Week 1: Marriage Project

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"Okay, the bell is going to ring anyway. See you at lunch, wife" Lucas said as he open the door and left the room. I also walk out but, stay by the door and sat down on the floor.

I touch my lips and thought 'my first kiss was stolen by my crush'. I was happy but also thought it was going to be hell. We have three weeks to play as husband and wife. Three weeks of being around him. Three weeks of seeing that sexy smirk. And he probably might be playing me like this. I'm going to lost my mind. Ugh! I actually hate my life

Welcome to the three weeks of a living hell.

Begin chapter 6:


I sat down on the wall for a few seconds till' the Bell rang. Ugh! Time for lunch and time to deal with more torture, I got up from the wall and started walking to the lunch room. I would be walking slowly but, during High School you should never walk slowly to lunch.

Anyway, I didn't get in line when I got to the lunchroom. It is a jungle when it comes to getting in line.

"Hey shorty over here!" an annoying voice yelled. I let out a sigh, Tara was calling me. I walk over there to be Tara was and set down. "What happen, you kind of look happy but, also sad" Michael said with concern in his voice.

I groan, "The sex god happen," and put my head down. "Did he mess with you again? Where is he so I can beat his ass?" Tara asks.

"Babe calm down, let's hear Alex out before kicking people asses" Michael said while holding Tara waist. Tara nodded, "okay shorty, what do you mean by 'the sex god happen'?".

I begin to blush while I thought about what happen. "W-we, H-he took m-my f-f-first k-kiss" I stutter while blushing harder. I buried my head in my arms. I sound so stupid stuttering like that and I never EVER stutter.

Tara let out a loud squeal, earning us weird looks at our table. "That is amazing, getting kiss by the hottest guy in school/jerk/your crush" Tara excitedly squeals. I can feel Michael staring at me like crazy. "Why do you keep staring at me Mikey?" I ask with a bit of annoyance in my tone.

Michael sigh, "I can't tell if you are happy or not. If you’re happy I am but, if you are not me and Tara are kicking his ass". Tara nod in agreement with what Michael said. I started laughing "I love you guys so much. I am happy but, I am also confused".

"Confuse? About what" Tara ask. “I am so happy he kisses me and did not look with disgust on his face. We actually made out and even use our tongues. But, he might be using me or in this for a bet. Think about it, who would fall for an ugly outcast like me" I practically explain to her.

Michael and Tara look at me like I'm an idiot and both said at the same, "Have you looked in the mirror?!"

"Shorty you are the definition of Adorableness" Tara said in a weird pose. It was very weird for me to explain. "You are beautiful and sometimes sexy" Michael said. "You guys are so funny and delusional" I laugh. Come on, I am nowhere near that. I may have pretty eyes but, everything else is not attractive.

Tara move towards me and took off the beanie I had on, that was covering most of my hair. My hair fell down, I had shoulder-length hair and it looks so emo. "What are you doing?!" I yelled. I was piss; my hair is being shown to PEOPLE. I quickly snatch my hat from Tara and put it back on. I'm so happy no one pays attentions to our table.

"Shorty, why you take the beanie back, you look so cute with all your hair down" Tara said. "I look stupid and no one is allowed to see my full hair" I said. "You look really attractive but, girly with your hair down" Michael said in bored tone. Then he also added, "You got curves like a girl and your body form is a little like a girl plus you have a fuckable ass". Tara nodded "true, true".

I look at them with disbelief and got up. I am done with this convo, I'm leaving. As I begin to walk, I can hear Tara calling me to come back. Fuck that, I'm going to keep walking. I was taking out my phone to listen to music but, all of a sudden I bump into someone. "You freak, look what you did?!" Someone yelled angrily. Ugh! I know that voice, it's Lucas. I look up to see I spilled his food all over his shirt. Today is so not my day, fuck my life.

"I'm sorry" I murmur. "You better be sorry, you fag" one of Lucas follower said. Lucas other followers just laugh at me being called 'fag'. I'm tired of the shit, I'm walking away. As I started walking away, someone grab my arm. "Hey, freak you are going to the nurse office with me to clean my shirt" A voice said. Lucas voice, I want to run away right now.

I only nodded my head and begin to walk. Lucas told his friends a.k.a followers he will be right back and ran towards me. We walk to the nurse office in silent. As we got to the nurse office, I open the door and half-yelled a "hello", No one answer. Lucas walks in and set down on the bed. I also walk in, close the door, grab some cleaning things, and set on the bed next to Lucas.

He didn't say anything to me so, I started cleaning his shirt. "Alex" Lucas whispers near my ear, I blush a little bit and look him in the eyes. Why does he have to be so attractive with pretty eyes? He looks away and didn't say anything. I went back to cleaning his clothes but, was pissed off. How dare he play around with my feelings like this?!

I hate this so much. First Lucas is a jerk, then his nice, then his a jerk again, and now this! Ugh! "Can you please stop this" I murmur lowly. Even though Lucas can hear me since, it is quiet in hear. "Stop doing what?" He asks. "Playing me like this. You never notice me and know you decided to give me attention in the worst way. You act so mean to me and then you act nice. I know you know I'm in love with you but, playing me is the worst thing you ever did" I explain to him as, I held onto his shirt.

I wanted to cry so much but, I'm holding it in. I can feel Lucas only staring at me. Lucas grabs my chin and made me look at him again. No expression was on his face, no emotion at all. Lucas bended down and kiss me in the sweetest way. I only grip his shirt harder and kiss back. I know I'm only hurting myself more but, I can't stop myself from loving him.

Lucas stops the kiss and got up from the bed. He walks to the door, open it, and walk away closing the door behind him.

I only stare at the door and started crying. Why, just why?! I can't last for this first week or the rest of the other weeks. I wish I never fell for Lucas, all this is hurting me. I grip my chest, what did I do to deserve this much hurt? I know all I'm going to do is crawl back to him and get hurt some more but, I can't help it. I'm in love with him and will only hope for him to love me.

Did you know that High School love is such a BITCH?

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