Chapter 7 Purple Smudge

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It was a couple of days later and Draco hadn't done much or thought much or felt much really, he just kind of went through the days working and sleeping, often skipping the eating bit of things.

Draco had just got out of bed and he
was wondering around his room trying to find something to do. He walked past his desk and something caught his eye. There where several messages scrolled across the pad of paper. "Hi. Your probably asleep. I hope your not ignoring me. Love youuuuu. I can't sleep. It's 2 in the morning. I hope your ok. Also I should probably explain something. Like how I knew you where hurting yourself last night." This was he first time that had occurred to Draco and he was now very confused and curious.

"Basically, Ron came into the common room while I was revising with Hermione." Draco's heart sank as he thought of what had happened in Diagon ally. "I just stared at him while he told me then I stood up and pinned him against a wall and asked him when and he said about an hour ago then I ran. I was so scared after what had happened the other night. I'm so sorry about Ron, he's a git." Draco took a shaky breath in and out and carried on reading.

"Anyway, your probably still asleep but I hope your ok and that you know I love you." Draco smiled and wrote back, "I love you to."

When he walked into the hall for breakfast that morning, the  first thing Draco noticed was Harry. He looked so tired and sad, like he had been crying all night. The second thing he noticed was weasel-be, or rather he noticed that he wasn't sitting with Harry but at the far end of the table. He also saw that Granger was sitting trying to talk to Harry, who wasn't showing any sign of movement. He just stared forward thinking about Merlin knows what.

Draco next noticed that Harry had a huge purple bruise plastered over his temple, reaching up to the corner of his eye and just above his cheekbone. Draco's mouth dropped open but he said nothing.

After breakfast, Draco had potions with Ravenklaw and then DADA with Griffindor. In potions, each of the students where given 10 different ingredients and had to make a green potion that made your hair turn green for 10 minutes. Draco was paired with Pansy. They where half way through making the useless potion when Pansy asked "where were you night before last? I did notice."

Pansy looked up at Draco, waiting for a response. "I told you, I was in the hospital wi-" Draco was cut off. "No you weren't. I was at the hospital wing." Draco was speechless, his mouth hanging open slightly. Pansy had a smug look on her face. "I knew you where lying!" She shouted.

"Miss Parkinson." She looked up to see Snape glaring at her. "Watch, your tone." Pansy looked down again and repeated in a hushed voice. "I knew that you where lying! I wasn't even in the hospital wing." Draco couldn't speak, he just sat there staring at Pansy, mouth wide open.

"I-I umm" Draco stuttered as he racked his brain to find some excuse to give her. "I w-was in..." All words seemed to have fled his brain and he was growing increasingly worried that she would make him tell her. Draco just looked down, he knew she knew.

"You were with Potter, weren't you." Pansy said Harry's name with such disgust that it caused a pain in Draco's chest. "You where weren't you! Draco!" All he blond boy could do was look at her. "Please don't tell anyone, don't say anything, please Pansy." Draco pleaded. "Do you love him?" She finally asked after a long silence. Draco bit his lip, "Yes," he replied softly, "I love him." Draco didn't know what to do, the fate of his future now rested in her hands and Draco hated it.

"Well, being your best friend, I shouldn't stop you, careful Draco, I don't want you getting hurt." Pansy said, genuinely concerned. "I'll be careful." The blond replied. Pansy gave him a weak smile and they carried on with their potion.

When the lesson ended, Draco and Pansy walked out of the classroom, before walking down the hall to their DADA class. As the pair ambled down the corridor, Draco heard Harry yell. He ran around the corner and down the next corridor. On the way he passed Ron who was shaking his hand violently like he had hurt it and cursing repeatedly. As they passed Ron, he yelled "Go die Faggot!" and Draco felt his heart sink although he kept on walking briskly down the corridor.

Then he saw Harry. He had a tear stained face and watering eyes. He was holding his stomach and although a bruise hadn't formed yet, he had obviously been punched, again. "Harry..." Draco said softly as the shorter boy almost ran past them. "Leave it Draco." Draco felt an ache in his heart when he watched Harry walk away, obviously on the verge of tears. He hated when harry was hurting.

Pansy was behind Draco, mouth wide open. "You-He......You..." Draco started to walk slowly to lessons. "He called you...." Draco's stopped and turned around. "Yeah, he called me Draco and I called him Harry, big whoop. We need to get to class." Pansy once again had her mouth slightly open. They both started walking to class and only arrived a few minutes late.

In DADA that day they where learning how to use non fatal cutting spells. "Move all the tables to the side and line up in partners facing each other." The professor yelled. Everyone go into pairs and finally Ron looked over at Harry, who was standing opposite Draco.

"Shove off Malfoy. Harry's my partner." Draco found himself not being able to speak as the ginger haired boy shoved him out of the way. Reluctantly, Draco walked over to the end of the line and went over to the other side to face Nevil.

"Now class, I want you to first use the least fatal cutting spell you know and aim it at your opponents lower leg." Harry was mortified. On my count 3...2...1!

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