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Hey so I'm new to the fandom but I'm already in deep lol so that's why I'm here! Hope you enjoy my writing.


Thunder boomed through the flat residing at 221B Baker Street home to the world's most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes and his blogger who is also his best friend, John Watson. The thunder was not helping Sherlock who for once was trying to sleep. He decided to play his violin until he thought he could sleep. He climbed out of bed, put on his dressing gown and walking toward the sitting room.

John wasn't fairing much better. He hated storms. They were too loud and frightening for his liking. He heard Sherlock get up and start to play his violin. John felt drawn to it so he too got out of bed and walked to the sitting room. He came in and sat on the couch and listened to the beautiful music Sherlock was making. Sherlock was aware that John had just entered so he switched to his favorite song. John closed his eyes and just embraced the music.

"You couldn't sleep either?" Sherlock spoke never stopping his music.

John opened his eyes, "Yeah I hate storms they-" a loud burst of thunder caused John to jump and stop his sentence. Sherlock put his violin down and moved so he was next to his friend.

Sherlock placed a hand on Johns back, "My mom always told me that thunder was just mother nature having a party." Sherlock spoke.

John smiled and moved closer to the other man. "Too bad there isn't a broomstick long enough to bang on the ceiling to make it stop." Sherlock let out a little giggle causing John to do the same.

"Yeah, that sure would be nice," Sherlock spoke pulling John closer without even noticing. "As I got older I realized that science helped me more than her silly explanations so I started researching storms and soon I was no longer afraid." Sherlock started to spit out the facts that helped him calming John and himself a little too.

John leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder as he spoke and traced calming patterns on John's back. "- I also started to dance during storms. It helped me understand that there was nothing to be afraid of. I would pick up my violin and play while I moved around my room. I think that's around the time I noticed I could function on very little sleep." Sherlock let out a little giggle.

"Maybe I should try dancing sometime." Spoke John and before he knew it Sherlock was up and putting on one of his favorite records. Sherlock adjusted the needle and Frank Sinatra came through the speaker. It was Sherlock's favorite song, The Way You Look Tonight. John was confused but he would soon have answers.

Sherlock danced his way over to John before holding out his hand. John grabbed it and was quickly pulled into Sherlock. John placed his hand on Sherlock's shoulder while Sherlock placed a hand on John's waist. Their other hands were joined together. Both men were smiling as they waltzed around the living room.

John moved closer so his head was resting on Sherlock's chest. He could feel his accelerated heartbeat and his cool chest aginst his warm cheek. Sherlock placed his chin on top of John's head as then next much slower song came on. They swayed back and forth until the song ended and they separated just enough to look into each other's eyes. Sherlock brought a shaky hand up to cup the side of John's face. A loud crack of thunder caused John to jump and wrap his arms around Sherlock. John quickly realized what he had just done and took a big step backward so he and Sherlock were no longer connected.

"I'm sorry about that Sherlock," John spoke his voice shaky.

"You don't need to be sorry John, it's okay really," Sherlock spoke moving closer to John who was now sat on the sofa. He pulled John into his arms, this was not like Sherlock but then again when it came to John everything was different. He was the one person who actually cared about him for him not just his brain. Sherlock placed a kiss on John's head causing him to tense but quickly relax and move closer.

"Thank you Sherlock."

"For what?" Sherlock asked as he rested his cheek on John's head

"Just being you and helping me become more of the man I was before the war." John spoke into Sherlock's chest.

"You don't need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you for all you've done for me." Sherlock spoke as he moved so they were laying down.

"What's happening between us Sherlock?" John asked. while slipping his hands into Sherlock's robe.

Sherlock also slid his hands into John's robe, "Well what do want to be happening? If you want this to be a one-time friend comforting friend thing then it-"

"I defiantly don't want this to be a one-time thing if you don't." John cut in.

Sherlock nodded and continued, "Okay then this could be a romantic relationship or just a friendship with cuddling." Sherlock spoke.

"I want this to be a relationship if you do. I've always wanted this- us to be a relationship." John spoke placing a kiss on Sherlock's chest.

"Well then I guess I can finally do this." Sherock said before pulling John into a quick but loving kiss.

They pulled apart, "Come on genuis lets go to bed." John said pulling Sherlock off the couch and into Sherlock's room.


Sorry this was kinda all over the place I just liked the idea of somthing with rain.

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