Human Side (Johnlock)

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Shorter chapter, sorry! WC: 855


John had been acting strange for the past few days, Sherlock thought it was strange but didn't want to invade John's privacy. John was going out for drinks more, sleeping less and Sherlock hadn't heard him say anything for days. John on the other hand was trying to get rid of his nightmares and feeling for Sherlock. He'd always cared for him but in recent weeks he noticed it was more than a friend caring for another friend. John drowned his feeling in whiskey and scotch, but at night he just cried. His nightmares were gone because he stopped sleeping but the feelings grew to an unbearable level.

Now sat on the floor in his room Sherlock was digging through papers looking for information on a past experience about emotions he conducted when he heard the kitchen cabinet open. He glanced at the clock, it was two in the morning. Sherlock wondered why John would be in the kitchen at two rather than pretending to be asleep. Before he could get to his feet he heard a knock at his door.

"C-come in!" The door slowly opened to reveal John in his bathrobe and slippers with his sandy blond hair sticking up in every direction.

"I'm making tea. Would you like any?" John said in a horse and monotone voice.

"Yes please." Sherlock said as he stood. He followed John into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter and looked at his feet lost in thought.

"Looking for an old experiment?" John asked leaning against the counter opposite Sherlock.

"What? Oh um, yeah one I did a few years ago." Sherlock studied John while he had the opportunity.

John nodded, "Sherlock we need to ta-" The screech of the kettle cut John off. He filled their mugs and handed Sherlock his tea.

"Thank you." Sherlock smiled softly at John before continuing. "I was going to ask if we could talk, if you don't mind I would like to start." Sherlock took a sip of tea and smiled, John always made the best tea.

"O-okay sure." John stuttered and looked at the floor.

Sherlock nodded and sat his tea on the table, "John I-I'm concerned about you. You've been acting strange for a few days, not sleeping, barley taking, and you're always in your room. What's wrong? You can tell me anything and if I can't help I'm sure I know someone who could." He was looking at John when he noticed he was shaking a little. When John's hand reached up to wipe face Sherlock realized he was crying. He quickly made he way over to John and pulled his into a hug. Sherlock showed his human side to very few people but John was always one who he made sure saw it often.

John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck while Sherlock's circled his waist. "I'm okay, just going through a rough patch. I'm sorry I worried you." John whispered into Sherlock's neck.

Sherlock pulled back enough to look John in the eye. "John please don't do this. I know you're hurting and I want to help. Please let me help." John ducked his head back down so it was resting on Sherlock's shoulder. Without thinking twice Sherlock pulled John into the living room. He sat on the sofa and pulled John into his chest.

John held onto Sherlock tightly, when Sherlock began to run his hand up and down John's back a sob escaped from John. Sherlock swung John's legs over his own so he was cradling John. He ran his hand though John's hair while he cried. He would whisper things to him to comfort him.

John wiped his face off after he finished crying. He looked up at Sherlock before letting the words that he'd kept inside for months escape. "I'm in love with you Sherlock."

Sherlock was shocked. He quickly wiped the shocked look off of his face, it was replaced with a smile. Sherlock placed a kiss on John's forehead. "I've always loved you John. From the day I met you I knew I'd found the person I'd been looking for my whole life."

John smiled at Sherlock, "Really?"

Sherlock nodded, "Yes really. I love you John."

"I love you too Sherlock." John said before curling back into Sherlock.

The two men sat in silence embracing each other. Sherlock would whisper 'I love you' to John every so often.

After an hour or so Sherlock moved John off of him and stood. John looked at the genius with a confused grin.

Sherlock such his hand out, "Lets go to bed."

John smiled before taking Sherlock's hand into his own. Pulled into Sherlock's side he followed the love of his life to his bed.

Once they'd gotten into bed John curled into Sherlock's chest. They looked at each other before John decided to make his move. He pulled Sherlock in for a light kiss, the kiss lasted only seconds as it was interrupted by both of their smiles.

John pulled away and placed kissed all over Sherlock's face. "I love you genius."

"I love you too Doctor."


A/N I hope you liked it!!! 

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