Chapter 18

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Tori's POV

"Thanks again for driving me." I can't stop thanking Harry for the heroic deed that he did for me.

"Anytime." He flashed me a cheeky smile. "If he tries know...just call me," he hands me a small slip of paper with digits written across it. I nod and gently take the slip of paper from his hand.


"Niall? Niall, are you home?" As i swing open the front door, my voice calls out for my love.

I sprint into the kitchen, the living room, and search the entire the upstairs. No sign of him. Where did Jason take him? He couldn't have taken him anywhere. Could he? His words replay in my mind.

...he is somewhere you will never find him.

Hearing this over and over is making my knees feel weak. I soon find myself collasping to the ground. My eyes are over flowing with unwanted tears. Blinking just makes the tears roll down my cheeks. I wanted him, and once I got him I lost him. I've always dreampt of this day but never knew that it would ever end up the way it did. My memories flash into my head, causing me to cry harder and louder. My body is shaking, and im curled in a ball at the top of the stair case. I look behind me, seeing Niall's room. I crawl over to the door, pushing it to the side to let my broken self enter. I make my way over to his bed. Sitting down on the edge, I think back to when we first bought this flat.


"Oh Niall, this is beautiful!" My eyes widened as I walk through the door of the giant flat. There is a sun roof in the foyer, making the sun to enlighten the atmosphere even more.

"I love it. That's all I can say." Niall's smile is big with excitement. We both look over to the landlord who is smiling just as much as we are.

"Ok, so would you like to see the rest of the flat or are you done looking?" She asks with a low, gentle tone.

"Let's see the rest of this place." Niall looks over to me to make sure I agree. I nod and we continue our journey through the dreamy living space.

We are shown the kitchen, living room, and now we are making our way up the staircase. As soon as we get to the top, of course Niall has to call which room he wants. It just so happens to be the one just behind the staircase. He makes his way into the room, soon screaming a 'yes' and then walking out.

"I want this room, if it is ok." He gives me his famous puppy dog eyes, making my heart want to burst out of my chest.

"Fine." I give into his sad looking eyes. A sweet, childish smile spread across his face, cause me to giggle.

The land lord, Kassy, and I continue to the end of the hall. I find a bedroom for myself, since its the last good one. I could have chosen this one or the one next the bathroom. Thinking about when my parents will visit, I decide that it is a better idea for them to have their room next to bathroom.

"So," My thoughts are interrupted by Niall barging into my soon to be room. "You like the location of where you will be sleeping for the next...god only knows how long?"

"Yes, I do like it. I really like this place and its just near town. Maybe we should stop looking and buy this place." I look to the ground, worried that he will reject my offer. My worries are soon drained away as I slowly look up to see him nod his head.

"I agree, I like it here too."

Without thinking, I run and jump into his arms. He catches me as I collide into his tones chest. His arms wrap around me in a protective way, causing me to melt at his feet. Once I realize what I'm doing, I jump out of his arms and try to hide my face with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

"I'm sorry.. I-" I'm cut off mid sentence by Niall striding towards me with open arms. His arms once again find their way around my body, resting just above my hips.

"You don't have to apologize for hugging your friend, Tori. It's fine. You know how much I love to cuddle." I can feel his face turn into a smirk


I lean my head against the banister. "Niall, where are you?" I softly whisper to myself.

If only you knew (Niall Horan FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora