Family secrets

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"Alright kel I'll see you later"

"Bye speedy. Love you."

I walked out out of kelleys house after I said bye to mrs. O'Hara. I walked home and opened the door. My father and mother were siting at the dining room table surrounded by a bunch of men. I walked in and grabbed something from the fridge.

"Mija go upstairs please. Your father and I are dealing with some business."

"Ma what's going on who are these people"

"I can't tell you but I need you to go upstairs and make sure Miley stays up there with you"

"Mom who are these people"

"REECE GO. I can't tell you but please go"

I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. I went to Mikey's room and checked on him. He was asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I went back to the stairs and sat at the very top trying to listen to what they were saying.

"Listen Boss. The shipment was delivered but the guys who received them chewed us out. There were cops there."

"Yeah most of us got out but the couple who didn't won't be talking"

"What about the gun shipment"

That was my fathers voice. What the hell was he talking about guns. I never knew what he did for a living but I never thought it would be running drugs.

"The gun shipment went fine"

"Alright no more emergency meetings. Especially not here now go all of you. Scram"

I heard footsteps and I ran towards my room. After a while my door opened and I saw my mother. She came over to me.

"Mija Im sorry"

"Mom please just tell me the truth. What does dad do for a living?"



"Your father is in the drugs and guns business"

I felt my heart sink.

"He has those guys that you saw run shipment across the country. Sometimes across the world. That's how he makes all this money. "


"I know I know mija. I only found out a couple years ago but what was I supposed to do. I had no money and I couldn't just take you both. I'm sorry mija"


"No mija I should have left but now I got myself mixed up in this and I can't leave."

"What about me and Mikey. What happens to us."

"As long as your father and I do what we're supposed to do then nothing happens. You father and I answer to someone even more powerful."

I got up.

"Mija where are you going"

"I just need some space"

I took of and I ran through the door. I just kept on running until I couldn't feel my legs. I ran all the way up the mountain and I sat down. I could see the whole city from here. All the lights. I couldn't help but think about my family. My family ran on drug money. On gun money. All of that money is made illegally and I can't wrap my head around that. I can't just act normal now that I know about this but at the same time I can't tell anyone or the police will take my parents away and then mikey and I will get separated.

I sat there for a while longer. I pulled out my phone and called the one person I wanted to talk to the most.

"Hey kel"

"Hey what's wrong it's like 2 in the morning"

"I just wanted to hear your voice"

"Hey what's wrong"

"I just found something out and I can't begin to wrap my mind around it"

"Hey your scaring me what happened"

"Nothing kel"

"Reece where are you"

"On top of the city"


"Don't worry about me Kelley. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Wait re-"

I hung up. Should I tell her. I trust her but what if she says something to someone. I can't let that happen but at the same time I don't want to lie to her. But I don't want to drag her into this. What if telling her puts her in danger and something happens. I would never be able to live with myself. But I can protect her.

My phone rang.


Should I tell her. If she ever does find out she'll be mad that I didn't tell her. I have to tell her.

"Kel Im at cherry peak"

"I'm on my way"

And with that she hung up.

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