(Lucas P.O.V for the last three days of Week 2)
How would I call this day? Probably the worst day of my life, I mean WORST. I walk into the school from the back, only to see posters of me and Alex kissing. This could only mean one thing, my bitch of a sister did this.I was beyond piss and begin to look for her, only to hear her evil laugh and people laughing, throwing things, and calling Alex words. Catherine is making people hurt my Alex, that bitch. I walk over there and my sister said, "Lucas, you should tell the people that you would never be with an fag." I could feel Alex stare on me and I only look the other way. I couldn't stare at him because I know I have to say something i don't mean, it would hurt me and him a lot.
"I would never be with that freak. It makes me wanna throw up just thinking about it. That is the most digusting thing ever. I would never like him nor would I ever love that freak" I said, I really wanna die.
I turn and saw Lucas run off, I wanted to chase off him, I wanted to.......ugh! I walk away and continue to walk into the nurse office. The nurse look at me, got up, lock the door, and walk back towards me. "Sit down" the nurse said.
I set on one of the bed and the nurse set next to me. "I saw this pics, are you okay, is Alex okay?" The nurse ask, looking very concern. She knew about me and Lucas, even though me and him wasn't together, she just knew and accepted us. "I......He......just nothing is okay, I screwed up" I answer while looking down.
The nurse hug me and whisper, "it's okay, I promise you it will get better." I let the nurse hug me for a few minutes and got up, making the nurse stop hugging me. "I need to go, I wanna go home" I told her as I walk out the room.
I walk outside to my car and drove myself all the way home. I was happy my parents were out on a vacation because I would be in big trouble for skipping. I drove up to my house, stop the car, got out, walk to the door, unlock it, and walk in, locking the door behind me.
I walk upstairs to my room, which is four doors down on the left side of the wall. I walk into my room, close the door, and laid on my bed. I really hate my sister, she is always ruining things for me. I could never be happy if she keeps coming to ruin it.
I really wanna go to Alex house and be with him. I wanna see him, I wanna hear his voice, I wanna hold him, and I wanna see him smile. I want everything of him, but I can't have him.
I love him since fourth grade. We went to elementary, middle, and now high school today. I was always watching him and I thought it was time to talk to him. I bullied him since middle school to keep up my reputation, but I hated it so much. I wish I can go back and start over with him. If I did, none of this shit would happen.
I let out a big sigh and felt like crying. I really don't cry, but Alex change that. I remember that day when I went to his house and we spent time talking and crying. I show him my true side and he and he show me his. That day was the best day of my life, I was so happy.
I smile, but felt tears come out my eyes. I know things would never be the same with him and me, and that hurts a lot.
How does it feel to have someone you love for so long finally in reach, but then y'all start moving farther and farther apart?
It hurts like being stab with a million swords in the heart, then getting set on fire.
I woke up to my parents yelling at each other, it was nothing new. I got up and took my morning shower, also I think I forgot to take my night shower yesterday. Right after I finish, I walk out with sweatpants and a muscle shirt. Yes, I brought boxers and clothes with me.I walk out my room while pushing my semi-wet hair back. As I walk out my room, Catherine also came out wearing mini shorts and an undershirt. A bitch and a whore, how funny. She look at me and smile, acting like an innocence girl. "Fuck you bitch" I glare, she really pisses me off. Catherine stop smiling, roll her eyes, and went into the game room that was next to her room.
I walk downstairs into the kitchen to get me something to eat. My parents stop arguing as they saw me walk into the kitchen. "GoodMorin' son, how was school yesterday?" My father ask while giving me that 'I already know so don't lie to me' look. I pick up meat, mayo, and cheese to make an sandwich, "who told?"
"I got a call from the school saying you skip and that there was poster of you and some boy posted everywhere. Now tell me, what was on the picture?" My father ask in a very serious tone. I froze up and look at my mom for help, she only shook her head 'no' and look away. Ugh! This is a worse way to start a day. "The boy and me were................kissing" I hesitated, but fully answered with a murmur.
My father got up while slamming his fist on the table, "What!?" I look at him, wanting to die, "I said me and him kiss." My dad walk towards me and punch me on my cheek, hard, "You are a disgrace. I never wanna hear those words pass your lips again. I going to move you out that school when your project is over. I don't want you near that boy again."
I put my hand on my cheek and look up at my father, my face really stings, "Okay father." My father walk away and went upstairs. My mother went towards me and held my hand that was on my cheek, "I'm sorry son, I'm so sorry." She held me and I felt like crying so. She finally let go of me and walk always, walking upstairs.
I stood there thinking, 'what have I done wrong to deserve this?', 'was loving him wrong?'
I love Alex, I took my risk with him, and it felt so right and good. I just wanna see him so much.
I shook my head trying to forgot all of this and went back to making food.
'Alex, I'm sorry' I thought as I made my food.
I'm lying on my bed, on my stomach, and looking at the chair that is near my desk. I really don't wanna go to practice, I rather stay home; that is what I'm doing.I bang my head on my pillow, I feel so stupid and ugh! I screw up, Catherine ruin everything, and I'm tired of this.
I wanna see Alex, I want to pay attention to him, I wanna kiss and hold him, I just want him in general. Everything he can offer, I want.
I can't have Alex at all, which hurts me a lot. I'm going to leave when the project is over, which ends in a week, and means I won't be able to see him again. No, I don't want that at all. Fuck, I want to spend my life with him, I wanna marry him.
My sister always made things bad for me, but this is the lowest she ever did. I actually love someone that I want to spend my life with, but she took that away from me. It hurts so much, I can even feel myself crying again.
I wanna text him, I wanna call him, but my phone was taking away. Why, just why?
Just........please..........let me hold Alex again before I leave him for good.
I put my head down on my pillow and groan. I'm going to hate this week and school so much.
"Alex, I wish I can stay with you, I love you" I whisper as I feel back to sleep.
I be done lol ~
If there is miss grammar, I will come back to check over it later ^.^
Week 3 is coming ~
Get ready guys, after week 3 is over and I put up a Epilogue, the story will be over ^.^ ~

Beauty And The Not SoTypical Nerd(BoyxBoy)
RomanceAlex Rodriguez, the school nerd, has been in love with Lucas Goodwell, the school beauty/popular guy, since freshman year. Now it's senior year and Alex wants Lucas to notice him. But, what if things aren't what they seem. Will Alex get what he wish...