I Am

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Riley and Maya were sitting in their precious bay window talking about life as usual.

  Maya - "Riley, Not everybody gets that perfect fairy tale life. Not everyone finds the person they're "Destined" to fall in love with, get married and have a great family. If everybody did, I'm sure life would be a lot better than what it is.  People like me, we don't get that. And the sooner I realize it, the better off I'll be."

  Riley - "What do you mean people like you? And I don't even wanna hear that I get left crap either."

  Maya looks at her best friend with a facial expression of half shock and half anger. "What did you just say?"

  Riley - "Maya I will always feel bad about what Kermit did do you. No kid deserves to have that happen to them. And I know for the longest time growing up, your mom wasn't there a whole lot either. But she wasn't there because she was working and trying her best to support you because she loves you. It's not like she was getting drunk all the time or shacking up with different guys left and right.  She was doing what she could to give you the best life she could. But look around you Maya! For the last 10 years of your life you have had many amazing people in your life. My parents who love you to pieces and have accepted you as their 2nd daughter since day 1. Farkle, who would do absolutely anything for you. Shawn,  who loves you more than life itself, who is madly in love with your mom, who married your mom and adopted you. Lucas, Zay, and Smackle. All amazing friends who love you as well. And of course your best friend in the whole Universe...ME!" Riley giggles. "Maya I would do anything to make you happy. I would give up my life if it meant saving yours. Those are the kind of people you have in your life. And Maya? We have never left you once... And we never will. So you need to stop fixating on this one horrible event in your life and start drinking in all the amazing moments, people, and things that you have in your life. You also need to start realizing what an amazing person you are. Now I'm not saying you need to go all Missy Bradford on us and start thinking you're God's gift to the Universe." Maya can't help but laugh at Riley's last comment. "But just know you are truly a good person who deserve good things to happen to you. And anybody would be beyond lucky to be able to say Maya Hunter is my girl friend, future fiance, fiance, future wife, wife, mother of my children. Now I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but you get where I'm coming from."

  Maya thinks about everything Riley just said before she speaks again. "You're right Riley. I need to stop thinking about what my biological father did to me. I do have truly amazing people in my life. I know I'm blessed by having all you in my life. But what do I have to give anyone? And what is so special about me that someone would ever look at me and say, She's the one. She's the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with and give the World too."

  Riley is looking at Maya like she just said the most absurd thing in the World. "Come here, right now." Riley grabs Maya by the hand and drags her over to the mirror and stands her right in front of it. "First off, lets just start off with the shallow end of things. I want you to take a good long look at yourself... Maya, you are absolutely stunning! You got the beautiful long flowing hair that most women would kill for.  Your face? Maya you have the most gorgeous face I have ever seen in my life." Maya can't hide the crimson blush that fills her entire face, seeing this Riley can't help but get an ear to ear smile on her face. "And I know this is gonna sound ridiculous coming from me but it's the only way I can describe it.  Your body? Maya your body is BANGIN BABY!"

  This shocks Maya a bit. "Oh my god Riley!"

  Riley - "Hey, I speak the truth. And you know what the best thing about your looks are?"

  Maya, looking like she doesn't know what to do or say next, barely squeaks out a "What?"

  Riley just gives her friend another huge smile before saying, "Your eyes Peaches. You have the most fascinating eyes I have ever seen. You know what I like the most about your eyes?"

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