Chapter 1- Me (Monday, January 1st)

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The picture above is Laura Taylor (top right), Cana Harrison (top middle), Jason Tura (top right), Nikki Armestead (bottom left), Flora Cassidy (bottom middle), and Coach Waverly (bottom right). Enjoy the story.😄


My life is going okay, I guess. I have average grades. A in Social Studies, B in English, C in Math, A in P.E., (somehow), and B in Science. I have (sorta') average friends. Jason Tura, my Anime nerd. And Cana Harrison, my comic relief. And then there's me, Laura Taylor. But I, myself, am not normal. I have what normal people call, "superpowers."

Ha! You may think having powers is all that and a bag of chips but get this...even though I have Super Speed, I'm still late for the bus! And walking to school is a pain. Having Super Strength ultimately makes you heavier, no matter how much you weigh. And the backpack doesn't help. I guess I should tell you my powers now. I have Super Speed, Super Strength, a Sonic Scream, and the power to control fire and water against my will. Oh, and if I concentrate really hard, I can turn invisible or look like anything I see or touch.

The only people who know about my powers are Jason and Cana. Well...actually...just Jason. I plan on telling Cana today. Cana's, like, the queen of social media so I figured I'd wait because if I did tell her the day I told Jason, it would probably be on the news by now, my mom would ground me for life, and I'd get experimented on by scientists and we wouldn't want that now would we?

As I arrived on school grounds, Jason Anime ran towards me. Smiling, braces and all."Weeaboo!" Jason shouted as he ran toward me. "Weeaboo!" I shouted back.

Jason: So, did you tell her yet?
Laura: Pfft, no! But don't worry, I'll tell her later.
Jason: Sure...everyone knows that that's your secret code for, I'll tell her, NEVER! Haha!

I gave him a skeptical look.

Laura: Well, I'll tell her this time. Um.. don't you have class right now?
Jason: Oh, yeah. Bye! (runs off)
Laura: Bye. 'How could he have forgotten...?'

Later, During P.E. ...

As I was about to walk up to Cana and tell her, Coach Waverly made an announcement. I figured I'd tell her after she was done talking. "Boys and girls, we are going to play a very special game on this lovely Monday!" All the students in the gym groaned. I'm guessing it's because it was a very cold, wet, and rainy Monday. "We are going to play a game that every boy and girl adores..." everybody leaned in closer and the gym was silent. "DODGEBALL!!!" Coach Waverly shouted at the top of her lungs. All the girls nearly cried in fear while the boys acted like they just won the Super Bowl.

My other friend Nikki, A Navajo girl with beautiful long, brown hair with glasses, leaned over and whispered, "Doesn't she mean, a game that all girls hate and game that all boys love more than their girlfriends?" I swear I couldn't stop laughing. After we got changed out, the game started. Coach Daniel, (our guy coach), called a "boy vs. girl" game. Some of the girls actually played! But me, Cana, Nikki, and my other friend Flora, a short girl with red hair, stayed in the back and dodged.

Eventually, all of our team got out so it was just me and my friends and all of the boys against us (What are the odds, and I right?). The rule is, if you get hit three times with a ball, you're out. And that's the ONLY rule. The first time I got hit was by this kid named BJ. The ball hit me in the stomach but not hard. Then I got hit the face really hard by a kid name PJ. (yes, PJ and BJ are brothers) Everybody was whispering and thought I was gonna cry. But instead, my face turned cherry red, not of embarrassment, but of anger.

The first time he hit my face was an accident but now he was aiming for my face. He threw the ball with all of his strength. I was so mad that I caught it, threw it at him, and I may or may not have blasted him through the wall with my Super Strength. Accidently of course. The coach looked at me, then PJ, then me, then PJ again. Then she finally broke the silence with a loud, "Hit the showers, Taylor! Than meet me in my office." All my friends asked me what happened but I didn't reply. I didn't feel like it.

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