New Developments

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*Lindsay Ell’s POV*

I looked at the clock and sighed. It was 1:00AM and I was seated in the dark living room of Taylor Swift’s apartment, seeing as it was my turn to watch the monitors. I yawned and stepped over a sleeping body to go grab a cup of coffee from the batch Taylor had made for me earlier.

I stretched a little bit, and then I sat back down and pulled the headphones back over my ears, once again putting my attention onto the tv screen. It was kind of calm now, but as I saw the empty hallways, the stray doctor in a hazmat suit who would pass on occasion.

I sat there for a while just watching, and then started reminiscing about what I had seen earlier that day. I mean when i first came here I knew it was bad, but hearing about it and seeing it happen first hand were two different things.

I shuddered when I couldn’t get the images out of my head. That poor little girl looked so beaten down, and her body was almost caved in on itself. It was painful just to see how sick she looked, but actually seeing her being injected with whatever was in that serum, which seemed to be slowly killing her, and then there were the electrical shocks. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that, having permanent burn marks on my temples from that, battle wounds from her torture.

I knew that we had to get her out of there somehow. At least our plan was slowly forming. We had all contacted our record labels, and got the Country banquet/fundraiser set for a week or 2 from today in order to provide a good distraction.

But from what I saw today, from how beaten down she looks, I really don’t know if we can wait that long, but for the moment I guess we’ll just have to go with it.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn’t notice the change in the screen until the alarms had been going off in my ears for quite a while. I looked up struck with horror as the screen was filled with the doctors in the freaks hazmat suits swarming in the hallways and especially the experiment lab. I unhooked my headphones and shot up, tripping over somebody’s body as I ran.

I heard a grunt of pain and protest but I just ignored it.

“Taylor! Guys! Everyone! Something’s happening!” I shouted a few times until almost all of the lights in the apartment clicked on and I could hear feet stumbling toward me.

The first to arrive was Reid and Neil, Kimberly following close behind, the three of them looking groggy, their eyes still unfocused with sleep.

“What is it?! What’s going on?!” Taylor shouted, pushing through the crowd, her face a mix of anxiety, dread and just cold fear. Which is completely understandable. I mean we all want to get Kylie out of there, and safe, and we’ve all become attached to her in someway, but with Taylor it was different. Taylor was the one to find her, to witness all of this, and it was obvious that all of this pain was hurting her the most, and that if anything happened to Kylie that it would destroy her.

“I don’t know. They’re just….” I started, but was cut off when Blake Shelton shouted from right in front of the TV, his voice sounding half crazed.

“Guys they’re really up to something, you have to come see this!” He called.

We all traded glances and stampeded towards the TV. What we saw chilled me. they were all grouped around Kylie’s cowering body again, but this time it just seemed different.

We all stopped in front of the TV, breathless. Neil turned up the volume, and we all watched, captivated as a group of doctors pushed Kylie’s bed in, and her body convulsed, her eyes glazed over and glassy.

Suddenly the sea of doctors in hazmat suits parted and the creepy dude, whom Taylor told us was named Dr. Marcus, since she  met him when she visited the Hospital the first time, walked forward, his eyes shining sinisterly.

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