Chapter 7

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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller


"Greetings, young travelers! How may I help you?"

The group was standing in front of a young woman with oddly-shaped brown hair, her artist's cape perched between two "wings" of her brown hair. After the incident at Pallet Town, they had immediately come here, for reasons Ash would not disclose.

"Uh, well," Dawn said, using a sassy tone. "This guy over here, who happens to be our companion, won't tell us, so...ask him, not us."

"We are here to see the final Guardians of the Eons," Ash said. His allies looked at him strangely as the woman raised an eyebrow, studying Ash closely.

"You realize you just spoke in this language none of us know?" Dawn said, frowning at Ash. "Please, if you're going to speak, at least speak English, which all of us know. Unless of course, this woman doesn't, which I highly doubt 'cause she spoke English to us."

"Your friend is not very polite," the woman said, smiling. "I am Bianca; pleased to meet you."

Dawn raised her hands in exasperation, rolling her eyes in disgust. Gary gave a quick nod to Serena before pulling Dawn to the side, giving Ash time to continue his conversation in peace.

"Yes," Ash replied. "That is an issue with her. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Bianca. Are the guardians here?"

"Before you meet them, I must ask who you are. Your use of this language, only known by Guardians of Nature, proves to me that you are important. But who exactly are you?"

"A guardian of Pokémon," Ash replied. "An Aura Guardian, to be more specific." He held out his hand, palm up, as a bright blue "flame" erupted from his hand, filling the room with an unearthly glow.

"Only a true Aura Guardian can do that. Follow me."

Bianca led them out of a secret door in the museum that blended in with the aged and cracked walls. They continued through the depths of the city, through secret passages and underground tunnels that had been untouched for several years at least. They arrive at a garden, far from the city and hidden within a dense forest. Ash's companions file out of the trapdoor behind him, staring in awe at the beauty before them.

A full moon hung in the inky-blue sky, blocked only by a few wispy clouds that hung around it, barely dimming its pure-white light. Moonlight illuminated a variety of flora, many of which released a soothing smell that calmed the mind and soul. A light breeze rustled the leaves of the many trees, causing wind chimes to tinkle lightly.

Two Pokémon are seen covering the brilliance of the moon, clearly visible over its glowing surface. With jet-like bodies, they soar down as flashes of blue and red. That was how fast they were.

They landed in front of Bianca and Ash, staring into Ash's chocolate brown eyes. "Satoshi, is it not? You are here to see the Guardians of the Valley, correct?"

"Correct," Ash replied. "They are coming, I assume?"

"Correct as always," Latias said. Her tone was motherly and soft, like the one a mother uses to sing a baby to sleep. Latios's eyes flickered upwards as two humans appeared, gliding in the air. Spotting the group, they dove from above the sky. Their's wings had an odd quality about them: they were of a glassy material, which, by refracting light, changed their appearance. At the moment, they looked like two Pidgeots, but as soon as they landed, their wings folded, revealing a young man and woman.

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