft thud on the floor.

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