Chapter 18

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Yoonain Distess 117

Lunch time, students are still looking at me. Damn, it’s like I killed Seohyun!"I'll add more if you ask Seohyun to sign this!" The cafeteria lady told me. She showed me a photo cardof Seohyun, lol! Are you a TTS fan? "Oh uh.." Scoop! This is good I get to get more food just by- Wait!  Yoona you idiot! Jessica told you to keep my mouthshut through whatever involves your controversy! I just pointed at the food I want and neverminded whatever the lady offered more. That was such a waste but.. Oh well. It's Ms. J. Jung's order.

Geez. I sat in the table alone, but you know that feeling like everyone is talking about you? Like something’s wrong in my face? Like I look like a zombie or something. Must be the controversy.

"Yooona! My buddy!" Someone wrapped an arm around my shoulders. And students sat in my table, no it was jockeys. It was Taecyeon and his crew. Great, just great."Maybe we can meet Seohyun too sometimes?" He told me but I ignored him and continued to eat."Oh come on Yoona buddy, we're fans of your girl friend! Besides what are classmates for?" No, Taecyeon. We're not even buddies. Not even close!"Yea, Yoona what are schoolmates for?" Now it's Nickhun. Shut up, I don't care what your connections are to me. Sheesh.

I stood up and grabbed my food to eat somewhere else, alone and undistracted. But these idiots followed me around, damn it not just them; some more students followed and asked to meet Seohyun. Seohyun this-that."Come on Yoona, we're sorry for everything. Come on guys, apologize!" Taecyeon and his crew apologized. Pfft. Who would ever believe your crocodile tears, idiots. I know you guys just need something from me that's why you’re all so apologetic."If you can't let us meet Seohyun, maybe you can tell us about her!" A student spoke up, this is the hallway damn it can all leave me alone?! I ignored again, walking away. Ignore them Yoona, ignore them."Yea! Tell us her beauty secrets!" A female student said and many other girls agreed. "Seohyun's diet too!" Uhg. Eat a bunch of sweet potatoes! That's herdiet! "Come one Yoona share it to us!" No, leave me alone."Tell us how good she is, Yoona!" And some boys laughed mischievously. Darn it. s! Seohyun's not like that! I'm not like that! "Seohyun's not too innocent anyways, I mean kissing in public?" Stop it!Damn it! It's not how it seems! How can people think of Seohyun this way? They don't even know the truth!"Yoona we can be friends! Yoona!""Yea, I wanna be your friend!"That's not true! You guys only want to be my friend because of Seohyun.. Stop it, these are all lies. All ofyou made me a loser now you all want me to be a friend? Bull. Bull! Total lies!"Shut up!" I shouted and they all shut up. Okay, thatworked. I didn't think it would work but.. Why are you all looking at me like that?"What are you guys doing?" Ms. Jung..Ms. Jung! She came out from the faculty room. Sheput her hands on her waist. So that's why they shut up."News flash guys, Yoona here isn't Seohyun's secret date." She showed a paper to everyone. I wonder what it was, I was beside her so I didn't see it."Eww and I followed a loser." Students started departing. "Damn it! As if Seohyun would date a loser!" And I got the loser name once again. I knew it, you all are liars."What's that?" I asked her about the paper. Ms. Jung showed it to me. "SME: It’s just Seohyun's childhood friend. Rumors are lies." Reading the article, SME; Seohyun's talent agency, stated that they allowed Seohyun to go out because she was meeting a childhood friend not a date. They denied the kissing part, saying I just whispered something to Seohyun. They didn't state my name; they just said the friend was a friend Seohyun haven't seen for a long time. Wow talent agency, bravo. Hmm.. Glad that people won't bash Seohyun now. "Told you the agency will act fast." Ms. Jung winked at me."Thank heavens." I can finally take a deep breath."We’ll see you in my class Yoona." Ms. Jung came back inside the faculty room. I just watched her go, not like I can stop her and besides lunch will be oversoon.Glad that's over! I didn't like fake 'friends' following me around anyways. Then again, I could have gotten the cafeteria lady her request. I'll ask her freefood for a week, or a month! That'll be cool! Kekeke~After school, I received a message from Seohyun. Students are not eyeing me anymore, so I can be myself once again. I checked the message.Yoona! Did you see the news? They're so funny! Well, glad the controversy is over. Your last text, why are you sad? Sorry if I'm always busy.. :( take care, Yoong! 3Oh Seohyun-ah, if you only knew what happen to me at school because of that controversy. It was such a day!It's okay, yes I was worried about you.. Take care, too!"Love you, baby Hyunnie!" Wha?! I took a look at theperson who spoke so, it was Ms. Jung. "Ms. Jung.." She just laughed. I think that was wrong though. Correction, love you, baby Sica. That's more like it! Now I just need to say it.. Or not.We walked towards the exit together, I asked to carry her things but she said she can do it on her own. Her laptop. It reminded me of the first time."Even if you have Seohyun now, you still have Sunday for me right?" Ms. Jung asked. "Y-yes.." Of course, there's nothing between me and Seohyun anyways. But, Seohyun loves me? I'll hurt her! But what about being with Ms. Jung? Oh goodness stresses! Yoona is in distress, bad miserable stress!What should I do?"Bye, Yoona." She opened the door of her beautiful car and she waved. I also waved good bye. Geez Ms. Jung.. I.. I'm blank."Bye, Sica.."For the whole week, I decided. I cannot resist Ms. Jung and sorry Seohyun. I already planned to reject your love anyways, but I'll do it personally! Sorry, really.. But you see my heart is currently crazy aboutmy super irresistible, gorgeous English teacher; Ms. Jung and I cannot stop it.Today it's Sunday, so Ms. Jung told me she'll pick me up by my house today since my mother is not around. I'm looking at the mirror, do I look okay? Maybe I should dress up a bit more? Put on some perfume and fix my hair more. But will Jessica evencare? Maybe say some sweet lines and so-Ding dong~Someone's on the door. It's probably my Jessica baby! I hurriedly ran 'cause I don't want her to wait.. I opened the door oh so with a smile and suddenly.."Seohyun.." Seohyun?! Wh-why is she here?! "Hi Yoona!""Wh-why are you here?" Seohyun came inside my house. Oh god, why now?! "Don't you wanna see me?" She asked and hurriedly lied by the sofa.I shook my head no. "It's not like that, I just.. How did you find my house?" Yea, how did you Seohyun? Oh no.."Your mother gave my mother your address. Your mother told me to stop by if I'm not busy." Seohyun smiled. Seohyun why now? Mom how could you?! How can I tell her to leave? No you can’t Yoona! Damn it. "I forgot to text you, sorry." Why did you forget it! You should have told me!Ding dong~Shoot me now. Just kill me now! Damn it, it's Jessica! This time I'm sure. Oh lord.. Please help me. I slowly walked towards the door; I was so frustrated that I didn't know what to do. Rather, what to say to Jessica. Oh well, here goes.."What took you so long?" Ms. Jung hugged me on the neck and planted a kiss on my neck. Oh Ms. Jung not now! "J-Je.. N-not now.." I held her and pulled her off me. I mean Seohyun's here. Ms. Jung you must control yourself please!"Sica-unnie!" Seohyun called on to Jessica. I saw Jessica's eyes enlargen. She's was so shocked to see Seohyun, she quickly let go of me and stood straight. Oh no.."Seohyun!?"Why is my life this complicated? Uhg! Dear heavens, when will you make my life less complicated and miserable!?

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