Chapter 7- A Monstra-sity Encounter (Tuesday, February 3rd)

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It's been a whole month and people are still talking about the so called horrible, awful, could-have-killed-her things I did too her. (I still don't see how a Starbucks drink could have killed her…so then I asked that question too the people and everyone said she could have drowned and I don't see how you could DROWN in a Starbucks drink…) Anyways, I walked into the cafeteria and Cana came
running up to me like she normally does and then from Jason I heard, “Weeaboo!!!” It echoed in the cafeteria and everybody turned and looked but I didn't really care. If my friends are weird, then I'm weird to. If my friends are sad, then I’m sad to and vise versa. It's just how it works with us.

Cana: Hello.
Jason: Don't look directly into my eyes.
Laura: Why?
Jason: I’ll dab if you do…

 Laura: Why? Jason: I’ll dab if you do…

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Cana: Yeah. He’s already done that too me. When I get home, I’m gonna bleach my eyes of the cringeyness.
Laura: I don't know what you guys are talking about. You're both cringey!

That's when the strangest thing happened...Abigail Monstra walked up to US! And she did it all friendly-like too. Then she smiled like we had been besties since Kinder. I just decided to ignore her and walk away so that's what we did. Until she ran after us calling my name like a psycho.

Monstra-sity: Laura!!! Wait a second!! *catches up too Laura and Cana* It's hard to run after you guys in heels.
Laura: Well then, maybe you shouldn't wear them. They’re bad for your feet anyways.

onstra-sity: Excuse me!? These were-I mean-thanks for the tip! *fake smiles*

Cana: Um, why are you acting so fake?
Monstra-sity: Well, I was just trying too be nice. Anyways, can I talk to Laura for a sec?
Cana: Well, no, I don't like yo-
Monstra-sity: Get lost! (pushes Cana)
Laura: Hey…!
Monstra-sity: Anyways, I just wanted to say that it's okay if you didn't mean to trip ME. Besides, I know you're just a little bit clumsy. Well, a lot clumsy.
Laura: I'm not clumsy. You just tripped me is all. You're just mean.
Monstra-sity: How dare you say that!? I can have you expelled if I wanted so I suggest you shut your trap before I make you're life miserable. First you're friends, then the school, then for the rest of your dorky little- OOWW!!!

I couldn't help it! She was saying all that stuff about me and how she was gonna ruin my life. So I couldn't help but kick her. But at least I didn't use my Super Strenght or else her shin would be broken and I'd be in more trouble than I probably already am. Besides, she was being all bitchy about it. Mackenzie Hollister soudin' ass... (Dork Diary reference LEs ggOOo!!)

Monstra-sity: I'm gonna get you for that!! I'll have my dad suspend you for the rest of the year so I don't have too look at that lowlife face of yours!!
Laura: Go ahead and do that…*walks away*.

“So what did she want?” Cana asked as I finally caught up with her. “To talk I guess. Well, more like complain.” I said. Then, Cana started looking at me up and down like I was a disease. It made me feel funny so I looked around. “Do you know how to sing?” She asked suddenly. “Um...yeah I think I’m pretty decent…” I said, confused. I've been confused a lot lately. And if you knew me as a person or best friend, you know that I don't necessarily like​ to be confused. “Cool! You're gonna join our band!!” She said with a smile. “Wait, what!? I never said I wanted to be in a band. I can barely sing in front of my mom.” I said and looked at her like she was crazy.

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