Chapter 14

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SundayJinx 113-2nd Half

Today is Sunday. Another end of the week and I getto be with Ms. Jung. Today is different though, really different. She told me to meet her up in a malltoday, kinda new eh? This is the second month we have been.. Doing stuff together. I think Jessica's still the same so I decided to leave how I feel for her, try. Try to forget, somehow. I tried to do what she had advised me to do, enjoy it. I'm enjoying.. Just being with her that is.

But right now, I am not with her. I'm running late, but she's not texting. The only text she sent me this day was the location of the coffee shop she'll met me. I am so late. I hope she's not mad at me, I'll freak out if she does. Geez. It was the entire alarm clocks fault Ms. Jung! It wasn't me! Uhg, I woke up late because I stayed up last night till dawn 'cause of Jessica. Her stamina is great; she never gets tired; of running in my head. Get that? Okay corny.

Oh no, the bus is in a traffic jam! Damn luck. Maybe I should call her and tell her to wait? But what if she's busy shopping? I don't have the right to make her wait. Yoona it's none of your business! Yoona you're my student I'm your teacher! Blah blah, she'll probably say those things again. Sigh.

I looked down, still thinking twice if I'll ask her to wait. Jessica, do you know how cold you looked that day? It was like for a moment, everything became cold. It’s like a frozen spear stabbed and penetrated my heart, till I became ice. But now, when you ask of me.. I come running again. I'm the world's biggest idiot am I? No. I'm the loser right?

"Hurry up will you!" She shouted. Sh-t! Is she mad? Yes she is, Yoona! Uhg, damn this bus. Should I get off and run? But it's still far away. I looked outside, the traffic is so tied, it doesn't even move a bit. Damn! I wonder what the hell happen? It's so hot outside.. Mr. Sun is shining bright. I'll be covered in sweat when I get there.. I'll look like Chicken Little dipped in water.. But..

Oh what the hell!

Just go!

I got off the bus and ran to my fair Jessica. Just think of this as some RPG game where you run everywhere the world. But they don't get tired, I do. And I'm sweating on my arm pit damn it, so embarrassing! I stopped for a while, damn I ran like I robbed from someone. I looked at my destination, still far and not just far it's very far. Oh bad luck! I ran once more, and the traffic had cleared. What theF?!

I continued to run, sweating like hell because of theheat. Oh sh-t! There goes the bus I rode earlier, damn it! W-wait! Wait! I'll take the bus! This is not my day! Uhg damn it!

Okay so I arrived at the mall. Of course I took the bus ride, I don't care if I waste my allowance on this.This is Ms. Jung were talking about, and I won't make her wait. But inside the bus people sorta laughed at me, I know I know. I look like a complete trash. Geez.

Now I need to find this coffee shop she's hanging out. I don't often go to malls, I wonder where that shop is.

As I walked around, I stopped to look at a flower shop. Maybe I should give her one? But she'll get mad. She'll say 'It makes me think you like me' again but.. A student can give gifts to her favorite teacher right? Besides, I'm late anyways so a little compensation won't hurt. But it will hurt my pocket, big time.

I entered the shop and choose the cute bouquet I found. It had a combination of red and white roses, tied in a pink bundle, pretty cute. I hope she likes it. I'll tell her sorry and give it to her! I exited the shop an-

"Hey watch it!" I bumped into someone. Uhg.. Oh nothe bouquet! It got squashed and my cute bouquet is now ruined. Damn you! You'll pay for that! I looked up to the person and.. He's tall, big, he got the muscles and scary, he looked down on me with large stunning eyes. Sh-t he looks like a wrestler. Ohuh..

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