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SleepingBeauty 106

"Ms. Jung wouldn't a long challenging text be moreappropriate for a third year class?" Yuri objected. I hear my classmates grunt. Haha! Yuri's annoying sometimes but kids who care about education are always like that. And Yuri doesn't just care about education, she breathes in education. Oh sh-t that's freaky. Goosebumps!
"I know Yuri, that's why I'm giving you guys two more texts to read. Sleeping beauty is for something special." She smiled at Yuri. Damn you Yuri! That smile was for me not you! This brainiac, you even caused us more books to read!
"What is it for Ms. Jung?" Yuri asked again. Geek just sit down and read your book, nerd!"Well, principal Lee told me to do a stage play. For the upcoming school anniversary
." Okay so for a play. Let Yuri do it all. Since she asked for it."You can sit down now Yuri. Thank you for your concerns.
" There sit down nerd. Can't believe Yuri gets smiles from my Jessica Jung. Nerds. Are nerds better than losers? Or 'loser'? Because I think I'm the only campus loser. Sobs. At least even if I'm a loser, I have Jessica's 10% time, attention and 100% performance. Hah! Take that!"I have here a box full of your names. I'll pick from it, deciding who will be playing the characters." Ms. Jung brought out her box. It was red, ohh red. But I hope I don't get picked. I won't attend it's practice, I'd rather play Fatal Frame.Yuri raised her hands once more. What now book worm? "Ms. Jung how about my friends and I become the characters. I don't wanna risk the play with irresponsible students." I knew it, Yuri can manage the play on her own! Let them do it on their own Ms. Jung! I mean people like me doesn't like activities like this. Taecyeon and his crew also hates it as much as I do. Yuri and the nerd kids can do it on their own. Yep, yep."Don't worry, Yuri. I'll be the one to facilitate. I'll make sure to make them responsible." Ms. Jung stood up and wrote the names of the characters there. Uhg, sometimes Ms. Jung.. Nothing! Everything about J. Jung is good!"First character, Sleeping Beauty." Yuri could do it. She's the class president. She hates it when the class gets low reputations so to make the play good, go for Y-"Yoona.." What the hell?! I mean totally what the ef-hell?!"B-but Ms. Jung!" I objected. Yuri stood up as well."Ms. Jung we can't risk the play with someone like Yoona! No way!" Oh the bullshytness. Go on Yuri insult me but at least I can be off the play."Oh and Yuri, you're The Prince." She showed a paper with Yuri's name on it. Shet like sh-t! No way hell I would kiss Yuri! "Hara is the witch." Well someone fits the role. Geez Ms. Jung! How could your hands pick me?! And worst Yuri?! Like freakin' no!After class Yuri talked to Ms. Jung but Ms. Jung told her she wont change the selections. Damn if Yuri didn't work. How can Yoona work? Damn . Uhg, sometimes Ms. Jung.. Nothing. Somethings about Ms. J. Jung are no good. Specially when she picked me as the main character. I hate this uhg!"Hey.. What are you planning?" Oh it's Yuri talking tome. I don't need you Yuri. Go scram! "Yoona.. You're the Sleeping Beauty. For Ms. Jung, please cooporate okay?" Yes Yuri. If it's for her I would."Okay.." I agreed. I looked outside the school entrance. I see someone familiar hanging by a blacksports car."Is that Ms. Jung's boyfriend? I thought she's single." Yuri spoke with a bit sad tone. Yea, I remember now. It's that guy in the pictures, Ms. Jung's boyfriend. So that explains why she's all so happy last night and today. Pfft. He's the one who called her that Sunday.."They look good together. But I bet he's a jerk." Yuri-ah, how can you say such words? I totally agree! "Sport's car, handsome and player get up? Total jerk." Yes Yuri. You really are smart."I think Ms. Jung deserves better." I nod my head to agree. She deserves someone like- "Me." What? No way Yuri. I looked at Yuri surprised. "Y-you?!""I have a crush on Ms. Jung and I won't let you ruin my chance to impress her, Yoona." She arched her eye brow at me. Ho-ho. So you like Ms. Jung as well? She won't notice you by a play acting. Dream on Yuri! Nerd!"So let's do our best for the play. Bye loser!" Adios, Nerd Yuri. Seriously, even nerds call me loser!? How could these people be accepted while I'm much cooler! Totally! Yoona Im rocks! Yeah!Now back to my home base. Yoona Im's crib. Hi MTV welcome to superstar Yoona's crib! Hello messy bedroom.I'm back