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Night had fallen, and everyone in the Game Shop was fast asleep.

Except for two people.

Yami and Atemu crept out of bed and changed into black clothes before they walked down the stairs and to the front of the Game Shop.

"You know that Leo's going to kill us when he finds out what we're doing." Atemu said in a whisper.

"I know, but I'll deal with consequences later. I'm not letting Tea off that easily." Yami stated.

Atemu nodded. "I want her to pay, too." Atemu agreed.

Yami unlocked the door, and the two left the house. They locked the door back before they walked away.

At the corner, they found that Marik, Bakura, and Seto were already waiting for them.

"About time you got here." Bakura growled.

"We have two very observant people in that house, namely Leo and Yuesei. If they heard us, we would have been forced to tell all." Yami said.

"Can we not do this? There's no telling when anyone will be up, so we need to get moving." Seto said.

The group nodded and got into the car that Seto had brought with him and they started to drive off.

Tea sat in her room, brushing her hair. "That damn twerp! I'm going to make sure that Heba and Yugi both pay for what they've done." Tea growled. She put the brush down and fought the urge to go over to the Game Shop and hurt Heba.

"Those bastards will be watching the runts all the time now. I won't be able to get close enough." Tea said. She smirked and said, "Of course, I could always use my feminine charms to convince someone to separate them, so I can have Heba raped." Tea laughed. "Oh, I wonder what Atemu will think of his whore then." Tea said.

A crack of thunder sounded and her windows blew open.

Tea jumped. She turned and walked over to the window. She noticed that the sky wasn't dark. She frowned, but closed the window anyway.

"I'll kill them myself. I don't care what I have to do. They are both going to die for keeping me away from my Yami." Tea said.

With that plan in mind, Tea went to bed and fell asleep.

* * * * *

Seto parked the car about three blocks from Tea's house before they got out of the car.

"So, you think that the girl will be expecting us?" Bakura asked.

"No. tea thinks that she's all high and might and that no one is going to bother to try and go against her for her actions." Yami said.

"What do you say we show her why you shouldn't mess with those we love?" Atemu asked.

"Considering that it's your lovers that she hurt, why don't you two take the lead on this?" Marik asked.

Yami smirked. "We will, but we're going to let you help out. After all, that bitch actually hurt everyone with her lying ways." Yami said.

* * * * *

Tea was still sound asleep when Yami, Atemu, Marik, Bakura, and Seto, with the help of Shadow magic, appeared in her bedroom.

"Damn. She's is obsessed." Bakura muttered.

There were pictures of not only Yami, but Atemu, too. There also pictures of Heba and Yugi, although there words of death or X's on them.

"I don't think she said that about Heba to cover all the basis." Seto said.

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