Oppa! Be Humble! [ kpop infinite fanfiction ]

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 Nam Jihyun cursed under her breath as she walked out of the principal's office. It was the third time this week. Her oppa was going to be pissed. They were probably already calling her parents. She could already imagine all the things she was going to hear when she got home. The thought of the disappointment she'd see on their faces made her chest heavy with guilt. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

 Where the heck is Minah anyway? she thought to herself.

 She walked toward Minah's locker, hoping her friend hadn't left her. When she turned the corner, she found two tall guys standing over Minah. Minah was curled up on the floor with shards of glass beside her. Her fingers were gripped tightly around an empty cup.

 The damp purple stain on one of the boy's white shirt explained a little of what was happening.

 "Yah!!!" Jihyun barked, storming up to them. She was ready to kick some ass if either of them was hurting her best friend.

One of the boys was Cho Seunghyun, a well-known troublemaker. He was trying to pull his new friend up and out of there. Jihyun had dealt with him plenty of times, and Seunghyun knew not to mess with her.

 "Ya, ya!" Seunghyun urged, trying to pull the new kid away. He backed off as Jihyun got closer.

 Jihyun didn't even hesitate before she kicked the boy in the jaw, forcing him away from her friend as he groaned in pain. Then she punched him while he was trying to recover from the shock. His arms flew up wildly, trying to find something to grab and regain his balance. Just because he was new at the school didn't mean Jihyun would go easy on him.

 Finishing with a headlock that had them both on the ground, Jihyun decided it was a good time to ask about what had happened.

 "It was my fault. I bumped into him and spilled my drink," Minah explained in a rush. Her face was a bright pink. "Jihyun-ah, let's just go."

 "Did he hurt you?" Jihyun asked, staring down at the boy. She still had a strong grip on him, willing to tighten it if needed.

 Minah shook her head and slowly rose to her feet.

 "Ah. Really?" Jihyun asked, looking up at her friend. She quickly scanned Minah. Minah was small and a bit fragile, but she seemed fine.

Minah nodded. "I just fell myself," she murmured, "I think you went a little too far this time..."

 "I see..." Jihyun let the boy go and stood up to brush off her pants. He glared at her, holding his jaw tenderly.

 "Mianhae!" She apologized with a bright grin. She bowed at the boy and grabbed Minah's arm, dragging them both away.

 "Ahh! So embarrassing!!" Jihyun whined while they walked home. She covered her face with her hands.

 Minah laughed. "You should have seen his face!!"

 Jihyun laughed along, remembering how shocked the boy was. "Oh yeah, what was with the glass in the hallway?"

 "Oh... The light in the study hall was out so I was getting a new one from the custodian's closet." Minah explained quietly, expecting Jihyun to scold her.

 Jihyun was about to, too.

 "Ah!! Jihyun-ah!!" Minah stopped her. "We just passed your house!"

 Jihyun looked down and pulled Minah along. "Shh!! I'm in trouble. I'll go home later when appa gets home." Without looking back, she tried to hurry towards Minah's house before—

 "Yah!! Nam Jihyun, get inside the house right now!!"

 Jihyun startled. "Aish..." She murmured. She slowly turned her head, wincing as she caught a view of her very angry brother standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.

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