New Crush

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  Riley was waiting outside of Maya's classroom, as Maya walked out Riley greeted her enthusiastically. "PEACHES!"

  Maya about jumped out of her skin as Riley scared the bejesus out of her. "Damn Riles you scared me!"

  Riley - "Sorry Maya, I'm just really excited!"

  Maya - "Ok what are you so happy and excited about?"

  Riley kind of stares out into space dreamily as she answers her friend. "I know who I'm gonna ask to the school dance."

  Maya - "Oh no, I haven't seen you have a love struck face like that since Huckleberry. OH NO! Riles please tell me you're not asking out Lucas again. Oh and if you are, I'm afraid I got some bad news for ya."

  Riley just waves her friend off. " What? No. Lucas already asked Sarah, I know that. And by the way Lucas and I broke up 5 months ago, we're just friends."

  Maya - " Right, cause we all haven't heard about you two just being friends like 3 or 4 times before." Then it dawned on Maya what Riley was trying to say. "Wait a minute! That means you got a new crush?!"

  Riley continues to look at her best friend as the smile on her face grows bigger by the second. "Well, I'd say this is more than a crush."

  Maya - "Oh greeaat." Maya says trying to but unsuccessfully sounding enthused.

  Riley all of a sudden got super excited again. "OK LET"S GO!"

  Maya - "Go where?"

  Riley - "To find them so I can ask them to the dance of course!"

  Maya was confused. "I have to be there when you ask them out?" 

  Riley - "Well I was hoping you would be." Riley answers Maya giving her her famous puppy dog eyes.

  Maya sighs, then looks at her friend and puts on a smiles. "Of course. Anything you want."

  Riley - "Great! Let's go find em!"

  The two girls are walking through the halls as Riley is looking for the certain someone.  Maya doesn't notice that Riley stopped so she was a couple steps ahead of her when she heard Riley proclaim happily, "There she is!"

  Maya stops and looks around. "Where?" Then she realizes what her best friend just said. "Wait! Did you just say SHE?" Maya turns around quickly to see Riley down on one knee with a rose in her hand. Looking at her with wide eyes of shock Maya asks, "Riles, what's going on?"

  Riley - "Maya Penelope Hart, will you go to the school dance with me?"

  Maya smiles. "Are you asking me as your actual date?"

  Riley - "Yes I am."

  Maya - "I'd love to Riles."

  Riley stands up and hands Maya the rose, Maya takes it and the girls hug.

  Maya realizes something and quickly grabs Riley's arm. "Wait! Does this mean I'm your new crush?"

  Riley - "I told you Maya, this is more than a crush. And since you already said yes to going to the school dance with me I figured I'd ask you something else as well."

  Maya - "And what's that?" Maya asks biting her lower lip nervously.

  Riley grabs Maya's hands and holds them in her own. "Peaches, will you be my girlfriend?"

  Maya - "Oh my God Riley YES! Wait, do you really mean it?"

  Riley - "Of course Maya." And with that Riley bends down and kisses Maya on the lips. As the kiss was happening the girls heard some whistling, clapping, and a few "About time" calls. The girls end their kiss slightly blushed completely forgetting that they were in the school hallways in front of everybody.

  Maya - "Hey Riles?"

  Riley - "Yea Peaches?"

  Maya - "Where did ya get the rose at?"

  Riley - "I got back up." She says as Lucas walks up to them.

  Maya - "Huckleberry?"

  Lucas - "Hey I just want Riley to be happy. No one will make her happier than you, Short stack."

  Maya grins wide at Lucas's words. "You know I am so happy right now, I'm gonna let that one slide, but don't get use to it."

  Lucas smiles at his friends, tips his imaginary hat, and heads off in a different direction. Maya then turns to her new girlfriend. "So sweetie, what are we doing after school tonight?"

  Riley - "Riley gives her a quick peck on the lips before saying. "Going on our first date of course." With that the girls head to their next class.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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