Confessions of UndeadXX

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Avril stared at her clique in horror. What did the FBI want?
The door kicked open. Two officers dressed in black uniforms appeared. The first one had long hair that hung over his shoulder. He looked like the new version of Albert Einstein. The other one had a chiseled jaw with a tattoo of an anchor on the main point of his cheek-bone.
Einstein cane forward.
"Madeline Vincent, Adele Grande, Ariana Mckenzie and Avril Kahn, you are under arrest."
The girls stared at each other in horror. Madeline actually screamed. Avril noticed Adele's lips were trembling. Ariana gulped. "W-why?" She asked.
Then she appeared at the door.
Agent Laura Sheppard gazed at the four girls. They were bloody murderers. Did they think they'd run away from crime? Nice try girls. Didn't they know the Police Department had dealt with greater minds? What did they think they were? Killing and then hiding. "Where is Miss. Hastings?" She passed the girls a smirk.
Avril stared at her, confused. How did she know they had received a text from Tori? "I...I don't know." She stuttered. Her friends nodded in agreement. Their nods were fast and tight, fear scribbled all over their faces.
"Girls, how many times do I have to tell you not to lie to the FBI? We were recording every incoming call, text message, outgoing call, emails, whatever, from your cell phones. Did you girls kill Tori Hastings?"
Oh my God. First Shock: they had hacked into their phones and they didn't even know it. Second shock: Tori Hastings was dead? If she was dead, who sent that mail? Third shock: they thought they killed Tori. Oh God. Obviously that's what they would have thought. Avril had texted Ariana about seeing Tori. Or at least knowing something about her. And then they had set up this seemed so clear that they had hired Tori that day and now that they were a suspect, they murdered Tori incase she leaked some vital evidence. Oh God.
"You have no proof! How can you be so sure about it?" Sweat was dripping down from Ariana's forehead.
Agent Sheppard smirked. "We found Miss.Hastings diary. She had mentioned everything in it. Every word about the cruise. How she met you girls. How you talked her into helping them to launch the fire. And that she had no idea it was all a set-up. And her last entry was from today. She had mentioned eight letters. AGMVAKAM. Any idea what they mean?" She smirked again.
Of course. It meant Adele Grande, Madeline Vincent, Avril Kahn and Ariana Mckenzie.
"You have to go to the police sta..." Her phone buzzed. "Hello?" She answered in a loud, professional voice. "What? Well, okay. I'll set them free. Yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes." And then she hung up.
"You girls can go. You are free." She answered.
"They murderer has confessed. Sorry to disturb you." She headed towards the door and was three steps away when she turned back, "And yeah, remember your phones are still under us." And with the turn of the heel, she was gone.
The tattoo officer glanced at them and made an "uh-huh" sound and followed the Agent. So did Einstein.
What a mess.
Someone had confessed? How was that possible? Like...who would have confessed? Who was the murderer?
As if on cue, Madeline spoke, "It must be on the TV right? I saw the reporter vans outside the PD today. They must know."
Ariana hit the power button on the grey remote. The headline appeared. Of course, "Preppy Little Runner Dead" it said.
"21 year old Wren Cavanaugh confesses the murder of Miss. Hastings whose body was found today morning in a warehouse in Ohio that belonged to the Sun Boswells. The murder took place three hours before a freshman saw the body and reported the cops. Mr.Cavanaugh has to say he never meant to kill Miss. Hastings and it was all a mistake."
Wren Cavanaugh?!
"Oh my God." Ariana said. "I knew something was wrong with this guy. But, what was the connection?"
Adele shook her head abruptly.
"Of course, Wren didn't kill her. He just feels guilty for whatever Ethan did to Tori for him. That's the reason he confessed. And now that we know the mail we got was nothing but the truth, we must investigate. Because if we hint the cops about the mail and their connection, they will again come after us. We are their super-suspects."
There was silence for three complete minutes.
"The answer must be somewhere in Ohio. We need to research." Adele said.
Huh. "The police must have all the area under their protection. We can't trespass. And...we can't even talk about any of it. You know, the phone thing." Avril sighed.
There was a longer pause his time.
"3am. That's going to be our secret little code. It would mean we know something about Tori." 
"And we need to get to the diary." Madeline added.
"Right. So tomorrow, me and Madeline would go to Ohio and see what we can find. You both go to the police station and try to get inner information. And Ariana, check if you can ask Ethan about any of it."
So the mystery had just began.

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