Author's Note

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I know you probably want to hurry up and get to the story but I don't give a crapcake so this Author's Note will be here whether you like it or not. Anyways, you have 2 options right now. You can read this and move on with your life, OR, you don't read this and have NO idea what is going on for the rest of the book. The choice is yours. Also, please tell me if I do something wrong so I can correct it. I worked really hard on this and I want it to be... PERFECT!!!

•Bolded means that I, (the author or Author-Chan if you'd like), is speaking.
Italicized means the person is thinking or talking in their head and not out loud.
Underlined is a timeskip.
•Regular means the story is just being written as it should be.
•"....." means the character is talking out loud.
Bolded, Underlined, and Italicized means a flashback is happening.

That's all I had to say so enjoy the rest of your day/evening!

Mō sayōnara!!😁
Translation: Goodbye for now!!😁

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