Chapter 12

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                                I woke up to the smell of chemicals. I woke up to see very bright lights. I closed my eyes again and rubbed them. I opened them again and waited for my eyes to adjust to the light. When my eyes were finally adjusted I saw lily and Alexandra sleeping on a chair. I tried to say something but my throat was to dry to let anything out. I sighed and looked out the window. Why am I still here. Why couldn't they let me die. I could be out of everyone's way." Rose oh my god your awake",I heard Alexandra say. I turned to look at her. I saw the dried tears stains on her cheek." Why would you do it", Alexandra asked. I looked down I couldn't look at her. I didn't know how to tell her." Please rose tell me because that scare you gave me was not funny I love you and I want to make you happy",Alexandra said. I sniffed and let the tears fall." It was because of me wasn't in rose",lily said. I guess she had woke up after hearing me and Alexandra talking. I didn't want to answer. I don't feel like talking at all. So I just kept my head down and cried." Rose lily told me everything ",Alexandra said. I looked up in shock." I know you didn't want anybody to know but I just had to tell her",lily said. I shook my head and looked back down." Lily can you leave the room for awhile I want to talk to rose alone",Alexandra asked. Lily nodded and got up." I'm going to get some coffee for us and tell the nurse that rose is awake",lily said heading to the door. Alexandra nodded and lily left. I was to afraid to look up at the one girl who told me I can talk to her." Rose I know that you was dating lily when we were you know",Alexandra said. I made my self ready for her to yell at me and call me names." But that doesn't mean I am leaving you especially not after what happened last night I love you and I'm willing to help you out the best I can",Alexandra said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes." I will stay by your side no matter what happens",Alexandra said. I nodded and looked down again. I saw my wrist all wrapped up again. I could tell I was still bleeding. Alexandra put her finger on my chin and lifted up my face to look at her." I love you rose a lot",Alexandra said." I-I-I love you t-t-to",I said with a shaky low voice. Alexandra smiled and leaned in. I leaned in too and connected our lips. As our lips move in sync I felt alittle bit of happiness in me. When Alexandra was about to make the kiss heated lily walked in." Umm well h-h-here is umm your coffee",lily said handing Alexandra's coffee to her." Thank you lily what did the nurse say",Alexandra asked." Umm she said she will come in when she is done with somebody else",lily said. I had looked down when lily walked in. I didn't want to look her in her face. The words she said to me before the accident still played in my head. It hurt for her to say that. My whole life all I heard was cruel words from my own blood. I thought lily would be the only one to not hurt me like everyone else did. But I guess I was to caught up on finally being loved that I truly didn't think it could be fake. I felt tears come up again. It seems that all I been doing is crying lately." Umm lily I'm going to let you talk to her while I go get some food for the three of us",Alexandra said. I looked at her with a please don't leave look. Alexandra grabbed my hand and looked at me." You have to try to talk to her",Alexandra whispered in my ear. I gulped and nodded. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and then walked out the room. The room was silent and you could feel the tension." Rose please look at me",lily said. I shook my head no and started to play with my fingers." Well could you at least let me hear your voice",lily said sounding like she wanted to cry. I shook my head no." Well please listen to me",lily said sitting on my bed. I moved away from her." Rose look I'm sorry for what I said I was just mad at the time",lily said." I didn't mean to say something that would make you do this I was just upset that you didn't give me a chance to explain",lily said. I didn't want to hear anything else." C-c-can y-you leave me alone",I said quietly. I felt lily look at me." Yea sure I guess I deserve that",lily said. I felt lily get up and heard her sit on the chair by my bed. Alexandra walked in with food from the cafe." Babe did you at least try to talk to her",Alexandra asked." Don't worry Alex I deserve the silent treatment from her",lily said. Alexandra sighed and sat next to me on the bed. She handed me a burger and some fries. I pushed them away and looked out the window." Rose you have to eat",Alexandra said with a sigh. I shook my head and continued to look out the window." Excuse me can I come in I have to check the patient", a nurse said. I turned to her and Alexandra let her in." Well rose how you feeling",the nurse asked me walking up to me. I just looked at her." She been quiet ever since she woke up",Alexandra said." Well I do understand that because she try to kill herself",the nurse said." How long she will be staying here nurse",lily asked.  I looked out the window again not wanting to pay attention to the conversation." Well we keeping her for a couple of weeks to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't try to hurt herself again", the nurse said." Thanks nurse is there anything we can do", Alexandra asked." Well you can try to make her talk and make her happy again",the nurse said." We can do that",Alexandra said. The nurse was about to leave when she turned again." Oh and contacted her parents they should be here soon",the nurse said walking out. I stiffened. My parents were coming here." Rose what are you going to do",Alexandra asked. I turned to her and let the tears fall again. My parents were going kill me. One for taking lily and two for trying to kill myself again." Alexandra you have to stay with her her no matter what especially if our parents come",lily said. I put my head on Alexandra's neck." I will make sure they won't do anything but you are going to have to stay and explain why you two left to them I think it's time you stand up to them",Alexandra said. I started to feel my self shake." Babe relax there not here yet and when they do come I will make sure that you and lily would be safe and they won't touch you",Alexandra said pulling my head out of her neck. I nodded and Alexandra kissed me. I kissed back and pulled away before the kiss got heated. I then turned my head back facing the window.

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