This Song is To You

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Nope. She wasn't letting him in. Woohyun had been knocking at his locked bedroom door for -he checked his watch- thirty two minutes now. He gave up and sat with his back to the door. He needed a way to get her to open the door.

When they were young, their mother would lull her out with her sweet voice. Or Boohyun-hyung would make her smile and open it. Now Woohyun had neither of them to help him.

The rest of the schedules after the radio show had gone by awkwardly, for Jihyun had been stoic and silent, only giving some of the other members one-worded answers when they asked.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Sing for you?"

Not only did he want to cheer her up, he really needed to get his things and shower. It was getting late and they had a variety show tomorrow. He thought about leaving her alone. Sometimes, a little time brought her good mood back around.

But this time was different. It wasn't her fault this time. It was his. And if he didn't cheer her up now, he might be too busy later to give her enough time.

"Go away."

Woohyun sighed. The hitch in her voice told him she'd been crying. "Jihyun, if you don't open the door, I'll open it myself and come in."

He wasn't bluffing. He was confident he could break in using his card.

"I'm undressed!!" She yelled.

Woohyun smirked. It was a lie, and they both knew it. It was the same excuse they've used since they were young.

"It's okay. There's only seven guys living here!" He called back. He pulled out his wallet. "I'm coming in!"

"Go away you pervert!"

Woohyun easily slipped his card into the small space between the door frame and the door and the door swung open.

There she was.

Jihyun was lying facedown on his bed with her head buried in a pillow--fully clothed.

He sat down beside her and patted her back. He went full on with aegyo. "Jihyun-ah~~ Jihyun-ah~~~ Oppa is here~~ Look here~~"

Jihyun groaned. "Go away." She brought the pillow up and covered the back of her head to block him out.

Woohyun laughed.

He continued his aegyo, "Don't be sad and come to oppa~~♡" He nudged her. "Ne?"

Woohyun stood and moved over to his stereo. Jihyun's albums were stacked neatly beside it. He scanned the backs of them, looking for a certain song.

"Here it is," He smiled, holding up Teen Top's aRtisT album.

He wasn't sure if he would remember the lyrics -much less-the dance, but he had to try.

He smiled at the memory. Working with Teen Top was fun. He made a mental note to talk to Jung Yeop-aboji about it soon.

The song came on and a few other members came into the room curiously. Jihyun was peeking out under the pillow too.

"We gotta go!" Woohyun started out strongly. "Teen Top and Woohyun!"

Sungjong,  who had entered, joined in. "Can you even hear my heart or are you pretending not to?"

As they sang and -attempted to- dance, Hoya and Dongwoo joined in. The room was a little cramped, but Jihyun seemed to be enjoying it. She was now sitting up, trying not to smile or sing along. She knew all the words and most if the dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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