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"This is getting downright ridiculous! Why the hell isn't Yugi getting his memory back?!" Joey shouted.

"Joey, calm down!" Leo said sharply.

Seto grabbed Joey by his arms and pulled Joey down onto the couch beside him. "Calm yourself, puppy." Seto said.

Joey glared at Seto, but kept quiet.

"Leo, why hasn't Yugi regained any memory, yet?" Yami asked.

"You're asking me that. Someone who didn't have any of his memory for five thousand years?" Leo asked.

"You know what I mean!" Yami snapped.

Leo sighed. "There can be any number of reasons. We already know that the accident Yugi and Heba were in was reminiscent of the one that they were in as children. It could be a defence mechanism to keep Yugi from suffering any ill effects of the memories. It could also be because Yugi doesn't want to remember." Leo said.

"Why wouldn't he want to remember?" Sayora asked.

"Do you think that the Yugi from ancient Egypt doesn't want to remember?" Tristan asked.

Yami gave Tristan a dirty glare.

"I know he was your husband in ancient Egypt, Yami, but it's just a question." Tristan said.

"And a valid one." Atemu added.

"I didn't mean it like that." Leo said.

"What did you mean, lover?" Yuesei asked.

"I meant that the Yugi of our time might not remember." Leo said.

"You lost us. The Yugi of our time doesn't seem to exist right now." Mokuba said.

"What I mean is that Yugi does have all of the memories of the present day in his mind. He just can't access those memories. On a subconscious level, Yugi does remember everything. Something is keeping Yugi from remembering, though." Leo said.

"Like what?" Duke asked.

"I don't have a clue. The only one who has that answer is Yugi." Leo said.

"What can we do?" Yami asked.

"The only thing that we can do, Yami, is wait. Yugi will remember in his own time. We just have to patient." Leo said.

"Leo, patience wasn't something that I was taught in Egypt." Yami said.

"Well, you're going to have to learn to be patient if you ever want to make things right with Yugi." Leo said.

"Why is Yugi so angry? The one from Egypt, I mean." Sayora said.

"Teana caused a lot of trouble for him. More than we even knew back then. In a way, Teana's a thousand times worse than Tea." Leo said.

"Well, both bitches got exactly what they deserve. Teana was put to death for her crimes, and tea is in a mental asylum, and will be for the rest of her life if I have anything to say about it." Seto said.

"How can you make sure about that?" Tristan asked.

Seto smirked. "You'd be surprised what a psychiatrist is willing to say about a patient for the right price." Seto said.

"You'd really do that?" Kyla asked.

"To keep her out of our lives, yes." Seto said.

"Leo, as far as Yugi goes, what do we do?" Atemu asked.

"There's not much that we can do. All we can do is wait and see what happens." Leo said.

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