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"Well if you wouldn't leave your weird experiments everywhere then we would be able to find things!" John yelled slamming his hands on the counter.

"Well if you weren't gone all the time then I would not be doing my 'weird experiments'!" Sherlock yelled back.

"I have a fucking job, Sherlock! I can't be here all the time! You're an adult just clean up after yourself." John yelled turning to face Sherlock.

"Why do you care about your job? We could start something together!" Sherlock spoke moving closer to John.

"Why do I care? Damn it, Sherlock I care because I like helping people get better and giving kids and families hope!" John said throwing his hands in the air while stepping closer to Sherlock.

Sherlock flinched and moved back. John noticed and immediately changed his tone.

"Sherlock I'm sorry for scaring you I want you to know what happened in the hospital will never happen again."

"I-it's okay. I'm just gonna go for a walk." Sherlock spoke grabbing his coat and running down the stairs.

John sat on the couch with his head in his hands, "Oh no what have I done?" He asked the empty flat before him. He waited for hours and Sherlock still hadn't returned he decided to sleep in Sherlock's bed so he could at least sleep in that bed once. It wouldn't be the same as being Sherlock's arms but it would smell like him. He stripped to his underwear before crawling into the bed that belonged to his secret love. He pulled the covers up to his chin and buried his head into Sherlock's pillow. He started to cry thinking of what he'd done and how he might never get to tell Sherlock how he felt.

--2 am that night--

Sherlock came back to the flat to go to bed after wandering around for a long time and sorting out his thoughts. He knew he was in love with John and that John would never hurt him. He decided to go back to the flat so they could discuss this tomorrow. He came into the flat quiet as a mouse removing his coat and shoes. He figured John had gone to bed so he headed for his room when he saw that someone was already there. It was John. Sherlock changed into his pajamas before crawling into bed with John and pulling him into his chest. John hummed before snuggling closer. Sherlock smiled to himself before drifting off to sleep.

--10 am the next day--

John woke up and noticed he was laying on something hard. He also felt an arm on his hip. He opened his eyes and noticed he was laying on Sherlock. He figured that Sherlock came back at some point and crawled into bed with him. The thought of him deciding that he would just cuddle up to John in his bed rather than sleep on the couch or his chair made his heart swell. He cuddled further into Sherlock who woke up with a groan.

"John, please stop moving I'm trying to sleep," Sherlock spoke before turning to face John before pulling him into his chest.

"Sorry, Sherlock. When did you come back last night?" John asked turning to face Sherlock so he could bury his head into Sherlock's chest.

"It was around two I think." Sherlock spoke pulling John closer and intertwining their legs.

"Oh wow. I guess we should talk but I really don't wanna move." John spoke as he looked up at Sherlock.

"Yeah, you're right. We can just talk here I really don't wanna move either." Sherlock started to rub circles on John's back.

"Okay. Let me start off by saying I'm sorry for last night and I need you to know that I would never hurt you. The hospital incident was a different time in my life and I just lost it and I'll never be able to say I'm sorry enough. I love you more than you'll ever know and I'm sorry I scared you last night." John was almost crying when he finished.

"John I know you'll never hurt me I just flinched at your sudden movement and I know the hospital incident was a different time in your life I know it'll never happen again. I'm sorry I'm messy but I love you too, so much John so much." Sherlock placed a kiss on John's forehead and wiped the tears that had begun to fall. Sherlock gave John another kiss on the forehead, "I love you so very much John."

"I love you too Sherlock so much." John spoke before pulling Sherlock into a kiss. It was a first for both men, of course John had kissed women and so had Sherlock but this was different this was them the only relationship that mattered to them ever. Their lips fit perfectly together and this felt so right like they've both found their soulmate and that's exactly what they are, soulmates.

When they separated they stayed in bed and cuddled while Sherlock whispered sweet nothings into John's ear. John knew that this was how his life was supposed to turn out. He loved Mary but he figured out that he was never really in love with her. He'd never felt this way with her. He never wanted to leave this bed or Sherlock's arms and he just wanted to stay here all day he just wanted to keep hearing Sherlock's voice whispering such sweet things to him.

"John I have a question."

"Hm?" John asked not moving an inch.

"I have a little gift for you that I bought a while ago and I would love to give it to you love."

"Of course Sherlock."

"Ok, I'll be right back." Sherlock spoke before getting up and running to his dresser and opening the bottom drawer. John sat up when he saw that Sherlock pulled out a little box.

"Sherlock I love you baby but I'm not-"

"John I'm not proposing. Come here." Sherlock spoke sitting on the bed. John sat next to Sherlock who gave him the box.

John opened it and saw a beautiful ring. "S-Sherlock it's beautiful."

"Just like you John. It's a promise ring. I fully intend on proposing at some point but until then this ring will symbolize our love." John looked at Sherlock before pulling him into a hug.

"I love you Sherlock. " John passed the ring back to Sherlock who then put it on his finger. Sherlock went to his nightstand and pulled out a matching ring. They decided they should actually get up considering it was almost one o'clock.

Sherlock pulled John into a kiss before falling back on the bed. Let's just say they did something that afternoon that invloved the bed and not just laying in it.


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