Chapter 2 Dead Dream

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When they arrived at the station Draco took his things onto the crowded bit of concrete between platforms 9 and 10. He looked behind him and to his horror saw Potter with the Weasley's. Draco's heart pounded. He panicked. Draco looked strait at the brick wall and ran.

When Draco was through the wall he was having a panick attack. He knew that soon Harry and the Weasley's would be coming through and he was sure that Harry had seen the horrified look on his face before he ran through the wall.

As soon as Draco looked up the platform he knew that he was late. The train left in one minute and everyone was now on board. Draco ran over to the side of the platform and dumped his trolley.


Shouted the platform master. Draco stepped onto the crowded train. As he looked to see which cabin looked most empty he heard he platform master shout at Harry and the Weasley's to hurry up.

Draco franticly ran down the whole train, trying to find any space possible so he could sit down. Finally he found Crab, Goyle and Pansy sitting in a cabin. Draco stopped a minute to catch his breath, before going in, then he went and sat down by the window.

"We where afraid you weren't going to make it" said Pansy

"Yeah" spluttered Crab who had began to stuff his face with all manner of chocolates and sweets.

"I got held up" muttered Draco who was staring out of the window. There was a silent pause as the three of them looked at Draco and then back at each other.

"You alright mate" said Goyle, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Draco was still looking out of the window, paying almost no attention to the three of them.

"Ok...well...uhhhh" Pansy tried to find something to say to lighten the mood. "Is there any news on Potter."

"What do you mean?" Draco had looked round at her at the mention of Harry.

"Well, you know, has he been sneaking around?" Said Goyle

"Doing anything suspicious?" Followed Crab.

"Been anywhere he shouldn't be?" Asked Pansy.

"Why should I know?!" Snapped Draco.

the concept that he had anything to do with Harry annoyed, confused and scared Draco. Crab tried to calm him down. "I don't know, we just noticed you have taken an intere.." Draco cut him off. "Why would I have any interest in the stupid, idiotic, bastered Harry Potter!"

Draco stormed out of the carriage almost on the verge of tears. He started to walk down the corridor of the train toward he toilets, failing to hold back his tears.

When he noticed that he was running, Draco stopped to catch his breath and wipe away the few tears that had managed to escape his red eyes. He was just about to set off down the corridor again when he noticed where he had stopped.

Draco had only stopped for a few seconds but embarrassment and horror overwhelmed him. He had stoped outside Potter's carriage. Hermione looked up at him and looked in bewilderment at the crying, puffy eyed Draco Malfoy standing in front of her.

"Draco, are you...", but he didn't let her finish her sentence. Draco started to run again. As he ran, he could hear the sound of conversation all around him, from every carriage; and to Draco, every voice seemed aimed at him.

Draco sat in the toilet waiting for everyone else to get off the train. He couldn't bear to face Crab, Goyle or Pansy; let alone Potter and his friends.

Draco finally got off the train. He  stayed at the back of the huge group of students in silence. When he finally reached the carriages, there was only one left. Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander where already on the the carriage.

Rolf was thoroughly engrossed in a diary that, on the front, said Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them-Notes. Luna was looking up at the front of the carriage toward the Thestrals with a blank but somehow pleased look about her.. The carriage started to move forward toward the majestic castle and Draco's home for the next school year.

"I've seen the way you look at him." Said Luna, 10minutes after the carriage left; she was still staring at the oddly  beautiful Thestral. Draco looked up. "Are you talking to me?" Asked Draco concerned. Rolf was still engrossed in his grandfathers notebook and Draco didn't think he could hear them.

"Yes, I've seen the way you look at Harry." She spoke blatantly. Luna's  gaze had now traveled to Draco. "I I don't stare at Harry!" Draco shouted defensively. "I didn't say that you stared at him Draco Malloy." She continued, "But if you think about it, you do that as well." He went bright red. "No it don't!" Draco said in a loud whisper.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Offered Luna. She now had a small smile on her face indicating that she meant well. "Do you want to talk about it?" Luna asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence. "About what?" Questioned the oblivious Draco.

"About your crush on Harry, don't worry I won't tell anyone." Reassured Luna. "You promise?" Draco sounded hopeful.

"I won't lie to you Draco Malfoy."

So Draco told her everything. How, in the holiday before their first year at Hogwarts, Draco had been going on and on to his father about how he was going to make friends with Harry and they would go on adventures and be best friends. How he knew it was was a dead dream. And how he had figured out that Lucius only put up with Draco going on was that if Harry had come round, the Dark Lord could have killed him.

How Lucius got less and less patient with Draco and he snapped. How that now Draco gets beaten every time he steps one foot out of line or even begins to mention Harry. How all he's wanted to do this whole time is to talk to Harry, set things strait. How since the beginning of this year, Draco had thought he was gay or bi or something but not straight.

Draco took a moment to take in the fact that he just told Luna everything. Well, almost everything. He hadn't told her about the cuts. But Draco didn't want to think about that right now. When Luna replied it almost scared him that she was so calm.

"Do you want me to talk to Harry?" Draco opened his mouth to speak but ended up closing it agin. "I don't mind." Said Luna, still very calm.

"No, it's ok Luna." Draco replied. He was shaking now and he didn't quite believe that he had just told Luna all that. Only him, Lucius and Luna knew.

Draco was sure that he would rather die than have anyone else know. He knew that his father wouldn't tell a soul because if he did it would ruin the family name and he and Lucius and Narcisa would be disowned. Draco, not knowing Luna whatsoever, felt like he could automatically trust Luna with his life; so in his head, Draco confirmed the fact that unless he told anyone, they weren't going to find out.

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