When A Painting Brings Everything Together

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Riley and Maya are roommates now as they have always planned. They are now in their 2nd year of college and have recently moved out of their dorm room and into a small 2 bedroom apartment near the school. It is Spring Break and Maya is home alone while Riley has been in Philadelphia with her parents and Auggie visiting her Grandparents. Maya knows Riley won't be coming home until later tomorrow night so she pulls out a painting she has been working on all week since Riley has been gone. She sets up everything in the living room and before she starts she goes and grabs a few sodas from the fridge. The painting is coming out perfect. It makes her sad that she won't be able to display this one anywhere. It is of her and Riley which usually wouldn't be a problem but this is one of her and Riley kissing. Something she has thought of and dreamed of for 2 years. Something she will always have to keep to herself. She loved Riley with everything in her. For 12 or 13 years she has loved her as her best friend, and she always will but in the last couple of years she has realized she has also loved her much differently. She has realized she is without a doubt IN LOVE with her.

  She has been working on the painting for a couple hours now when she heard the voice behind her.

  Riley - "Uh, Peaches?"

  Maya dropped the paint brush she had in hand. She felt as if her heart has literally stopped and her body froze.

  Riley - "Maya?"

  After a few moments Maya turned around trying to hide the painting behind her which she knew was pointless since Riley has already seen it.  "Riley, Wh-What are you doing home already? You're not suppose to be home til tomorrow night." She looked at her best friend scared out of her mind.

  Riley was looking back at Maya shocked at due to what she saw Maya painting when she first walked in.  "Um, Auggie got sick so we decided to come home early. I figured I would surprise you instead of telling you . Looks like I'm the one who got surprised."

  Maya doesn't know what to do or say. Her heart she swore that just stopped a couple minutes ago is now beating so fast and hard, she swears it's going to explode right out of her chest. She is so scared she can't even look away from Riley even though she ants to look anywhere but at this moment.

  Riley gently moves Maya out of the way of the painting so she can get a better look at it. She just stares at it. Maya's brain is in overload. So many thoughts going so fast nothing is anywhere near clear. Riley is looking over everything in the painting. How her arms are wrapped around Maya's waist, how Maya's arms are wrapped tightly around her neck, how they are in a tight passionate lip lock. Riley speaks but doesn't takes her eyes off the painting.

  Riley - "Maya what does this mean?"

  Maya seriously feels like she is gonna pass out.  "Ri-Riley." is all she can barely whisper out.

  Riley still not taking her eyes off the painting.  "Is this."  She swallows hard. "What you want?...You want us to be a couple?"

  Maya closes her eyes due to the room beginning to spin. "This can't be happening." She thinks to herself.

  Riley finally pries her eyes away from the painting to look at her friend. She sees Maya has her head down and her eyes closed. She slowly puts her hand under Maya's chin lifting her head so she would look at her. Maya allows this to happen and she opens her eyes to Riley revealing her fear. 

  Riley - "Maya, are you in love with me?"

  Maya's eyes grow insanely wide. She can't help but look back down towards the floor.  "Yes Riley....Yes to everything."

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