something wicked this way comes

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I sighed as I saw people walking into school with their friends, laughing and joking, a month ago that was me.

I dragged myself out of the car avoiding everyone’s stares and whispers. I heard one of the popular bitches say “look the loners back”. “Oh great ‘its’ here” I mumbled under my breath, I spun around to ‘its’ face, the only person I knew who was that cruel Mitche, the plastic barbie was leaning on the back of her sports car, the it crowd surrounding her, her blonde hair was hanging past her shoulders in light curls, she was wearing a tight black top her cleavage showing way to much than I wanted to see. Also a VERY short mini skirt any shorter you would be able to see her pants, and five inch heels, slutty as usual I thought. Her make up looked like she rubbed her face in a bucket of Doritos.

 “Hey loner, did you have a lonely time this summer” she said with a smug smile playing on her lips.  My heart sunk a little, I hid my emotions and bit back. “oh yeah I did, did you have a good time being a slut doing everything that moves” I smirked  as I put my hood up and headphones in, she glared at me as her so called friends chuckled a bit, covering their mouth trying to stop. I walked over to the school doors putting the middle finger up to the world.

I walked up to my locker and opened the little door; there stuck on the door was a picture of all of them, my best friends I missed them so much. I looked down sadness filled my eyes, trying not to get them stuck in my head again. I grabbed my books out my locker, trying to push aside my aching heart I slammed the door shut and went to form class.

 I went as fast as I could not wanting to catch any more stares, I was the first one in, I took my usual spot back row in the corner, hoping not to steal focus. A few minutes later the class started to pour in, I saw Mitche prance in like she owned the place, she looked over at me and gave me evils when she sat down, I tried to hide my face pulling my fringe to the front, Miss Miller came barging in the classroom knocking some people over, and she looked a little flustered like always(someones been behind the bike shed with Coach Dabbner). She plopped down at her desk fussing around with random bits of paper; there was a sudden knock at the door half way through form assembly. “Come in” she said, as she pulled up her glasses and looked up at the door.

 “Uh hi I’m Dylan I’m new here I’ve been sent here for um form assembly” he looked up from his lesson plan, up to Miss Miller. “Of course come up here would you Dylan” my heart literally stopped when I saw him, he was so gorgeous and so handsome. The most handsome guy I’ve ever seen. He had blonde spiked up hair, goldish green eyes you could just get lost in, he was defiantly very muscly.

I noticed how nearly every girl was drooling all over him, and the guys were protecting their women, shooting him daggers. I chuckled a little bit seeing everyone’s faces. He noticed someone laughing his eyes zoomed to me in the back row; he smirked at me I blushed and looked down at my page full of doodles and song lyrics.

 “Okay class listen up, we have a new student joining us today his name is Dylan I hope you will make him feel welcome. Dylan why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself.” He groaned and moved to the front of the class and started to speak “hey guys my full name is Dylan Chace Chaner I’m from Long island, I have a little sister called June, my mums name is Lianne, and I dont know who my father is. And umm my favourite sport is rugby um yeah” he turned around and looked at Miss Miller “ok Dylan go take a seat” all the girls slid over so he could sit next to them, I rolled my eyes 'typical' I thought and went back to my doodles.

 I heard a rough cough beside me I looked up and there was Dylan my face was puzzled with confusion “um hi can I sit here” I creased my eyebrows “sure” I said with a little bit of hesitation. He sat down. Once again everyone stared at me I sighed and went back to my page.

 “Wow” I jumped a little bit at his voice “oh sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, It’s just you’re a really good drawer” “oh thanks” “I’m Dylan” he brought out his hand for me to shake it, I took it a little shyly. “I’m Steph” “I have a feeling were going to be really good friends” he said with a sly smile “whatever keeps you awake at night”  I said as he smirked at me looking at me strangely, as if on command my heart fluttered.

 “uh oh” “what is it?” he looked at me worried “something wicked this way comes” I said looking down at the table. He turned around slightly confused, to see Mitche strutting over to us. “Hey I’m Mitche I thought I’d let you know that you shouldn’t sit with this ugly loner, you should be sitting with me shouldn’t you, she leant over and whispered but a little louder so I could hear “I can rock your world” I rolled my eyes feeling like I could puke any minuet. I knew what would happen next, he would say hell yes then go off with her and be her boyfriend, of the week. he sat there stunned at her not saying a word, luckily the bell rang I quickly took off not even a second glance back at them.

I made my way past all the people in the hallway “hey Steph, Steph wait up!” I was concerned no one ever called me Steph only loner, and they never talked to me unless they were about to talk smack about me, I walked a bit quicker, until someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. I came face to face with Dylan he was panting and out of breath.

 “god you can run fast” he said putting his hands on his knees “well I’ve had a lot of practise, running away from people” I said he looked up at me “you know that Mitche is well creepy” he said almost cringing, I was shocked I didn’t think he would ever say no to Mitche, no one ever does.  “Tell me something I don’t know” I said with a smile a proper smile for the first time in a while. He looked up at me and smiled “so I have maths with uh Mr Peterson can you show me the way” he gave me major puppy dog eyes, which I couldn’t resist” “ugh fine I’m in that class to so I guess I could” “YIPPEE” he shouted jumping up and down, everyone staring at him.  I looked at him like he was insane “ok if anyone asks I don’t know you” I said starting to walk off, he stopped jumping and pouted at me.  “Steeeeepppphhh” he said in a whiney tone I laughed, and kept walking.

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