Family reunions

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Preseason is over and our first game is against the Oregon ducks on Thursday. I haven't been able to practice for the past couple weeks because of my broken ribs but they are gettin better. I have been at almost every practice supporting my team. Officially Kelley and I both started our junior year off college this week as well. I haven't spoken to Emily since the incident even though she's tried several times.

I just finished one of my classes and im on my way back to the apartment. Kelley's sister is in town for the week and were taking her out to dinner tonight. Kelley suggested we go surfing and then grab some tacos from her favorite food truck and I thought that was a great idea.

I opened the apartment door and was immediately tacked by Brooklyn. She licked my face a whole bunch and then decided she was done with me and went back to the couch. Erin appeared from the kitchen and helped me up.

"Hey Erin where is Kelley"

"She went out to buy some beer. I told her I'd wait for you"

"Oh ok"

I put my back pack down next to the couch and went to the kitchen. I scoured the fridge looking for a beer and fortunately there were 2 coronas sitting in the back. I grabbed them, opened them , and handed one to Erin.

"Kelley told me what happened"

I sighed softly. "What did she tell you"

"How she walked in on you and someone else, she said you didn't kiss her back and you pushed her off you. Then she told me how she left and you walked home, how you got mugged and could've been killed. She blames herself for that you know. She said that if she hadn't left you, you would've been fine."

"Its not her fault its mine. If I had just known what was gonna happen. I could've stopped it before the 2nd drink."

"You got drunk Reece. Everyone gets drunk"

"Its not an excuse tho. If anything, I deserve what happened."

"Dont say that"

"Its true. I hurt Kelley. Shit if anybody else hurt Kelley id beat the shit out of them. Whats so different about me."

"She loves you. She doesn't want you to get hurt."

We both took a sip of our beers and I heard the door open.

"Erin im back!!"

I heard Brooklyn run off the couch and knock Kelley over. Erin and I quickly went over there to make sure she was alright but we ended u dying of laughter. Kelley was laying on the ground with both of her hands in the air making sure the beer didn't hit the ground, trying to get away from Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn!!! Noooo"

Finally I was able to calm down enough to get Brooklyn to go back to the couch and help Kelley up. She stuck out her tongue at us and then continued to the kitchen and put the beers away. Erin and I went to sit on the couch and turned the TV on. Kelley joined us after a minute with a beer of her own. I put my arm around her and she leaned into my side.

"Ok you guys can't do all that lovey dovey shit. I feel like a third wheel."

We heard a knock on the door and I looked at Kelley confused.

"Are we expecting anyone"


I got up and went to go answer the door. I opened the door and there standing in front of me was none other than....

"MIKEY!! What are you doing here?"

i pulled him into a hug.

"Well school doesn't start for another two weeks so I decided to come visit my big sister."

"Im so glad your here. Here let me help you"

I grabbed one of Mikeys bags and took it to the second guest bedroom while he followed right behind me. We went back downstairs and Kelley hugged Mikey.

"Hey Mike. You remember my sister right?"

"Of course how could I forget. How are you doing Erin?"

"Pretty good. What about you"

They hugged and I went to go grab a beer for mikey. I opened it and handed it to him.

"Speedy, Mike isn't old enough to drink yet."

"Mikey how old are you"


"Ehh hes fine"

We all sat on the couch drinking our beer chatting about Mikey and his lacrosse and about Erins new job.

"Hey mike, you know you have really good timing. Erin was just complaining about being the third wheel."

"Oh shut up you know I was just kidding."

I looked at my watch and then I took a peek outside. The sun was starting to go down.

"Hey if we wanna go surf we should probably go now before it gets too dark."

"Yah lets go."

Everyone went to go put on their bathing suits while loaded the jeep with surfboards and wet suits. I drove us down to the beach and everyone put on a wetsuit and then got a board. We all paddled out into the water and waited for some good waves. Erin had never surfed before so Kelley was trying to give her some pointers and tell her what to do. Mikey took the first wave and I took the second. Eventually Erin got the hang of it and she started surfing too. After my third wave I pulled out of the water because my ribs had started to hurt. Im sitting the sand watching Kelley and Erin bicker about something and Mike studying the waves waiting for the perfect one.

I looked down at my phone and began to peruse through social media. I texted Tobin and told her that I was at the beach with Kelley Erin and mike to which she replied that she was jealous. I heard what sounding like someone crashing into the water and I looked up. I couldn't see Erin. I stood up hoping that she would resurface witting the next few seconds but she didn't. After thirty more seconds went by Kelley started to panic and I ran and dove into the water.

"Where did she crash Kel"

She pointed.

"Ok stay here incase she resurfaces."

Mikey and I dove into the water searching for her. I could hardly see anything but I felt something touch my foot and I looked down. Sure enough there was an unconscious Erin. I quickly grabbed her and dragged her to shore. Kelley and Mike following closely behind. I placed her on the sand ad checked her breathing.

"She's not breathing."

I started to perform CPR until finally she coughed up some water. I turned her on her side and then laid myself down. I was breathing hard and my ribs hurt like hell but I was glad Erin was ok.

Kelley helped Erin get up and led her to the chair over by where our stuff was. I slowly got up and walked over to them. I stood next to Kelley and she gave me a side hug while I wrapped my arm around her.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For saving my headass of a sister"

Erin stood up and walked over and gave me a hug.

"Thank you"

"Your my girlfriends sister. i can't let you die."

She laughed and so did Kelley.

"Aww guys I wanna get in the group hug"

"Come on Mikey."

Mikey joined the hug and after about 2 minutes it started to get uncomfortable.

"So who's up for some tacos?"

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