Chapter 4- Abigail's Diary

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Up above the words so high, is a pic of anime McDonald's and... um... I was gonna say pie cuz it rhymes but whatev. It's Abigail's diary so there...

As we were all walking, everybody seemed to have their heads down. The sun was getting lower so I looked at the the clock on my phone and it was almost 6:00.

Cana: So, are we still gonna get to see them...?

Kaylin: (punches Cana)

Cana: Ow! What was that for!?

Kasey: Can't you see she’s clearly upset?

Laura: No, it’s okay guys. I can still show them to you if you want...!

Nikki: No, we’re fine. You can show us some other time.

Laura: No, I want to show you them! But, not here. Not out in the open.

Abigail’s P.O.V DIARY
     Dear Diary,
                So here’s my point of view. Well, diary anyways. I was sitting at Starbucks with MY lifetime long BFF's and not to long ago, me and my boyfriend had just finished talking. (People at school say he's my ex-boyfriend but that’s not true. As far as I'm concerned, we're still dating and we never broke up. And even if we did, he would come crawling back to me in a second. So just so you know, we're a couple.) Anyways, I saw Laura walk in with her so called, “friends," and I thought to myself, ‘She looks a bit sweaty and hot, so I’ll help her out.’ I mean, I was just trying to be nice and cool her down a little.😔 (B**ch, please...😒) But here's the thing, I didn't know how I was gonna do that so as I as thinking, I casually stuck my foot out, unintentionally of course, and she tripped!

But I guess she figured that if she was going down, someone else was going down with her. And of course she chose innocent me. She purposely dumped her drink on mine and they both splashed all over me. So at that point I was covered in pink, blue, and white. It even got in my hair! Do you know how long it takes to get it o- I mean, get it done!? Anyways, after she fell, she had the audacity to try to steal MY boyfriend!! And she wants to call me a mean drama starter! I wanted to give her a price of my mind, but instead I handled the situation calmly and apologized for her being such a clutz.

But then her and her little friends got all mad at me even after I tried to help. So then my bestie, Melanie, stood up for me like the best friend she is and of course, everybody believed me because the lie Laura told was straight up TRASH! So, afterward I saw them leave 
as fast as rumors spread and right then, I realized that I really wanted some Dunkin Donuts and I went to go get some and it so happened to be in the same direction that Laura and her group were going. They kept on walking up the street and at that moment, I really wanted McDonald's instead so I went to go get some. Hey, it’s not my fault they were walking into McDonald’s as well. A coincidence. I slid into the booth next to them because I was so hungry, I didn't really care where I sat but I couldn't help but
overhear their conversation. Hey, it’s not my fault the booths we're made in earshot distance.

Blame the designers who stupidly designed this place. I heard them talking about Laura showing them something. It sounded like something pretty big if she needed to do it in secret so I leaned in closer to get a clear shot at what they we're saying. I’ll write more later.
Ta ta for now!
                    Abigail C. Monstra

Laura’s P.O.V
As we were walking, the sun was lower than before. But they really deserved to know my secret so I asked them if we could just have one big sleepover instead. We ended up deciding on Kasey's place, (which was 45 minutes away), so I called my mom to let her know I was going to spend the night at her house. While we waited, we decided to go to McDonald's. But it felt like someone was there, (besides me and my friends of course), watching us or something.

But I brushed it off as soon as I smelled fries in the air. We all slid in a booth and waited for someone to take our order. A waitress came up and almost screamed in a happy-go-lucky voice, “What would ya’ like!?” and smiled real big. Almost fake. That's when we heard a scream from the booth behind us. I looked over to see who it was and if she was okay.

Abigail’s P.O.V DIARY
                   Dear Diary,
                                     I was listening to the conversation they were having when this waitress rudely snuck up on me and shouted right in my ear, "What would ya' like!?" She scared me so much that I actually screamed. That's when Laura looked over like the snoop she is and she said, “Are you okay?” And batted her eyes all innocent like. She probably set her up to do that. Then her eyes got all narrow and she said "Oh, nevermind. And what are you doing here anyways? I thought you  were at Starbucks?"

She was very rude about it to. "I just really wanted McDonald's all of the sudden. Besides, I didn't know you were here. But I guess I should expect you guys to be here at a cheap place like this since you guys are dirt broke." I replied. Hey, it’s not my fault that they're broke and they were hanging out at a cheap place like McBurgerKing or somewhere. "Let's keep in mind that you're here to Abigail..." Said one of her ditzy little friends.

Then, accusingly, another one of her friends said, "You were trying to listen to our conversation! That's the lowest of the low!" How dare she call me low!
I have WAY more money than her. So, I have no idea what gave her the right to call me low! That's when I had enough abuse for one day. I turned away and walked outta there. But I still knew they were up to something. But what? No worries. I WILL find out. No matter what!
Ta ta for now!
                     Abigail C. Monstra

This took so long to write But its finally done! I'm really sorry I took so long to update. And no, I don't have some dead end excuse about family or how my life sucks. Nope. I'm just a girl that sits on her ass all day, who somehow magically has a six pack, and looks at memes and eats and watches phineas and ferb.

In other words, I'm lazy af.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!😀 Ta Ta my lovelys!!

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