School Dance Conversation

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Maya, Riley, Farkle, Smackle, Lucas, and Zay were all sitting in their usual spots in Topanga's when this conversation topic was brought up.

Lucas - "So the school dance is in a few weeks. I'm going with Sarah, Zay is going with random cheerleader of the week as usual." Zay playfully hit Lucas in the arm for his comment. "And of course Farkle and Smackle are going together. That leaves you 2." He says pointing at both Maya and Riley. "Are you guys getting actual dates for this dance or just going as friends again?" He says in a jokingly but sarcastic way.

  Maya - "What does it matter to you Huckleberry?"

  Lucas raises his hands in defense. "No need to get defensive Maya. I'm just saying for the last couple years you guys haven't even bothered getting dates, you just go as friends. What's up with that? You 2 could get any guy you want."

  Riley - "Ok first of all I wouldn't go that far. Well I'm sure Maya could but me on the other hand, I doubt that. Anyways, I have much more fun with Maya than I would any guy." This got the whole group of friends, including Maya to look at Riley with their eyebrows raised in surprise. Riley on the other hand realizing what she just said blushes a little, then lowers her head in embarrassment, then shoots it back up. "You know what I meant!" she hollers a little to loud in defense. 

  Maya - "Anyway, we'd probably spend most of the night with each other and leave them heart broken anyways. We're really doing for know whatever random guys we'd be out with."  The whole group shared a laugh at that.

  Riley - "Exactly, and it's just a random school dance. It's not like it's the prom." This comment from Riley again got all of her friends to look at her in shock.

  Farkle - "Riley, no school dance has ever been just a random dance to you. You have always taken every dance seriously."

  Riley - "Yea well, I gotta grow up sometime."

  Maya - "Aww, please don't." Maya says to her best friend playfully pouting. Riley just giggles and gives Maya a little shove.

  This conversation continues for another 20 minutes or so before Maya decides to end it.

  Maya - "OK FINE!" She says putting her hands up in a motion telling everybody to stop or shut up. "You don't want me and Riley to go as friends? I have a way to settle that then." She then turns to her side and looks into the eyes of her bubbly best friend, then grabs her by the hand. "Riles? Would you like to go to the school dance with me as my date?" As she asks this Riley's eye go wide in shock.

  Zay - "About time."

  Maya's head immediately whips towards Zay. "What is that suppose to mean?"

  Zay - "Oh nothing, you 2 just go back to your little conversation. Pay no attention to us over here." 

  Maya returns her gaze back over to Riley. "Well?"

  Riley still in shock takes a second or 2 to answer her blonde best friend. "You mean like a real date? Like an actual real date?"

  Maya - "Yea Honey. Look Riles, We have been best friends for over 10 years now. You are my favorite person in the world and I would do anything for you." Maya now starts to get a little nervous. She drops her head and begins to fidget with her fingers. "But for a little while now I have liked you as much more than just a friend."

  Zay - "A LITTLE while?!" Zays says expressing that it's been much longer than that. Lucas puts his hand over Zay's mouth forcing him to be quiet as the rest of the group tells him to shut up.

  Maya finally looks back up to Riley. "Anyways. What do ya say Sweetie?"

    Riley's face forms a huge Riley like smile on it right before she lunges at Maya with a full on kiss pinning Maya to the back of the couch. After a few moments Riley breaks the kiss and backs away a little. "Sorry. I should control myself better than that." She says as she lets out a nervous little giggle.

  Maya repeats herself from earlier in the night, obviously for different reasons this time. "Aww please don't." As she gives Riley a small devilish smirk. This cause Riley to blush. "So?" Maya asks. "Is that a yes?"

  Riley - "Yes Peaches. That is definitely a yes."

  Smackle - "Nice job Friar." Smackle compliments her friend.

  Both Maya and Riley looks over to her in confusion

  Maya - "Nice job?"

  Riley  - "For what."

  Lucas - "It's not important." 

  Riley then grabs Maya's hand. "We gotta go." She stands up lifting Maya with her. "We need some alone time." This brought an immediate smile onto Maya's face. The 2 girls begin walking towards the door.

  Zay - "Yea I bet you 2 need A LOT of alone time." Zay says with a smile on his face while wiggling his eyebrows up and down. 

  Riley turns around smirking at Zay. "Bite me Zay."

  Zay - "Nah. I'll leave that up to Maya."

  Maya - "ALRIGHT!"

  Riley then turns back to Maya. "As long as it's not too hard." Then she bends down and whispers in Maya's ear so no one else hears. "Then again, I might like it a little rough."

  Maya just looks at her with with sparkles in her eyes. "YAY!"

  The 2 girls just giggle and make their way out of the bakery.

  After the girls leave Smackle speaks up. "So what do ya think Riley whispered to her?"

  Farkle - "I don't think I wanna know."

  All the friends just laughed at that then went on with their day.

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