The Ashton Diaries (2)

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The wait was too much.
When were they coming?
He walked to the door the umpteenth time.
Were they even coming?
He desperately missed everyone at home.

His Mom used to make him delicious lasagne and kimchi. She never actually cooked. It was those miraculous times when she accidentally stepped in the kitchen.

His Dad had said he was buying him a new Acura. Did Avril get that? He desperately missed the times his Dad scolded him for breaking Traffic Rules.
He was awesome.

He then missed Courtney, her angry glances, her braggy mouth. Six months, and no news about her Princeton As. How did her farewell go?

And Avril. Had she played Ophelia this this? Who played Hamlet? Miss Campbell had promised him the role. God.
And where was she?
When was she coming?

He went to the bed again.

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