Chapter 57: Secrets Unfold

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"Hey, Kyla." Riley greets as she sits at Chloe's side on this early Thursday afternoon. It's been two days since I cried my eyes out in the bathroom stall. It wasn't my proudest moment but it got me through the rest of the day without waterworks.

I smile back at my friends. "Hey, guys." It hurts to smile. I think all my friends know just as much as me that the smile I wear is less than real.

Over these past couple of days I realize that I am not apprehensive of my disease. I am not resentful or pensive about the agony itself but I am upset that I cannot tell the people who need to know more than I ever thought they should.

I wish I could come out and tell everyone but when would be a good time?

Cooper takes company beside me, but he doesn't hold me or touch me. He doesn't even talk to me. Over the past couple of days he's been begging and begging for me to let him in, to tell him all of my secrets as if they won't wound him but I know the truth.

It'll fucking destroy him.

"Are you really not going to talk to me?" I ask. Chloe and Riley look between us, their elbows are perched on the hard surface of the table as their eyes go from mine to Cooper's each time one of us talks.

"You won't talk to me." He shrugs.

"Then why are you sitting here? Just to antagonize me?" I scoff.

Cooper jerks his head in my direction, his eyes a blazing grey as he glares down at me. "I'm sitting with you because no matter how fucking pissed I am at you, I'm afraid that if I take my eyes off of you for one split second. . .you'll disappear."

"But I'm right here, Cooper!" I argue.

"For how long?!"

I'd like to say forever but I can't. "For as long as I can."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He blinks, his angry demeanor subsides and all that's leftover is melancholy.

I shake my head, ready to stand and dodge yet another sticky situation but Riley grabs my arm. "What are you talking about, Ky?"

"I-" fuck what do I do now? It's too early for the truth but I don't think I can keep my condition a secret from them any longer.

"Kyla." The voice behind me is one I know all too well.

"Bryce. W-What's wrong?" I spin in my seat and face the somber eyes of my brown haired friend.

"You've got to be kidding me." Cooper hisses, his hand latches onto my thigh, an aggressive grip that doesn't only hurt me but it surprises me.

"I went over to your place yesterday to see how you were doing and," His gaze lowers to the floor and his fingers intertwine with another as he speaks. "James answered the door. I expected him to let me in or at least give me good news but it was neither."

"Bryce-" I stand to my feet, Cooper follows close after me.

"Don't!" Bryce grits.
"You don't yell at her!" Riley points at him.
"It's okay, Riley. It's okay." I assure my friend who's now more than heated as she sits back down.

"You've been keeping it a secret from everyone? Huh?!" Bryce knows. Fuck, he knows. If his statement wasn't evidence enough, the tears welling up in his brown eyes are proof.

"H-how could I?" I explain.

"How does Bryce know what's going on with you but none of us do?!" Cooper throws his hands in the air. Riley and Chloe join in on his chanting.

I suppose it's unfair. "I didn't tell Bryce. I haven't told anyone. There's a good reason for it too." Eyeing Bryce's wet face as tears fall down his cheeks in waves, It proves to be the perfect example as to why I haven't told anyone about my illness.

If everyone found out then I wouldn't only be seen as sick and frail but I'd be ruining more lives than one.

"And you haven't told us either." Chloe sighs, running her fingers through her knotted blonde locks, her shoulders fall in defeat.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's not something that just comes up in a conversation. It's not even something I want to converse about," I lean back against the table. My friends gather around, eyes distraught and brows knitted together. "I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Cooper asks.
"Of how the truth will impact everyone." I admit. Averting my gaze towards the lunchroom door behind them.
"Whatever it is, we can help." Riley exclaims and Chloe nods in unison.

If they only knew.

"Yeah! If it's mono or if it's something worse. We'll be here for you, every step of the way." Chloe adds.

"That won't be long." Bryce scoffs.
"Shut. Up." I fume.
"What does he mean?" Cooper asks impatiently.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I shake my head. "N-Nothing."

"Kyla Daniels, I swear to fucking God. You better tell us what's going on right now or-" Cooper seethes. His body literally shakes in its skin and I fear that this might be it for me. There's no way out, I'm in too deep. So are they.

"I. . .I'm dying Cooper."

A/N: Who expected the secret with Cooper?
Or did you guys expect something else?
Until next time!


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