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Inspired (Loosely) by the fanart above.


"WATSON GET DOWN!!" Shouted a voice from somewhere that John couldn't see. He ducked but not in time the bullet hit him and he-"

Watson jumped awake with a scream. His breathing was fast and heavy, his eyes almost overflowing with tears. He thought the nightmares had gone but apparently, he was mistaken. He looked around and he was in his flat and safe, you're safe everything is fine, he thought to himself. He decided to go downstairs and make himself a cup of tea before going back to sleep. 

As he made his way downstairs he heard Sherlock playing something he'd never heard before. He paused in the stairway and listened to Sherlock who was now humming along. He continued down the stairs and quietly made his way into the kitchen. 

John thought the nightmares stopped on account of the fact he hasn't had one in the many months he's lived with Sherlock. He was hopeful they were gone so tonight felt like the biggest slap across the face. 

He moved to his chair as Sherlock continued to play. John closed his eyes and just listened. He needed to know that Sherlock was there and not going anywhere so he sat and listened as the man transitioned into his favorite song. He smiled as how Sherlock could just sense something was wrong. His tea sat forgotten on the side table as the much more soothing music took over and soothed him back to sleep. 

"EVERYONE GET OUT!" Shouted a voice. Watson looked and a grenade had been thrown into the tent where he was working on a patent. He quickly grabbed the man and ran for the opening- BOOM!

John let out another scream jolting awake in his chair. His breathing was once again fast and heavy and his eyes almost overflowing with tears for the second time in one night. He looked around and saw Sherlock looking at him, his face covered in concern. 

"S-sorry Sherlock just a nightmare." John spoke his voice shaky.

Sherlock moved closer, "John are you okay? Really?" Sherlock knelt in front of John placing a hand on his knee.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine. I'm g-gonna go back to bed." John said as he stood up. He started to move to the door but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. He turned around to see Sherlock standing there looking at him like he was the only thing that mattered in that moment. 

"John, come here." Sherlock spoke opening his arms. John didn't need to be told twice. He basically ran to Sherlock who pulled him close. John started to shake as sobs racked his body. He finally let go and just cried into the chest of the man he was in love with but who also happened to be married to his work. Sherlock rubbed his back and placed a kiss in his hair.

"I love you, John." Sherlock spoke.

John looked up at Sherlock, "W-what?" He said with a sniffle.

Sherlock smiled, "I love you. It's always been you and it will always be you." Sherlock smiled.

"Why are you telling me this?" John asked.

"Because I couldn't wait anymore when I saw how scared you were when you woke up. I needed to tell you so you knew I wasn't just doing this because I felt like it was the human thing to do." Sherlock said while rubbing soothing circles into John's back.

John looked into Sherlock's eyes before hugging him tighter, "I love you too." They stood in the sitting room embracing for endless minutes before moving to Sherlock's bed. Sherlock laid down and opened his arms wanting John to join him but John wasn't sure.

"Sherlock you don't have to do this." John spoke looking at the floor. 

"John get over here please." Sherlock spoke with pleading eyes. John climbed into bed but kept his distance. Sherlock grabbed John and pulled him closer. "I'm not glass John. I'm not gonna break." Sherlock spoke as he placed kisses up and down John's neck. 

John started to cry into Sherlock, he began to shake again. Sherlock started to sing into John's shoulder. His low baritone voice covering John in a warmth that he'd never felt before. "Before you met me I was alright, but things were kinda heavy, you brought me to life. Now every February you'll be my valentine." John stopped crying once he noticed the melody was the same as what he was playing earlier. John hugged Sherlock tighter. "Let's just talk all through the night. There's no need to rush. We can dance until we die. You and I will be young forever." 

"I love you, Sherlock." John spoke as Sherlock continued.

"My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back." Sherlock started to place kisses on John's neck once again. "I love you too John, I always have." John pulled back and rested his forehead on Sherlock's. Their eyes locked and they were instantly lost in each other. Sherlock was the first to move closer nudging John's nose with his own. John was the one to connect their lips. Fireworks went off as soon as their lips touched. Their lips moved together in perfect sync. The kiss was short but full of love and passion. 

Sherlock moved so that John was laying on his chest. John found comfort listening to Sherlock's heart and breathing. Sherlock felt John relax into his chest with a shaky breath. 

"John I need you to know one more thing and I need to know if you feel the same." Sherlock spoke into John's hair.


"Okay, I fully intend to marry you at some point and I need to know if that would be a possibility."

"Oh, Sherlock." John spoke before placing a kiss on Sherlock's lips. "Of course that's a possibility I love you and I never want to lose you."

Sherlock smiled before soothing John and himself to sleep with whispers of sweet nothings and I love you's.


Song: Teenage Dream, Boyce Avenue.

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