Predictability, Unpredictability, And A Bet.

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Riley, Maya, Farkle, Smackle, Lucas, and Zay were inside Topanga's bakery as usual.  

  Maya - "Riley, sweetheart, we love you. We love how kind and caring you are. We love the fact that you are a best friend to all of us...But especially ME! We love how you look for the best in everyone and everything. But honey, you are very predictable. But that's not a bad thing though."

  Riley - "You call me predictable but then say it's not a bad thing."

  Maya - "It's not!"

  Riley - "You called me predictable! You might as well call me sad and boring!"

  Maya - "Riles that is not what I meant at all and you know it!"

  Riley looks down at the floor sadly. "Yea. Sure. Whatever."

  Maya - "Ok fine, look at Farkle." Riley looks over at Farkle, Maya continues. "Loves science, ruins every movie anyone ever watches with him, will have our back til we die. Pretty predictable right?"

  Riley - "Yea?"

  Maya - "But you still love him right?"

  Riley - "Yea."

  Maya - "Ok now look at Zay." So Riley turns her attention to Zay, Maya continues. "Hopeless romantic, class clown, will have our back til the day we die. Predictable right?"

  Riley - "Yea."

  Maya - "But you still love him right?"

  Riley smiles as she starts to put what Maya is doing together. "Yes."

  Maya - "Now Huckleberry." Everybody gets a little chuckle out of this. "Cowboy, loves riding bulls, horses, and little sheep named Judy. Always tells people how he wants to be a veterinarian, will have our back til the day we die. Predictable?"

  Riley - "Yes."

  Maya - "But you still love him right?"

  Riley - "Yes."

  Maya - "And do you find any of them boring at all?"

  Riley - "No."

  Maya - "See? Predictable doesn't always equal boring."

  Riley - "Ok fine, I get it. BUT, what if I could do something sooo unpredictable, I leave you speechless?"

  Maya just laughs a little. "Sorry Riles, I'm not calling you sad or boring but I just don't ever see that happening."

  Riley - "But what if I could. What would I get?" 

  Maya looks at her friend strangely. What do you mean what would you get? You wanna make this a bet?"

  Riley - "Yes exactly. Let's say if I can do something so unpredictable I make you speechless in the next...2 weeks, what do I get?"

  Maya - "In the next 2 weeks if you can do something so unpredictable that it makes me speechless, you can have anything you want....Except money. Or anything that cost money, cause, hello, I'm always broke." Maya says with a giggle.

  Riley - "Deal." Riley puts out her hand to Maya.

  Maya - "Deal." Maya replies and shakes Riley's hand just to have Riley pull her in to a long passionate kiss. When the kiss is done Riley breaks away and stares at her best friend. Maya is too shocked to say anything. 

  Riley - "Speechless, I win. You said anything I want and I want a date. Don't worry I'll pay for everything, and you can pick me up at 7:00 tonight. Don't be late." Riley tells Maya then shoots her a wink. Then Riley turns to the rest of her friends who are staring at her wide eyed and mouths hanging open. "Sorry guys I know I said I would hang out all day, but something just came up and I have to go get ready. See you guys later." Riley then gets up and walks out of Topanga's. 

  Maya is still in the same position as Riley left her after the kiss.

  Zay - "Uhhh Maya? You With us?"

  Lucas - "Dang Maya, I think that was the fastest I ever seen anyone lose a bet."

  Maya finally reacts with a huge grin. "Best bet I ever lost. Sorry guys I gotta go. I got a hot date to get ready for."

  And with that Maya jumps off of the couch and runs out of Topanga's to get ready for her date.



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