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Friday morning Adele Grande sat in her Art History class, gazing at the white A4 size paper on her desk. A portrait of old Michelangelo sat by the paper.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was a Florentine sculptor, painter, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art...

Mh-hm. What was the need of knowing it? Like, come on, he was a great artist. His life had no influence. Not on Adele, basically.

She had more important stuff to think about. Like, who killed Tori Hastings.

Wren Cavanaugh murdering her was impossible. In a day or two he will be released due to an alibi. And then there will be a knock on her door and they will shout 'Hey, it's the FBI' and then 'You are under arrest'.

She took out her phone from her jeans' pocket and opened her mail. She had 3 new ones. One was from Wattpad, alerting six new followers. The second was from Dad telling he and Mom won't be home when she returns from school. Her parents had been completely shocked by the news. Her Mom was like, "Adele, darling, what's this?! They are just confused right? You didn't actually..." And then she had stopped. Adele had told them a millionth time that was nothing but blame. But they always met her eyes with suspicious glances. Once her Mom had even said, "Adele, if you are hiding something, please open up. We can get you a good lawyer and..." Then Adele had had enough of it. She had screamed and ran to her bed and cried. What the hell.

The third mail was from someone called . Could this be Noel Dilaurentis?

Hey Ad! Wanted to know if you were free this Saturday. Wanna hang out?

Was Noel D actually asking her to hang out? Wow. And maybe it would be a way to freshen up. And then there was Avril's party on Sunday. Maybe this weekend would be normal after all.

Oh well, alright. The bell rang and she filed out of the class with her mates. The corridor was filled with noise. A large group of senior boys stood at a side, talking in loud voices.

"Oh well Budd, were you insane doing this to yourself?" One of them said.

"Oh c'mon guys. Just leave him. He must be tired already." Adele froze. It was Ethan's voice. What was going on?

"Yeah, I heard staying nights in prison get you back aches." Another deep voice said.

Then someone chuckled lightly. Adele tried to take a peek. And then she froze.

Standing right beside Ethan Mckenzie was Wren Cavanaugh. He was free. Oh God.

She felt someone pat on her shoulder. A squeak escaped from her mouth.

"Oops, seems like Miss. Killer is on guard."

Oh. It was just Selena Erlynne. Nosy old Selena.

Adele tried her best not to look offended by the name. Miss. Killer. "Hey, control yourself okay? I'm not a killer." A smirk brushed on Selena's face as Zeya Horan took her place besides her. "See Z, she says she's not a killer. Who'll tell the cops?" And they both burst into a fit of laughter. Adele felt her cheeks gain a deep stroke of red. She was not a killer. She was being blamed to kill not only her best friend's brother but a girl she never knew.

"Will you please leave her alone? Hey Ad!"
Adele turned around to see Noel standing behind her. Saver.

"Oh, hey Noel." She mumbled.

Selena and Zeya shared an irritated glance and jogged away, Zeya almost tripping over her 3 inch high heel. Who asked her to wear heels to school? Huh, her fashion, of course.

Now Noel stood in front of her, arms folded around his chest. "So did you get my mail?" he inquired. Adele nodded. "So..."

"Yeah, I'll come, I'm free."

A smile appeared on his face. "Oh. I mean cool. There's something we need to talk about actually. You know...all five of you. But I didn't have the guts to talk to Avril or Ariana and Madeline seemed just so out herself."

Well, that was true. Both Avril and Adele had been so annoyed by all of this. Avril said it would destroy her peaceful future at Rutgers and Ariana was worried about all the stuff with Ethan. And poor Madeline was so freaked out, she was so good of a girl, she never took a sip of wine at any party, and happily accepted all hand-me-down clothes from her sister Sophia. Of course it was tough for her. It was tough for all of them though.

"So, let's meet tomorrow then?" He asked. As Adele made a thumbs up, he ran back to the campus.

Adele went towards her car and was about to sit when she saw Wren and Ethan near Ethan's Lexus, watching something from Wren's phone. They both wore a tensed look on their faces.

Adele locked her car again and acted to move back to the campus. When she passed the guys, she took a clear peek at the phone. It was a mail. From .

Tori was alive.

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