One Kiss

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John and Sherlock arrived back at the flat after solving a double murder suicide, Sherlock's favorite, as soon as they arrived they moved to their chairs and collapsed. Silence rang through the flat. Things have been awkward between the two men ever since a drunken night two weeks ago. The men had been relaxing and having a drink which lead to them having four then five. After the fifth drink, both men were more than a little tipsy. One thing lead to an other and all of the sudden Sherlock's lips were placing kisses on Johns's neck then his jaw before he finally connected their lips. They kissed for what seemed like endless minutes before the need for air became too much.

And now here we are two weeks later and neither man will bring it up or anything for that matter. The only sounds in the flat have been Sherlock's violin and the TV. John didn't know how to tell Sherlock that he loved him and Sherlock was going through the same problem. Until now that is.

"Sherlock we need to talk about it."

"No, we most certainly do not John."

John let out a sigh, "Sherlock I can't take the silence anymore we need to discuss this."

No response

"Sherlock, please. This is driving me mad! I need to talk about it before my brain explodes!"

Sherlock looked up at John who was now standing with his hands over his face. "John I'm sorry but I can't yet I'm still confused."

"Confused? About what?" John sat back down. Sherlock opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving up and burying his head in his hands. "Sherlock," John placed a hand on Sherlock's knee. "Just say what you need to say I don't care if it comes out perfect all I care about is having my best friend back. Whatever you say I won't be mad or upset." Sherlock looked up. Sherlock sat up, took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm confused because I've never felt anything like this before. When we're together it's like-like nothing else matters. I feel lost when I'm not with you no matter what I do I keep coming back to that night-that night and the feelings that come with it. I don't know how to describe it. It's like my head spins and my heart feels like it's trying to get out of my ribcage." Sherlock stopped and thought about his next words carefully. "It's like that one kiss got me hooked on you, addicted to you. Like I could never feel this way about anyone else like I'd follow you across the universe just to call you mine." Sherlock finished and took a deep breath before looking at John who was in tears. Sherlock was confused but only for a few seconds because John jumped into his arms causing Sherlock to let out a breath he had no clue he was holding.

John pulled back just far enough to rest his forehead on Sherlock's and look into his beautiful eyes. "I'd follow you across the universe to Sherlock."

That was all Sherlock needed to hear before pulling John into a deep passionate kiss. Their lips moved together not unlike the first kiss they shared. John moved from the floor to Sherlock's lap causing Sherlock to smile into the kiss. John tangled his fingers into Sherlock's beautiful curls and gave a little tug causing Sherlock to moan into the kiss. John was the first to break the kiss. They just stared into each other's eyes mesmerized and completely full of love.

John broke the silence, "You know I could stare at your beautiful eyes forever." Sherlock smiled.

"I wouldn't be opposed to staying like this forever." Sherlock spoke with a smile.

"Good because I have no intention of moving." John spoke putting his arms around Sherlock's neck.

They just sat there embracing the fact that this could happen whenever and that it was not a one-time thing. There were a few kisses thrown in and of course a whole bunch or sweet nothings.

"You know John there is one thing I've wanted to do with you for some time now." Sherlock spoke never looking away from his beautiful John.

"And what would that be?" John spoke with a smirk.

"I was wondering if you my dear Watson would care to dance?" Sherlock said with a smile.

"Well of course Mr. Holmes." John stood up and took Sherlock's hand.

"Any requests?" Sherlock spoke as he moved to the record player.

"Whatever you would like William." John smiled causing Sherlock to do the same at the sound of his first name rolling off of John's lips. As soon as the song started John smiled. He and Sherlock just embraced and swayed back and forth to the slow beat. Both men were so calm and knew that this is what it felt like to be in love. Sherlock had his arms wrapped around John's waist and John's arms were looped around Sherlock's Shoulders.

Both men had their eyes closed and Sherlock was quietly singing along. John smiled and held Sherlock tighter. Once the song came to an end they decided to go to Sherlock's room, now their room and cuddle. The night ended very peacefully and just how the two imaginde it.


Sorry it was all over the place.

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