New Friends

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I made my way to art and sat down, a few minuets later a bubbly blonde haired girl came over to me, I think her name was Dalila she seemed nice she was also really pretty with emerald green eyes, she turned to face me and gave me a smile "so I heard you know the new guy he is so HOT" she said going off into dreamy land, "umm yeah I guess" "sorry I sometimes go off in my world" she laughed at herself slightly " i'm Dalila nice to meet you" she stuck her hand out for me to shake it, I gladly took it "i'm Steph" "yeah I know I feel really bad about what people say about you" I gave her a sad smile felling like an outkast again YIPPE, sencing my mood she spoke up again "but dont worry me and my friends always stick up for you we hate people the hurt others for no reason and dont worry about it you wont get picked on amymore" she said a smug smile on her face, i looked at her confused what is she on about, my mind was sarting to think that she was crazy with that gleam in her eyes.

she pulled out her hand again for me to shake aaggaaiinn am I the only one who thinks shes crazy, I shook it again eyebrows raised "I'm Dalila and I will be your new bestfriend" she said a giant smile spreading over her face, my mind immediatley flashed to my old ones I miss them so much "are you ok?" at that moment I snapped back to reality, a pang of worry overcame her face "yepp im fine" I said with a small genuine smile, she linked my arm with hers and gave me a cheesy smile.

"so whats dylan like? you to seem to be getting pretty cozy" she winked at me and I laughed slightly she beamed at me when I did so " I just met him in home room but he seem nice a little playerish though" she smirked at me liked she new something "oh just you wait and see" we both laughed together. this day must be the best day of my life in ages so far I thought to myself.

Just then miss Janey came she was the best teacher she was around twenty three really funny she wasn't like a teacher, more like a friend "Hey guys" she said stopping everyone chatter "well for this semester you are choosing what you want to do, whether its drawing, painting, pottery, jewellery making,desighning and making clothes, ABSOLUTLEY ANYTHING" she bellowed out to the class a huge smile printed on her face "also yes boys you can choose graffiti" half the boys yelled yes and fist bumped each other, I rolled my eyes at them, just so you know this is a rough school we fight ,we graffiti, we smoke well mostly the badass people do, some 'cough cough' Mitche and her cheerleading minions wear vey very revealing clother lets just say a mini skirt to them looks like what nuns wear. Other schools even gave ours a nickname Louisiana rats nice nickname dont you think, oh but we have nicknames for there schools that you cant say in public because you would probably get arrested.

Dalila turned to me disturbing me from my thoughts "so what are you going to do for your project" "oh I was going to do some stencil graffiti kind of like banksy" I said iv'e always loved banksys work, "what about you?" "I dont know oooh probably making some clothes" she said clapping her hands happily " I cant wait to get started" "me either" I said quietly as we both started to plan our projects happily, atleast I will have someone to sit next to for two periods every day I smiled to myself and carried on.

By lunchtime I was on my way to the libary when Dalila ended up grabbing my arm and dragging me into the cafeteria, I tried to pull away because to be honest I havn't been in there since my friends died, and I didnt want to see our table with other people on it, on are table not theres.

Dalila ended up winning, since I earlier found out she was on the swim team so shes got quite an arm, "my friends  are really nice trust me they want you in our group anyway, you could call us the outkast group people who per say should be in another group like say the skate boarders but decides to hang out with us so were used to new and different types of people so dont worry" she said blabbing on about her friends I sighed and let her drag me through those big red doors into the chaos of the cafeteria.

a few people trays in hand stopped and watch her drag me to a table full of people her friends I guess we passed the popular peoples table mostly glares directed at me, and smiles at Dalila I sighed, typical I thought, eventually we stopped at a table in total there were two girls and three guys infront of them all in fits of laughter, but one of the guys was annoyed with them he huffed also he was soaked to the bone with his black hair sticking to his face arms folded in a huff.

"What happened now guys" Dalila said to them like this happened to her on a daily basis, she slid on the side the girls were sitting at pulling me into the seat next to her. "oh James had another attempt at getting sophia to go out with him, lets just say it failed misrubly" a guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and a jocks letterman jacket on said whilst  laughing whiping a leaked tear from his eye, the group ended up in another fit of laughter, "guys its not funny" James said looking looking really peead off with them. "ok, ok we will stop" a jet black haired girl said  who said who had the most facinating oval eyes in a one of a kind almost peach colour she still had a huge smile on her face and little giggles escaping her lips.

"what happened this time james" Dalila said while laughing, he sighed then started talking "well I went over there to the popular brats table to talk to her, and she told me to keep dreaming, and to stop asking her or she will dump her water on me you can kinda tell what happened next" they all ended up laughing again, I have to admit I giggled slightly that was kinda funny. A girl with ginger hair that were in light curls down her back smiled, her choclate eyes sparkeld as she spoke "dont worry hun add a bit of gel from one of the guys and run it through your hair, you will look hot" she winked at him then laughed "hayley I don't think that will work my hair looks like a mop" James said frustrated playing with an end of his hair "it will trust me i am the fashionista aren't I?" everyone nodded at her.

Finally someone noticed my presence the guy with blonde hair locked eyes with me he pulled his hand out "hey im Reece steph right?" I gave him a small smile and shook his outstretched hand "yeah nice to meet you" he smiled "hi im hayley" the fashionista said the girl next to her with the amazing eyes spoke up "hey im Miranda" I smiled and gave a slight wave, I turned around to face the front to the guys, "James" James said still in a bit of a grump his black hair now starting to flick over, the next guy spoke up who had not said anything yet he looked quite shy "Niall" he said in a quiet but strong tone " dont be worried about Niall here hes our quiet little nerd skater friend" Reece said taking Nialls cap off giving him a noggie, Niall punched him on the arm and lent against his chair "OOH HOT GIRL MOTHER HAVE MERCY" Reece said getting distracted running after a girl went around the courner we laughed.

"see told ya" Dalila said nudging me in the arm, "so Steph what kind of music do you like?" Miranda said actually looking like she was interested,"umm well I like hip hop and R&B music mostly" " I like this girl already" she said fist pumping I finally feel like part of a group again I smiled. This has definatley been the best day ever.         

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