Accident (Mystrade)

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The car came speeding through the red light making slamming into Greg's car. The airbags went off as the unknown driver speed off Lestrade took down the license plate and called the only person he wanted right now. Just as he got out of his car an ambulance pulled up. They told him he has to go to the hospital, he nodded and got in the back of the ambulance. Just as the doors closed Mycroft picked up.




"Yeah it's me listen I was just in a car accident, I'm on my way to the hospital, could you and John meet me there?"

"Yes, yes of, course I'm on my way I'll pick up John and hurry there."

"Thank you Mycroft."

"Of course Gregory."

Mycroft ran to the car where there was a driver waiting and told him to head to Sherlock and John's place. The car took off and they were there in no time. Mycroft went up the stairs and saw Sherlock in his mind palace and found John in the kitchen.

"John there's been an accident and I need you to come with me."

"Oh, my god is everyone okay?" John said setting his mug down.

"Yeah, it's Gregory he called and told me to bring you to the hospital with me."

"Okay, what about Sherlock?"

"He just wants us."

"Okay." John grabbed his shoes and coat and left with Mycroft.

The climbed into the back seat of the black car and sped to the hospital. When they walked in they were taken straight to Greg.

"I'm fine I really don't think I nee-" Greg was cut off by a nurse along with Mycroft and John.

"Lestrade!" Shouted Mycroft along with John when they saw the state of him. He had a large wound to his head, it didn't look deep but it was bleeding pretty bad. He had a busted lip, and by the look of his bare chest, it seemed like he also had a few bruised ribs. John put on gloves while explaining to the nurse who he was and that he was a doctor and not just some crazy guy.

"Hello, Mycroft and John thank you for coming." Greg said with a smile.

"Lestrade you need stitches for your head wound and an X-ray to make sure your ribs are bruised and not broken." John spoke.

"John I'm fine really."

"Gregory you need to listen to John."

"Mycroft I'm fine."

"Could I speak to Gregory alone please?" asked Mycroft. John and the nurse nodded and left.

"Mycroft is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is quite alright I just wanted to speak to you."


Mycroft took a deep breath, "Gregory I know you think you're invincible, but you're hurt and I care about you too much to just stand by while you deny much needed medical care. After everything is sorted here you're staying the night, maybe longer with me."

"Mycroft I'm sorry I just I need to explain some things, most of which you're probably not going to understand or agree with but they need to be said." Lestrade spoke with tears brimming his eyes.

Mycroft sat down on the hospital bed facing Greg. "Please don't cry my love, I hate seeing you like this."

"I'm sorry it's just scary to think I'm gonna say something out loud that I never thought anyone would know."

"It's okay just take your time."

Greg took a deep before speaking, "Mycroft Holmes I-I'm in love with you and I didn't want you to see me as weak so I pretended to be okay but the truth is I'm in a shitload of pain. I knew you wouldn't judge that's why you're here and not your brother. I'm sure you don't feel the same but I just needed to get this out." Greg finished with a sniffle as tears fell down his face.

"Gregory, Gregory please look at me." Greg slowly looked up. Mycroft wiped away Lestrade's tears with his thumbs then cupping his face he spoke. "Gregory I love you too, god I love you. I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean just to be with you, my dear." Greg pulled Mycroft in for a kiss. Mycroft stayed cupping Greg's face while Greg placed his hands on Mycroft's hips. Their lips fit together perfectly. Mycroft broke the kiss, "Gregory my love let the nurses take care of you and then we'll head to my place, okay?" Mycroft grabbed Lestrade's hands and gave them a light squeeze. Greg nodded and called for John and the nurses.

Turns out his hips and ribs were badly bruised and the wound on his head did not require stitches just a large bandaid. Mycroft was given instructions on how to care for him and was told to call John if any other symptoms came about.

They left the hospital and got into Mycroft's car. John was dropped off first and then they headed for Mycroft's house.

"Mycroft you can just take me home. I don't want to be a burden." Lestrade spoke his voice shaky.

Mycroft took Greg's hand in his own. "Gregory you are never a burden. You mean the world to me I would never leave you alone in this state. Please let me take care of you tonight." Greg leaned into Mycroft and nodded. Mycroft wrapped his arms around Greg until they arrived at his house. Mycroft helped Greg into the house and up to the bathroom to get him cleaned up a little bit.

Greg sat in the chair in the corner of the very large bathroom. It had a beautiful rain shower and clawfoot tub. The walls were marble and the decor was red to match the rest of the house. Mycroft started the tub and went to get pajamas for Lestrade and to change into something more comfortable.

When he got back to the bathroom the tub was almost full so Mycroft grabbed a bath bomb and bubble bath. He added everything to the bath before helping Greg up and then turning around to so Greg could have some privacy. After Greg was settled Mycroft finally spoke up.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No, but you can if you want. I don't really wanna be alone and I don't know how much I'll be able to wash myself."

"I would never leave unless you wanted me to my dear." Mycroft got a flannel and dipped in the soapy water. He ran the cloth over the muscular back of Gregory Lestrade. Then over his chest and neck. Mycroft gently tilted Greg's head back so he could wash his hair and face. Greg was completely at peace. He was so comfortable and calm. All of the tension in his body leaving with the sent of A & E.

"Just relax my dear, I'll be right back." Mycroft left Greg alone for only minutes before returning with a book. He sat in the corner where Greg sat earlier. Greg just soaked in the sent of the soap and the feeling of the warm water seeping into his bones. He sat up causing the water to move and the silence in the room to be broken. Mycroft looked up from his book.

"Gregory? Are you ready to get out?"

"Yes, Could you help me?" Greg asked. Mycroft walked over and grabbed the towel that was sat next to the tub. Helping Greg out before turning away once again.

"Mycroft you don't have to turn away, we're both adults here." Greg smiled and took the towel.

"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."Mycroft handed Greg the soft pajamas and bathrobe. Greg got dressed and let Mycroft wrap the bathrobe around him. They walked into the bedroom and lied down. They were on their sides facing each other.

"I love you Mycroft."

"I love you too Gregory my dear." Greg pulled Mycroft in for a kiss. It seemed to go on for endless minutes before Mycroft pulled back. "Gregory dear have you ever hear the quote, "Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you'. Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you"?" Greg nodded. "I need you Gregory." Greg smiled.

"I need you to Mycroft."

They fell asleep in each others arms and woke the same way.



WC: 1393

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