Secret Notes

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HEY GUYS this chapter is dedicated to the best TRAILER MAKER EVER check out her stuff she did my trailer !!!!

Sorry I havent updated and fell off the world of wattpad hope this makes up for it :)

Chapter 4

Dylan caught up and let out a cheeky grin, I rolled my eyes at him we got to class just before the bell went late with him chatting in my ear the whole way, I kind of liked it no one had talked to me like that in such a long time. I walked to my normal spot in the back row, Dylan looked around the classroom slowly walking towards me, he past Mitche she patted on the chair next to her and gave him a flirty wink, I rolled my eyes again but Dylan picked up the pace he looked at me like a scared puppy. Mitche didn’t like that her eyes narrowed slightly then she grabbed a jock walking by and pulled him into the seat, Just then Dylan sat down close so close our thighs were touching, my heart started to beat fast I had to stop it,  I have never felt this feeling before and I didn’t want it to start now “ uh Dylan, my bubble”  “huh?” his gaze locked with mine “ you’re in my bubble, my personal space” I said drawing a box with my fingers around my body “oh sorry” he said embarrassed shuffling away slightly I let out a laugh, I’m sorry but that was too cute.

 All of a sudden a smug smile came on his face “oh so you think that was funny?” I just laughed and nodded my head, the smug smile turned into a smirk as he scooted over to me so fast nearly knocking me off my chair in the process, he pulled my body towards him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and he didn’t let go even though people were staring he leaned close to me almost two inches away from my lips his golden eyes started to cloud over he whispered so deep and smoothly “so is this to close”  I felt tingles go up and down my spine at his cool breath on my cheek, my heart flipped over and over, I felt like I could lean in and kiss him  my heart already decided like my brain had no say in it, I started to lean in, he smirked and started it lean also,  all of a sudden I snapped out of my daydream as our teacher harshly opened the door and it ricocheted against the wall I pushed Dylan away as whispers broke out around the classroom at us two ‘great another reason for them to hate me’ I thought. I looked over at Dylan he looked startled about what happened our gazes locked for a split second a flash of an emotion came over his eyes but I couldn’t put my finger on it, anyway it went as soon as it came and was replaced by a smirk.

He grabbed his book and tared a piece of paper out of it since the lesson already started, something about algebra but I couldn’t be bothered to be listening, he started to write when he finished he crushed the paper into a small ball and threw it at me, which I didn’t see the point of doing since I was right next to him. The ball ended hitting me in the forehead I gave him a playful glare as I un crumpled the paper my eyes widened as I read it at what it said, it read ‘I know that look I’m such a hottie you can’t keep your eyes off me ;)’  I slightly blushed and grabbed my own pen and wrote ‘you wish :p’ on the other side I think that’s enough I crumpled it back up and threw it at his cheek  I chuckled payback rocks ! He gave me a look then opened the note and laughed a bit too loudly.

“Mr uh Chaner” Mr Peterson our math teacher said looking up from a sheet of paper on his desk to him “is it something you’d like to share with the whole class?”  he raised his eyebrows at him, the whole class turned around and stared at Dylan, his grin dropped as he saw all the stares and Mr Petersons scowl “no sir sorry won’t happen again” Mr Peterson hmm’d “well Dylan since you love to talk you can explain to me this equation” he said while pointing the whiteboard marker at the board then at him. Dylan whispered “your fault” in my ear a slight smile on his lips, I did an exaggerated gasp “MEEE I did no such thing” he smiled about to say something but Mr Peterson butt in “Any day now Mr Chaner” Dylan sighed got up and walked to the board he took the pen and looked at the board. Mr Peterson gave him I know you will get it wrong smile while crossing his arms placing a foot behind the other leaning against the wall, Dylan started to write, when he was done he handed back the pen and walked toward me a smug look on his face Mr Petersons smile dropped as he looked at the board, I glanced at it he got it right, I was shocked I turned round and looked at Dylan he was leaning on the back of the chair slightly tipping it back, his arms  were crossed behind his head his muscles flexed while a smile was playing on his lips, “all brain power baby”  he said quietly to me I gave him a silent laugh. We both go on with our work smiles still on our faces. Half way through question twelve the sharp sound of the bell flooded through the classroom I quickly got out of my seat and headed for my next class the only class I liked I waved good bye to since he had guitar lessons.   

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