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Sorry I haven't updated guys and fell off wattpad world so I decided to make it up to you with some new steph action and maybe some Dylan along the way ;) I plan on updating TWO stories today updated one now for you lot hope you enjoy x!x

Half way through lunch I felt like I've known these guys forever they made me feel so welcome almost like I belonged there.

right now Mirandas telling us all a ghost story, and im all wedged up in the corner of the booth listening to the story intentally, scared for my life. " so" she said in a creepy voice "the blood dripped dripped and dripped from the dagger in peruki's hand" she said tapping her polished black nails on the lunch table everyone was leaning in towards her as she told the story. She looked into everyones eyes as she spoke "Peruki leaned down and grasped the hair of the girl and whispered ............ Peruki's GOTCHAA" she yelled the last bit making everyone jump backwards breathingdeeply.

at that point some stupid idiot thought it would be clever to place there warm hand on my shoulder I shreeked so loudly, making the who cafiteria turn "PERUKI NOOOOO" I yelled bellowing through the room bouncing off all the walls I went the deepest shade of red as everyone stared at me and my new friends laughed the heads off.

I turned back to my supposed monster to find a smirking Dylan there trying not to laugh to his hearts content, I glared at him and whacked him hard on the arm. "WHAT do you think your doing?" I whispered harshly " being peruki apparently" he laughed not being able to kept it in.

"Oh haha very funny but you didn't hear the story" "it was scary right guys?" they just looked at me and cracked up laughing again, I now know how james feels embarrassment sucks. "James I now know what it feels like I feel your pain now man this isn't fun" I glared at my so called new friends " I know right it sucks he said joining me in my glaring game, "ok guys were sorry " Haley said looking apologetic.

Dalila looked up to Dylan who was kind of standing there, looking awkward as hell haha serves him right.

"hey Dylan im Dalila do you want to sit with us your more then welcome there's a space next to Niall" she said smiling at him pointing to the place next to niall she then looked at him and sighed "HEY NIALL WAAAAKE UP" she yelled he jumped, wiping drewl from his chin "what what" he said still waking up from his nap. Dylan followed the the noise of nialls deep voice. His eyes widened and a smile broke upon his face "Oh My God" he said pronouncing each word so clear it made me laugh he almost sounded like one of those pre- teens that say yolo all the time (no offence to pre- teens).

In a split second he had niall in a head lock "ok who's giving me a head lock this isn't funny" niall said getting grouchy "NIALLER" niall eyes widened "only one person calls me nialler DYLAN" he screeched, we all looked at the two confused as hell "does anyone see a bromance forming" Miranda said eyebrows raised.

At this point Reece desided to come back his hair dishivelled letterman jacket on wonky and a big pick lipstick mark on his cheek. "I guess someone had fun" james said looking over at him, at the corner of my eye I saw Dalila looking down a flash of hurt danced across her eyes as she saw Reece I have to talk to her about that, "HELLS YEAH hey why is Dylan headlocking Niall in the corner" "that's whats were thinking" I said looking over at the two who are now talking in the corner big smiles on their faces "HEY chatterboxses what's going on, how do you to know each other?" Haley said getting there attention "Niall used to go to oakly with me, my old school before he moved I didn't know he moved here" he said in a happy rush "ohhh" we all said nodding our heads.

"Hey Steph I just realized every two weeks us girls have a sleep over I know its kind of short notice but its tonight at Dalilas would you like to come?" She said in a happy tone my mind had to ruin my moment and place a vision of me and my old friends at our last sleep over all huddled around the t.v watching the notebook, tissues in hand. I pushed the vision aside "sure id love to" I smiled looking forward to some girl time, they all sqweaked in delight. I turned my head to see niall role his eyes muttering "girls" under his breath. Which made me laugh he smiled a boyish smile to me I smiled back and got into the conversation with the girls my mind thinking, I hope I don't have any of the "dreams" at the sleep over .........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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