lying on my bed and staring up the ceiling.I'm suppose to do homework and read that SleepingBeauty story but I can't seem to get Ms. Jung off my head. Did they go on a date? By the park? Or somewhere special? I can't help of imagine, if I werein his shoes. I'll treat Ms. Jung special. Give her flowers, fine date and the loving she should have. Ms. Jung deserves special, just like how Yuri said so. Ms. Jung deserves better. No the best. But maybe he's enough, clearly Ms. Jung loves him no doubt.In the end, anybody who's better for Ms. Jung won'tget the chance to show her love she deserve. Why? Because he has Ms. Jung's heart. Something I want. She'd never look for anyone else if he has her heart.I don't need your body, I want your love Jessica. Butyou can't right? In the end, I'm a loser. It stings. It's like a giant red smiling bee stung my , and its a happy go lucky bee asking me to eat their happy meal. What am I thinking?"Awaken befol my kiss, mei belovd plincesz.." I can help it. I laughed so hard at Yuri's English. Fck Yuri hahaha! You're the resident geek yet you speak English like I do.Or worst than me! Haha!"Stop laughing Yoona! You're suppose to be sleeping cold!" I know Yuri but your English totally . Laughing my freakin' o- Oww!"Why'd you do that for?!" Whah?! Oh . I looked up to Yuri she was sitting beside me holding her script. It was not Yuri who pinched my ear. "Focus Yoona." Ms. Jung did. I know you're a sadist but I thought what happens there stays there? Geez, were in the school Jess.
"Okay, are you two getting along well?" I sat up and Ms. Jung sat in between me and Yuri. Yuri's happy I can tell. She's  grinning like an idiot.
"Well we are but Yoona can't maintain the sleeping act." Yea sure Yuri. Even Ms. Jung can't do so if shehears your lousy English. And no Yuri, it does not count as a special accent.
"Well Yoona? I thought we agreed you'll do your best?" Ms. Jung looked at me and arched her eye brow. Okay Ms. Jung I know but.. Yuri's English!
"I will.. Sorry." For you Ms. Jung I'll withstand Yuri's crappy English.
"So about the kiss. You two will really kiss okay?" Don't mention that Ms. Jung! I was totally admiring your face and you open up the kiss part?! Oh god no. Yuri's gross.
"Can't we just fake it Ms. Jung?" Yuri had a great alternative! Go Yuri! I'm with you on this.
"Hmm.. It'sjust a touch of skins." Ms. Jung said bluntly. Well technically it is but Yuri's skin? I won't even dare touch Yuri.
"Come on you two. Just a kiss. It won't kill you two." She stood up in front of me and Yuri. She winked and bended down. Ms. Jung has this very childish side don't she? Well her height with me andYuri, she looks like a 16 year old freshmen.
"Could you two show some enthusiasm on this?" No. Yuri and I hate each other. How can we make this play work? Ms. Jung sighed. Looking at her hands, what are you thinking?
"You see.. If you two are worried about the kiss." She raised two fingers, the middle and the index together. She moved closer to Yuri and kissed Yuri. But the fingers she raised blocked their lips. Why are you breaking my heart? You could have kissed me instead. We do that lots of times! She broke the kiss and put her fingers on my lips. "Now you kissedYuri, Yoona." How could you?! How could you do this to me?! She stood up and arms on her waist. Sargent Jung.
"See? Like I did. It's a short kiss. Just close your eyes and disregard any emotion you feel." Just like having ? Somehow Ms. Jung's actions are very disappointing but she's always right. Geez.
"Good luck you two. See you later." She walked away. Bye pretty face. Bye Jessica.Now back to Yuri. She's currently reading her lines. Yuri's really determined on this, do you like Ms. Jung that much? I wonder how will Yuri react when she knows about Ms. Jung the bad teacher? Kekeke~

Nigh time at my room, I'm currently practicing my lines. Me as the beautiful sleeping princess, Aurora.Yoona Im is a princess. Oh really?"Oh my charming prince! Prince Yuri!" Wow I'm better than Yuri! Damn you Yuri, you better practice thrice harder. Now to the next line.. Hmm let me see.
"Yoona! Yoona! Come down stairs!" Mom hold it down, I'm concentrating on my lines and my act! So where was I oh th- Slaaam!
"Yoona!" Mother dearest opened the door of my room so loud and angry. What the hell is wrong withyou mo-Mom?!

"M-Ms. J-Jung!?" Apparently it's not mother dearestit's my English teacher, Jessica Jung.

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