Chapter 15

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Wholoves Yoona? 114

"Yoona! Wh-why-How?"

"My teacher brought me here." Yes! My beautiful English teacher. "Jessica-unnie? Wow. This is somecoincidence.." Seohyun took my wrist and gave me a seat. "It's not. Maybe you two were destined to meet once more." Tiffany tapped my shoulder. Destiny? Then I'm glad somehow my fate is getting better. I mean I have a super beautiful teacher, Ms. Jung and I have met my best friend, Seohyun once again! Thank heavens! I just hope this lasts.. Cross fingers!

"Well you two can chat more later on, but right now we have to perform." Taeyeon stood up and informed her members. Cool! I'll see Seohyun sing on stage. Finally, Seohyun's dream is bring fulfilled. I'm so happy for her. Go Seohyunnie! Go go go!

"Yoona, cheer for me okay?" Seohyun smiled at me.Still cute chubby cheek Seohyun she is. "Of course! I'll cheer you on. Go Seohyun! Go TTS!" I'm definitelySeohyun's fan, even if she does well or not. She's my best friend; I'll cheer for her with all my heart.

TTS left the room first to have a short preparation. I'm excited, I mean I-I'm so proud of her. Seohyun really did come on top! "Ms. Jung let's go get some seats!" I looked back to Ms. Jung still busy on the mirrors. "Sure." She stood up, she looked pissed. I wonder why? I opened the door for her. "Let's cheer them on." As we walked to the hallway, I told her. She looked at me and smiled. "Give it your all, Yoona." Of course, Ms. Jung! Your friends and my best friend? I'll definitely cheer my heart out.

We we're given the front seats, cool! I never watched a concert like this and for my first, I have the best seats. Is this the greatest turn in my life? God are you blessing me because of my loser life? Well thank you so much if so!

TTS will perform Twinkle. Oww, its Tiffany's catch phrase. Its starting! Tiffany's so pretty and y, Wow! Oh here comes Seohyun. Go Seohyun, reach your high note! So awesome! I can't help but scream Seohyun's name. "Go Hyunnie!" I called her, I dunno if she heard it with all the fans screaming but I'm cheering. Taeyeon on the other hand is amazing, she always reaches her notes. So perfect! TTS is amazing!

"T-twinkle objeona~ " And with their final pose, the crowd went wild. Woooh! You three are so great."They're good." Ms. Jung beside me spoke, clapping.She's so professional-like eh? But then again, looking at her so calm; I had time to appreciate her difference from the others. Jessica Jung is differentfrom anyone here, even from the artists. I know it, I feel it.

"We should congratulate them back stage." She looked at me, quietly starring at her. ! I quickly turned my gaze back to the stage. "Uh.. Y-yea.. We sh-should.." Th-that was embarrassing! She caught me starring, you idiot! Yoona you are such an idiot!

We went to the back stage to congratulate the group. Their performance was so good, and they've won this week’s countdown. Alright, TTS!

"You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, Seohyunnie!" Okay, I totally sound like Seohyun's mother. Bah! Who cares? "Taeyeon and Tiffany-unnie too. Thank you, Yoong." Seohyun smiled so happy, I'm glad she's not all snobbish just because she's now a celebrity. Seohyun didn't change or not?"Yoona, sorry to interrupt but we need to go." Taeyeon tapped my shoulder, she's already on her casual clothes. That was fast. "Oh, we have a photo shoot today.. I-I haven't even talked to Yoong.." Seohyun in front of me looked panicked. Still the same on the anxiousness problems. Oh well, it was nice meeting you again.

"Calm down. You two can exchange numbers.." Tiffany also approached us and came to Taeyeon's side. Jessica came to my side. "Tiffany's right. Give Yoona you're cell number, not like she'll sell it online." Everyone looked at me. Wh-what? I-I won't sell it! I heavily shook my head left and right. "N-no!"

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