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"Yami! Atemu! What the bloody hell did you two do last night?!" Leo's shout rang through the entire house.

Yami and Atemu both jumped, falling out of their beds and onto the floor before they all scrambled out of their rooms and dashed down the stairs to find a raging mad Leo pacing back and forth across the floor while Yuesei tried to calm him down.

Out of curiosity and fear, Kyla, Sayora, and Heba came downstairs to see what was going on.

"Um, did you, um, call us, Leo?" Atemu asked a little shakily.

Leo's blue eyes fell onto them. They were full of fury. "What the hell did you two do?!" Leo shouted.

Yami and Atemu jumped backwards, colliding with Heba and knocking him down as well as them.

"Leo, what are you raging about?" Kyla asked. She was a little afraid because she had never seen her brother this mad.

"This is what I'm angry about!" Leo said, pointing to the front page.

The headline read: Local high school student Tea Gardner admitted to Mental Institution by Parents.

"What the hell did you two do?!" Leo demanded.

"Um, well, you know how we got the truth out about tea to the entire school about what she did to Yugi and Heba?" Yami asked.

"Yes." Leo growled.

"Well, we weren't exactly satisfied. We thought that she still deserved a little more punishment, so with help from Marik, Bakura, and Seto, we went to Tea's house to give her a little more punishment." Atemu said.

"By sending her to a mental institution!" Leo demanded.

"Well, she would have hired someone to rape Yugi." Yami said defensively.

"Guys, did you here?!" Joey asked as he, Seto, Marik, Bakura, Marik, Ryou, Duke, Tristan, and Mokuba came running in.

Leo glared. "You, you, and you. In here now." Leo said, pointing to Bakura, Marik, and Seto and then to the living room. He turned to Yami and Atemu and said, "You two, too."

All five did what they were told without question.

"What did I say? I told you five never to use your Shadow magic for ANY reason. What do you do? You go out and use it." Leo said.

"What does he mean?" Joey asked.

"They were the ones who caused Tea to go insane." Kyla explained.

"You did?" they all asked.

All five nodded guilty.

"It's not like she didn't deserve it." Bakura grumbled.

"That's not the point! I told you to never use it!" Leo shouted.

"Damn it, Leo! Look at all that bitch did! She lied to everyone! She called Yugi and Heba whores and lied about seeing them with other people! She tricked us all into believing them worse of them, and she destroyed our relationships with them! She hired a guy to have Yugi raped! There's no reason to defend her!" Yami shouted.

"I get that, Yami, but it's not an excuse!" Leo retorted.

"Leo, you remember how we speculated that Tea broke me and Heba because Heba could vouch for Yugi?" Atemu asked.

"Yes." Leo said curtly.

"Well, we were wrong." Atemu said.

"The bitch was completely obsessed with Yami and Atemu! She had pictures of Yami and Atemu all over her wall, and she also had Heba and Yugi's pictures with promises of death to them. She wasn't just after Yami. She was after Atemu, too. She was either going to be a two-timer , or she was going to try to sleep with one of them, and once she did, she probably was planning to sleep with the other." Bakura said.

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