Fan Service

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A few nights later, Jihyun was sitting in the dorm living room browsing the Internet.

She came across an article about Woohyun. It was simply about Toheart's fansign, but she scrolled down to the comments. To her surprise, there were a lot about Woohyun.


WAH!! I WENT!!! His fan service was DAEBAK!!!



Woohyun really loves his fans♡♡♡♡

Jihyun sighed and leaned back into the couch.

"He's so loved by his fans. But why do they still say that stuff?" she wondered aloud. The girls at school didn't know him at all...

"Who? Woohyun?"

Jihyun looked up and saw Hoya walking toward her with two drinks in his hand.

She nodded and reached her hand up for a drink.

"Nope," He pulled his hand away. "This one is for Dongwoo."

"Yah!" She reprimanded, "you should treat your guest well!!"

Hoya set the drinks down, ignoring her. She got up to beat him up, but Dongwoo walked in.

"Hoya, you're already out here? I thought you were showering." He said.

He sat down between  Jihyun and Hoya, grabbing for the TV remote.

"What are you going to watch?" Jihyun asked. She suddenly forgot about the drink. Instead, she watched closely as Dongwoo changed the channels.

"There's an actiom movie showing tonight," He explained.

"Ah..." She answered.

"Hyung, I got us drinks," Hoya said, handing the other drink to Dongwoo.

Dongwoo thanked him and set it down on the table in front of him.

Jihyun sprang up and stood in front of Hoya with a piercing gaze.

Hoya laughed at her. He took her by the shoulders and sat her down. Jihyun obliged, still mad.

Hoya pulled a carton of chocolate milk out of his pocket, laughing. "Woohyun said you like chocolate milk."

Jihyun crossed her arms. "What am I, a kid?"

"Yes," He said. "Now drink up and grow some more."

"Ah! The movie is starting!"

They both turned to Dongwoo.  He was excited. With a sigh, Jihyun plopped down on the couch and focused on the movie.

The title came on. The Man From Nowhere.

"This is what you wanted to watched so bad?" Hoya asked.

Dongwoo nodded energetically.

"Why are you so smiley now?" Hoya asked Jihyun.

Jihyun grinned away, motioning for Hoya to shut up. His question was answered a minute later when Jihyun squealed.



"Are you sure you like Woohyun's room?" Dongwoo asked. It was after the movie and Dongwoo had brought Jihyun a nightlight.

Jihyun looked around. The walls had some of Woohyun's favorite drawings from his fans and posters of himself.

"I'll be okay. Don't worry. Oppa, you should rest too. You're busy tomorrow."

Dongwoo laughed. "Yeah."

Dongwoo turned off the light. The purple night light he had stolen from Hoya's room gave the room a nice glow.


Dongwoo turned to Jihyun. "What is it now?"

Jihyun wasn't sure how to word her question.

"Woohyun oppa... is he arrogant?" she asked, staring at the fan art of her brother on his wall.

Dongwoo laughed at her question. "Of course. But..." He motioned to Woohyun's decorated walls. "but he loves his fans so much and does so much fan service that his fans love him anyway."

Jihyun nodded, considering this.

"He has a humble side when it comes to his fans. It's because of Inspirits that we could come this far," He explained.

"I know," Jihyun yawned. "Oppa, go to sleep already."

"Okay okay," Dongwoo laughed before he left.

Jihyun hugged her stuffed panda tightly and fell asleep thinking about her arrogant brother and what to do with him.


Jihyun finished tying her shoelaces and adjusted her purse strap comfortably.

"Ready?" Woohyun asked.

Jihyun nodded. She was happy this morning because she would be going to watch them practice their new song. But she had something on her mind that kept bothering her.

When they got to the car, she finally blurted, "Sorry!"

Woohyun's mouth made an "o" shape. He couldn't believe his little sister had said that. "What was that? I don't think I heard clearly..."

Jihyun took a deep breath. "You're kind of a good person."

Woohyun smiled. Then he narrowed his eyes and said jokingly, "You're going to ask me for something, aren't you? You're trying to suck up to me, right?"

Jihyun clenched her jaw. "That's right!!" She burst.  "I want ice cream."

Woohyun laughed. The rest of the members arrived shortly.

"What's so funny?" Sungyeol asked. "Did you do something, Jihyun?"

Woohyun boasted, "She just told me I was amazing."

Before she could deny it, Woohyun said "Anyone up for ice cream? My treat!!"

He winked to his sister as the members got excited. Jihyun sighed. There really was no end to his arrogance.


A/N: Done!! Thanks for reading! Please vote and leave feedback!

And give NamGrease plenty of love!! ♡♡♡

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