People Like Us (Taylor Swift,The Band Perry,Miranda Lambert,etc. Story)

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*Kylie’s POV*

(8 years old)

I sat in the cupboard under the stairs, wincing as feet thundered down the steps, knocking dust onto my frizzy blonde hair. I grimaced, knowing that it meant Mommy or Daddy were coming. I heard the lock jiggle and Mommy stuck her head in the small room, her face wrinkled up in disgust at the look of me.

“Here’s your food freak.” She barked, and I backed up in fear as she slammed the plate on the small table in the tiny room, slamming the door behind her. I heard the lock click into place and I cringed.

It wasn't always like this. I remembered when Mommy and Daddy would hug me and take me to the park and they were always laughing and telling me they loved me. Then I started telling them about the pretty pictures I would see sometimes. At first they assured me that they were just daydreams, but they started acting differently when the pictures started coming true.

I heard them whispering stuff about "Premonitions" and "Visions" and "Freak of nature". They started avoiding me, and finally a few years ago they moved me from my pretty bedroom with the bed with the pink blankets and the pretty pink wallpaper and into the tiny and dark cupboard under the stairs, only letting me out a few times to go to the bathroom, and acting disgusted whenever they had to be near me.

I sighed and sank into the dusty cot, the broken springs sticking into my back, wondering what I ever did to make Mommy and Daddy stop loving me. Maybe I could do something to change it and they wouldn't make me stay under here anymore. Even though I'm used to it, it's scary down here.

I sniffled, grabbing the burnt piece of toast and nibbling on it. I looked around the tiny dark room, tiny scraps of paper scattered around with little drawings of the pretty things I see when i close my eyes.

There is more stomping around, and suddenly the dark tiny room around me disappears and is replaced with the image of my Mom smiling, something she never does around me as she talks on the phone.

“You mean you’ll take her?! And pay US?! Of course! You can come pick her up in an hour!” Mom all but shouted into the phone, her voice alight with excitement, a full blown grin plastered onto her face

She danced a little as she hung up the phone, and Dad rushed up behind her, looking bewildered, but seeming to know it was something good.

“What is it Lynn?!” He asked, reaching a hand out to stop her.

She grinned and said “We’re finally getting rid of the little freak!” She cheered.

“Wait what?!” Dad screamed, seeming torn between confusion and excitement.

“That was Dr.Marcus! the Doctor I was telling you about from St.Thomas Research and childrens hospital! He says that he would love to take the freak off of our hands!”

Mom and Dad danced around weirdly, and then Dad asked “Wait, will it cost anything?!”

“Nope! They’re going to pay us $50,000!” Mom beamed.

Dad grinned and asked “What do they even want her for?!

“I don’t know, he mentioned something about research, but who cares?! As long as we can finally get rid of her!”

Dad nodded and they grabbed some weird looking bottle and popped it open.

“To finally being free!” Mom called, lifting up her fancy glass.

I blinked, tears springing up. I know Mommy and Daddy hated me because I can see the pictures, but I don’t want to leave! Especially not to a hospital! They’re scary!

I shook and sat in the tiny cupboard, waiting for the time to come when what i saw happened. i knew it was only a matter of time.

The days flew by, the familiar routine wearing me out. Mommy or Daddy would come and bring me some food, and grumbling the whole time they were near me.

On one of the few times they let me out to go to the bathroom I managed to sneak a few more scraps of paper and colors before I went back in the tiny cupboard, the lock slamming home.

I waited and waited for the phone to ring, to seal my fate. A week came and went, and I was starting to think maybe I was finally wrong, maybe I would get to stay here.

That was when a shrill phone ring a few minutes later, making me jump, slamming my head loudly on the sloped ceiling of the stairs above my head. I felt blood dripping down my head but I ignored it.

I tried to listen to what mommy was saying when she picked up the phone, even though I already knew what she was going to say.

“Shut up freak! Stop whatever you’re doing making that stupid noise!” I heard Dad’s angry voice bellowed, his angry fists banging on the stairs above my head.

I sighed and sunk into the dusty cot, a few springs sticking into my back. I heard Mom and Dad celebrating, and then after a while the lock on my door jingled.

“Come here.” Dad snarled.

I hesitated and cowered in the corner. He let out a sharp, exasperated breath and roughly grabbed my arm, his bony fingers painfully digging into my arm as he impatiently dragged me out of the room.

He dragged me into the living room, and Mom beamed wildly as she talked to a tall man in a white lab coat, a few stray dark hairs clinging to his bald head.

“There she is!” mom bellowed enthusiastically as Dad abruptly let go and pushed me forward, making me stumble.

“So you must be Kylie! I’m Doctor Marcus!” The man smiled at me, but something made me back up a little, I don’t know what it was, but he scared me.

“Kylie! Don’t be rude!” Mom snapped, cradling a thick envelope to her chest.

The doctor laughed dryly and put his hand on my shoulder, making my skin crawl.

“Don’t worry about it! Now we just must be going! Come one Kylie!” the doctor called, leading me out the door, away from the only life I had ever known.

He led me to a fancy looking car and drove me toward the hospital that i knew would be my new home.

As we drove he chatted, and I began to relax slightly. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he was nice. Maybe I’d be happier at the hospital. maybe I’d even get a full sheet of paper to draw on!

That thought was my only comfort as the hospital soon came into view.

People Like Us (Taylor Swift,The Band Perry,Miranda Lambert,etc. Story)Where stories live. Discover now